Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 488 Bai Yongsheng Was Arrested

Chapter 488 Bai Yongsheng Was Arrested
"Nian Nian," someone in the hall called her loudly.

Zhou Niannian turned her head away and saw Xiaolu staring at her with rounded eyes. The moment she turned her head, Xiaolu's expression turned worried again.

"Are you okay? Last night, Sister Yun and I really didn't know that you drank too much. When we were about to send you away, you still dragged me to continue drinking, and you firmly refused to let Sister Yun and I see you off."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Is that so? I don't have any memory left."

Sister Yun glanced at Xiaolu, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's true. If you don't believe me, you can ask the people in the barbecue restaurant. Many people saw it at that time."

Xiaolu nodded, "That's right, I insisted on sending you off, but you interrupted me unhappy, saying that we looked down on you."

Zhou Niannian looked at Xiaolu with a confused face, and then at Sister Yun, as if she was very confused.

"Really? I really don't have any memory at all. When I woke up in the morning, I found myself lying in the alley. I was shocked. I thought I had met some bad guy."

Xiaolu walked down the steps, smiling helplessly, "I saw you walk out of the business district and arrived at the bus stop sign before we left. I really don't care where you are."

Zhou Niannian scratched her head, "Then I might really have seen a ghost."

She shrugged, "Forget it, I'll go backstage to put on makeup first, and we'll talk later."

After Zhou Niannian left, Xiaolu and Sister Yun looked at each other.

Xiaolu walked up to Sister Yun, lowered her voice and asked, "What's going on? Is Ah Qiang so unreliable?"

Sister Yun thought of how Xiaolu left her and left by herself last night, which caused Zhou Niannian to almost have her arm crippled, and felt very unhappy.

"I still want to know what's going on." She muttered angrily.

Xiaolu glanced at her, then brushed her hair slowly, "I heard that the boss will come to make inspections in two days."

Her usual tone was like saying that the weather is fine today or something.

After she finished speaking, she went up the steps and entered the dance hall, leaving Sister Yun standing there with an ugly face, spitting at her back, "Isn't it just sleeping with the boss for two nights, what a mess in front of me, I don’t know if the boss still remembers you now.”

Having said that, Sister Yun was a little restless, especially Zhou Niannian's words made her confused. She wanted to know where Ah Qiang had gone, and why Zhou Niannian appeared in the dance hall intact again.

Sister Yun thought about it, but ignored Cai Yunpiao next door.

Cai Yunpiaoli hadn't started to perform yet, and the backstage actors were huddling together and chatting loudly.

As a colleague, Sister Yun also came here sometimes, so it didn't attract many people's attention.

"Hey, did you hear that? It's that brother Qiang who always came to dance with us before. I heard that something happened last night." A girl with a high ponytail suddenly whispered.

Sister Yun's eyes quietly fell on the girl who was talking, she recognized this girl as Caiyunpiao's resident singer, named Xuanxuan.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"That Ah Qiang usually looks quite domineering, how could something happen?"

Xuanxuan's words caught the attention of the girls, who asked questions one after another.

Xuanxuan said in a low voice: "I heard that there was a conflict with someone in the middle of the night yesterday, and someone beat me with a sap. I don't know exactly what happened."

Was beaten with a sap?Sister Yun frowned, maybe someone saved Zhou Niannian.

She quietly left Cai Yunpiao, not paying attention to Wu Xuan looking at her leaving back, the corners of her mouth curled up.

Sister Yun went straight to the place where Ah Qiang lived, but saw the far door was wide open and the room was in a mess.

She was startled, thinking that the house had been burglarized.

Sister Yun walked in, but found no signs of a fight, but the things in the house had obviously been tampered with.

She was a little apprehensive, and went back to Xiaobaihua to watch the performance on the stage, and she quietly left the business district again.

She was very careful when she went out, always paying attention to whether there was anyone following behind her.

Coming out of the business district, crossing the road, and turning three more alleys, Sister Yun stopped in front of a very ordinary courtyard.

She knocked on the door three times regularly, and after a while, the door opened from the inside.

Seeing Sister Yun's figure, Bai Yongsheng frowned displeasedly, "Didn't I tell you not to come to my place during the day if you have nothing to do?"

"Don't worry, I'm very careful, no one is following me on the road." Sister Yun closed the door gently, and then said eagerly: "Ah Qiang and the others didn't succeed last night, and A Qiang is gone."

Bai Yongsheng's face changed, "What do you mean Ah Qiang is missing?"

Sister Yun shook her head, "I don't know either. Ah Qiang's house was raided. I also heard that someone saw Ah Qiang being beaten with a sap in the middle of the night. I don't know if it's true or not?"

When the two were talking, no one noticed a colorful bird flying past on the roof.

When Zhou Niannian was waiting for the performance backstage, Ah Liang slipped in and told her the address where Bai Yongsheng was hiding in a low voice.

She found a piece of paper and wrote it down, and tied it to A Liang's leg, "Brother Li will lead people to patrol around here. If you find him, give him this note."

Ah Liang fluttered her wings and flew away again.

The next performance Zhou Niannian was a little absent-minded.

She was worried about Bai Yongsheng's matter. If Wu Xuan hadn't let Wu Xuan deliberately spread the news and create a puzzle of Ah Qiang's disappearance, Sister Yun would not be able to find Bai Yongsheng.

If she doesn't look for Bai Yongsheng, Ah Liang will not be able to find Bai Yongsheng's trace smoothly.

Hope to catch Bai Yongsheng smoothly.

Just as Zhou Niannian got off the stage after the performance, a large number of people in uniform rushed in from outside the door, "People from the Investigation Bureau came to check and suspect that you are related to the wanted criminal Bai Yongsheng. Everyone come with us."

There was an uproar in Nuoda's Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall.

Li Dongxing walked in from the door, saw Zhou Niannian standing below the stage, and nodded slightly to her.

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Bai Yongsheng has really been caught!
In her previous life, she was kidnapped by Bai Yongsheng and changed her life's destiny. Since her rebirth, Bai Yongsheng has been like a malignant tumor. If he is not caught, she will always feel uneasy.

This time I can finally rest assured.

All the cast and crew of Xiao Baihua were brought back to the Bureau of Investigation.

Zhou Niannian was also among them. Of course, Li Dongxing didn't know how to interrogate her.

She quietly made a request to Li Dongxing, locking her and Niu Xiaoqin together alone, and asking Niu Xiaoqin something. ,

When they arrived at the investigation bureau, Li Dongxing locked her and Niu Xiaoqin in a separate room.

Niu Xiaoqin was a little panicked at first, wandering around the room, seeing Zhou Niannian sitting quietly on the chair behind the door, sighed: "Aren't you afraid? Niannian."

Zhou Niannian looked at her calmly: "Is it useful to be afraid? Besides, we are just performers and we haven't done anything wrong. What are you afraid of?"

Niu Xiaoqin opened his mouth and sat down without saying anything.

 Little cuties with monthly tickets in hand, let’s have a show, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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