Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 489 The Big Boss Behind The Scenes

Chapter 489 The Big Boss Behind The Scenes
Zhou Niannian sat on the chair with her legs crossed and looked at Niu Xiaoqin's expression.

She seemed a little overwhelmed and a little nervous.

Zhou Niannian thought about it, then smiled lightly, "Thank you for what happened last night."

Niu Xiaoqin was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed, "I didn't do anything, thank me for what I did? Speaking of it, I was reckless and knocked over your wine."

Zhou Nian looked at her intently, "Actually, you know that something has been added to that glass of wine, don't you?"

"What?" Niu Xiaoqin paused, then asked nonchalantly, "I really accidentally knocked over your wine, I don't know what you're talking about."

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "Forget it, pretend I didn't say anything, thank you anyway."

Niu Xiaoqin pursed her lips, but said nothing.

Sunlight poured in from the window, illuminating the room brightly.

Zhou Niannian walked to the window, looked at the bustling scene on the street outside, and stretched her body, "The sunshine is so nice."

Attracted by her relaxed and happy expression, Niu Xiaoqin also walked to the window unconsciously, staring at the bustling crowd on the street in a daze.

"It's great to be able to walk freely in the sun like this, isn't it?" Zhou Niannian said softly.

Niu Xiaoqin slightly hooked the corners of her lips, sighed silently, and suddenly said in a low voice: "I accidentally overheard the conversation between Sister Yun and Xiaolu yesterday. I knew they were going to harm you, so I followed you to the barbecue shop."

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised, and didn't understand why she was willing to speak suddenly again.

But she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, she just felt that this Niu Xiaoqin must know something, so she asked Li Dongxing to lock her and Niu Xiaoqin together.

"Ah Sheng didn't hit you last night, did he? I think he scolded you."

Niu Xiaoqin smiled wryly, and shook his head, "Ah Sheng has a bad temper, I'll just follow him."

Zhou Niannian frowned, not agreeing with her point of view.

"You can't pamper and pamper some people. There will be a second time for beating and scolding. You can't just be patient."

"You can talk to him or choose to leave him, why do you have to choose to be patient?"

Niu Xiaoqin pursed her lips, sighed with a wry smile for a long time, looked at the crowd outside the window with a sad and lonely expression, "You don't understand, between me and Asheng, forget it, it's hard to say, let's not talk about it."

Zhou Niannian saw that she didn't want to mention the matter between herself and A Sheng, and couldn't ask too much, so she changed the subject, "Do you know who the boss behind our little Baihua is?"

"Sister Yun shouldn't be the real big boss, right? People from the investigation bureau said that someone surnamed Bai was arrested. Is he our boss?"

She looked at Niu Xiaoqin in a daze.

Perhaps because the atmosphere of the chat between the two was relaxed and comfortable, Niu Xiaoqin slowly sat down next to the window sill.

"Sister Yun is only in charge of Xiaobaihua, and Brother Sheng is in charge of the entire business district," Niu Xiaoqin said slowly, "But I haven't seen him before, and I've heard about it from Asheng."

Zhou Niannian simply sat cross-legged on the ground, "What is Ah Sheng doing for a living?"

Niu Xiaoqin lowered his head and tucked his hair behind his ears, "Ah Sheng runs a small business and knows a lot of people. He often drinks together, and he loses his temper after drinking, that's why what happened that night."

"That's right," Zhou Niannian nodded, "As long as it doesn't beat you often, girls, always treat yourself better, there is no reason to endure their men's fists."

Niu Xiaoqin pursed her lips and smiled, as if she was moved by Zhou Niannian's words.

"Actually, Ah Sheng often gives me money. There have been some accidents in my family, and my mother is seriously ill. It is because of Ah Sheng that I can support my mother and my younger brother."

Her voice was soft and low, "When I left home stubbornly, my father was mad at me and passed away soon after, and my mother also fell ill. If it wasn't for Ah Sheng's help, I would have lost my life."

When she said this, she looked up at Zhou Niannian and smiled, "So Ah Sheng loses his temper occasionally, and I am willing to endure it."

Zhou Niannian didn't know that there were still so many entanglements between her and A Sheng. This was Niu Xiaoqin's own choice, and she couldn't comment on it.

The conversation with Niu Xiaoqin ended like this, she didn't ask any useful information, Zhou Niannian felt a little disappointed.

Her intuition told her that Niu Xiaoqin should know more.

But she seemed very defensive.

Li Dongxing asked them to take them out for questioning separately.

"Did you find anything?" Li Dongxing brought Zhou Niannian to his office.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "She is very guarded, you can ask someone to pay more attention to her."

"By the way, how about the interrogation by Bai Yongsheng?"

Sitting behind the desk, Li Dongxing shook the statement in his hand, raised his eyebrows, "He is suspected of illegally reselling cultural relics, the evidence is solid, there is no need for interrogation on this matter, and I mainly asked about the business district just now."

"All the business operations in the business district are normal, and nothing illegal has been found. As for the prostitution you mentioned, Bai Yongsheng didn't admit it either."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Where are Sister Yun and Xiaolu? They also said no?"

Li Dongxing nodded, "We have checked all of Xiao Baihua's financial accounts, and there is indeed nothing suspicious."

"You know, it's very difficult for us to accuse them of that without solid evidence."

Zhou Niannian naturally knew this.

"By the way, do you know who the real boss behind Xiao Baihua is?" Li Dongxing asked.

Zhou Niannian shook her head.

"It's Yao Shicai." Li Dongxing said, after Zhou Niannian looked blank, he seemed to be very unfamiliar with Yao Shicai, and he added: "It's the third uncle of Yao Jianmin who you sent to prison with your own hands a while ago."

The Yao family?Zhou Niannian was surprised.

It was the Yao family again, and the boss behind the business area turned out to be the third child of the Yao family. Was Bai Yongsheng also a member of the third child of the Yao family in his previous life?
If so, does it mean that the third child of the Yao family is the big boss behind the abduction and trafficking of children, illegal excavation and theft of cultural relics?

"Have you checked this person?" Zhou Niannian asked.

Li Dongxing's expression was slightly restrained, and he immediately realized the meaning of her words, "You doubt him?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Think about it, this business district has just opened, and Bai Yongsheng has been wanted by the whole city three months ago. At this time, Yao Laosan dares to use Bai Yongsheng to manage the business district. If there is no relationship between them , I don’t think ghosts believe it.”

"Do you still remember that you took Ah Liang to follow Bai Yongsheng before, didn't you find out that he was called a boss?"

Li Dongxing naturally did not forget this incident. After that incident, he did not track down any other clues about Bai Yongsheng. It was not until the case of selling cultural relics in Nancheng that he caught Bai Yongsheng again.

As for the person Bai Yongsheng called the boss at the time, there was no trace of him.

"Do you suspect that person is Yao Laosan?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "I don't think this person is simple, you can check it out secretly."

 The second update is after 08:30!
(End of this chapter)

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