Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 490 Lu Qingfeng's First Letter

Chapter 490 Lu Qingfeng's First Letter
Li Dongxing put down the confession file in his hand, stroked his chin and thought for a while, then nodded, "We have already notified him to come over, but we can meet and see first."

The boss behind Xiaobaihua is Yao Shicai. When Bai Yongsheng was arrested, he was suspected of harboring criminals. Naturally, the Bureau of Investigation had to notify Yao Shicai to be there.

Zhou Niannian stood up, "Then I'll go back first, let's get in touch if there is anything to do."

"Are you still going to work in Xiaobaihua?" Li Dongxing stood up and prepared to see her off.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "After this incident, my identity will probably be exposed soon, and besides, I went to investigate the prostitutes."

"Now you are saying that Xiaobaihua and even the entire business district have nothing to do with prostitutes. I have to think about changing the direction."

Zhou Niannian laughed, "Fortunately, it's not a waste of work."

At least the cancer of Bai Yongsheng was caught.

Li Dongxing looked at her playful smile, his eyes softened, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Zhou Niannian waved his hand, "No need, you go to work first, I have to go to work."

Li Dongxing didn't greet her politely either, he waved his hand and went on to work.

When Zhou Niannian walked out of the investigation bureau hall, a comrade in uniform happened to lead a middle-aged man into the hall.

The man was tall and tall, with golden eyes and a short beard on his chin, looking very elegant.

Zhou Niannian glanced casually, did not stop her gaze, and went straight out of the hall, but did not see the man narrowing his eyes slightly when he saw her face.

"Mr. Yao, this way please, our captain is waiting for you in the office." The comrade who led the way urged Yao Shicai to stop in place.

Yao Shicai came back to his senses, smiled politely, turned around and entered the investigation bureau.

Zhou Niannian left the investigation bureau, originally planned to go to work, but checked the time, it was already past five o'clock.

It was time to get off work, and there would be no one when she went, so Zhou Niannian simply went home.

When he got home, Li Xiangxiu just brought dinner to the table.

Seeing her come back, Li Xiangxiu was a little surprised, "Why did you come back so early today?"

She didn't deliberately hide Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu's fact that she went undercover at Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall.

The couple disagreed at first, but they also knew that Zhou Niannian was for work, so they could only tell her to pay more attention to safety.

Zhou Niannian washed his hands and sat on the dining table, and said with a smile: "I don't need to go to Xiaobaihua from now on, I can come home and have dinner every day."

Li Xiangxiu was very happy when she heard that, "Thank God, I finally don't have to go. With my heart, I worry about your two sisters-in-law or you every day."

Zhou Niannian raised her brows in confusion, "What's wrong with sister-in-law?"

Qi Jiayan was pregnant, worried that she would understand, didn't Liang Ying study well in school?

Li Xiangxiu rolled her eyes, "You think I really don't know how your sister-in-law had a miscarriage?"

"If your elder brother hadn't done something sorry for Xiaoying, how could Xiaoying be so sad that the child lost."

Speaking of the child who was not born in time, Li Xiangxiu still felt very sad.

"So your sister-in-law proposed to go back to school, and I didn't object. A few days ago, I called and scolded your elder brother, and asked him to apply for a chance to go to school for further study, so I can chase your sister-in-law back."

Zhou Niannian gave a thumbs up, "Mom, you are really a model of a good mother-in-law!"

In fact, objectively speaking, her elder brother is of course responsible for the matter between Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying, but Liang Ying is not without problems.

However, Li Xiangxiu could see the problem but didn't follow suit, but encouraged her elder brother to pursue her sister-in-law again after the fact. She is really a wise mother-in-law.

Li Xiangxiu was amused by her words, and patted her on the head, "Anyway, you are all alone, and none of you can make me worry."

Zhou Niannian hugged her neck coquettishly, "From now on, you don't have to worry about me, I will report to the agency and go to work normally."

Li Xiangxiu patted her again, "You don't understand the heart of being a mother, so you never let go of your child."

After she finished speaking, she pointed to the coffee table, "Qingfeng sent a letter, and I'll get it back for you."

Hearing that it was a letter from Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Niannian couldn't wait to run back to the sofa, and saw that there was indeed a letter on the coffee table.

On the envelope was Lu Qingfeng's vigorous handwriting.

Zhou Niannian's eyes were a little bitter, after walking for more than a month, Lu Qingfeng's first letter finally arrived.

Her hands subconsciously glanced at the words on the cover, took a deep breath, and opened the envelope.

Lu Qingfeng's letter was very long. Zhou Niannian flipped through it and found that he didn't write it in a day, but started writing it after he set off.

Basically write down what you see, encounter, or feel every day.

It was not so much a letter as it was about Lu Qingfeng's experience abroad. He wrote it until he settled down and started class. Lu Qingfeng sent the letter out.

I have saved more than 30 pages of paper in more than a month, basically writing one page every day, and at the end of each page there is a strong word: miss you!

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth couldn't help but curl up when he saw it, and his face couldn't help but feel hot. He didn't even bother to eat, so he took the letter and went upstairs to read it carefully.

Seeing her like this, Li Xiangxiu smiled and shook her head, but didn't call her for dinner.

Zhou Niannian carefully read Lu Qingfeng's letter twice, feeling as if he was by his side, telling what he had seen and heard along the way.

She felt as if she had experienced it with him, and she had never missed his life abroad.

Zhou Niannian was moved by Lu Qingfeng's carefulness, and felt a little guilty that he was not so considerate.

She was planning to write a long reply letter to Lu Qingfeng, but unfortunately after writing it, she found that she couldn't tell Lu Qingfeng about many things she had done.

Because those are all dangerous things within Lu Qingfeng's cognition.

If he found out that he was going to perform at the Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall, he would probably be so angry that he would come back from abroad.

Zhou Niannian held back for two days, and in the end he only replied a two-page letter to Lu Qingfeng, talking about family matters, but not a single word about work matters.

She sent out her two pages with a guilty conscience, looking forward to Lu Qingfeng's next reply.

Little did they know that when the letter crossed the ocean and arrived in Lu Qingfeng's hands, the excited Lu Qingfeng opened it and saw the two thin pages, and shook his head in disappointment and helplessness, "Little heartless, so Just two pages and I was dismissed."

Zhou Niannian was naturally unaware of Lu Qingfeng's dissatisfaction, and she quickly returned to work.

When she went to work the next day, she told Wu Xuan that she would not go to the business district for the time being, and asked Wu Xuan to come back.

"It may also be that our investigation is in the wrong direction, or you should withdraw first." She persuaded Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan shook her head, "Xiaobaihua has been rectifying for the past two days and is not open, but Caiyunpiao is open normally. I will check the situation in the next two days."

As she spoke, she glanced at the empty seat opposite, and snorted, "I don't believe I can't find any clues."

(End of this chapter)

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