Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 491 She Was Really Unsuspecting

Chapter 491 She Was Really Unsuspecting

Zhou Niannian was a little amused, knowing that she was still angry with Yang Jiarui.

She was also a little strange, they had hardly met Yang Jiarui at the newspaper office recently, and they didn't know what clues this guy had found.

Ask Meng Wenbin, he doesn't know either, saying that Yang Jiarui didn't reveal anything.

When it came to this, Meng Wenbin was extremely helpless, feeling that he no longer had any dignity in front of his subordinates.

The three subordinates are wandering outside every day, and he can't grasp the progress of the work at all.

You shouldn't be used to them from the beginning, Meng Wenbin thought helplessly, but thinking of what they experienced together, he felt that if he strictly required them to work from nine to five, it seemed that he couldn't do anything.

In the end, Zhou Niannian did not persuade Wu Xuan to change her mind, she still insisted on going to Caiyunpiao for a while.

She did not continue to persuade.

Two days later, Wu Xuan came back and told her that Xiaobaihua had resumed business, and Xiaolu became the person in charge of Xiaobaihua.

Sister Yun is missing, Bai Yongsheng has gone in, and if there are no accidents, he should not be able to get out.

Xiao Baihua can't find any problems on the bright side, and it will be a matter of time before she resumes business, Zhou Niannian is not surprised.

What she was concerned about was getting Li Dongxing to investigate Yao Shicai's affairs and interrogating Bai Yongsheng.

She found time to find Li Dongxing.

Li Dongxing told her that Yao Shicai was a very mysterious person, he only stayed in the capital for three or four months every year, and he couldn't find out where the rest of the time was.

"How could it not be found?" Zhou Niannian frowned in surprise, casually and clearly.

Now I don’t want to see that monitoring will be so developed decades later. Many tickets for travel are under the real-name system. Now when going out to take the train, the real-name system is not required. If you have a car at home, you will not be able to find it.

"But I think there should be something wrong with Yao Shicai," Li Dongxing said, "I investigated the Yao family secretly. Among the three brothers of the Yao family, the boss of the Yao family is in charge of the state-owned mining machinery, and the second is in charge of the machinery and electrical factory. Yao Shicai seems to have nothing. become."

"If Yao Shicai really achieved nothing, why did he leave the capital so frequently? Moreover, Yao's family owns a lot of real estate, and they live a luxurious life. What do they rely on to support these real estate and luxurious life?"

Zhou Niannian's heart moved, "So you suspect that Yao Shicai has shady business?"

Li Dongxing nodded, "I will conduct an investigation in secret. You know, without conclusive evidence, I can't apply to my superiors for investigation, so I can only do it secretly."

Zhou Niannian nodded in understanding.

She was thinking that if Yao Shicai was really the boss behind Bai Yongsheng, then many things about Bai Yongsheng could be explained.

After all, it would be very difficult for Bai Yongsheng, a person with no roots in the capital, to be abducted, illegally stolen and sold cultural relics, and even possibly related to prostitution.

"It would be great if you could pry Bai Yongsheng's mouth open." She murmured.

Li Dongxing sighed, "Up to now, Bai Yongsheng has only admitted the criminal facts of the illegal theft and trading of cultural relics that we have conclusive evidence, and he has denied the other strands, and we have no evidence, so it is difficult to accuse."

"As for the relationship with Yao Shicai, he just said that he concealed his identity and came to seek refuge with Yao Shicai without knowing it."

So defending Yao Shicai? Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows.

Li Dongxing nodded, "Yao Shicai said the same thing. He said that he was rarely in the capital and didn't know Bai Yongsheng's identity."

The two parties agreed that Yao Shicai was originally invited to come back to assist in the investigation, but nothing was found, so the Bureau of Investigation had to release him.

"I will continue to follow up and investigate this matter, so don't meddle in it. After all, what happened to Yao Jianmin last time made the Yao family hate you." Li Dongxing told Zhou Niannian with concern.

Seeing the concern on his face, Zhou Niannian smiled, and agreed, "Don't worry, I still have work assignments recently, and there is no clue about the prostitution issue."

After leaving the investigation bureau, Zhou Niannian took the bus back to the newspaper office.

When she got off at the bus stop of the newspaper office, she accidentally ran into Niu Xiaoqin.

Niu Xiaoqin also seemed a little surprised to see her, and subconsciously covered the corner of Yuqing's mouth, "What a coincidence, Niannian."

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised to see her, and when she saw her covering her mouth, her eyes turned cold, "Ah Sheng hit you again?"

Niu Xiaoqin's eyes drifted around, "No, no."

Zhou Niannian took her hand covering the corner of her mouth, and saw that the corner of her mouth was broken, exposing the flesh and blood inside, which was obviously caused by the beating with a fist.

"He beats you so often and you still defend him. I really don't understand what you think?" Zhou Niannian sighed angrily and helplessly.

Niu Xiaoqin lowered her head, raised her head after a while, and sighed faintly, "Nian Nian, can you accompany me to eat something nearby?"

Zhou Niannian looked at the time, and it was almost time for lunch, she nodded, "There is a stir-fry restaurant opposite, the taste is not bad, let's go there."

She led Niu Xiaoqin into the stir-fry restaurant, the two of them ordered two dishes, Niu Xiaoqin ordered a bottle of wine, and poured her a glass.

Zhou Niannian covered the wine glass, "I'm still at work, so I won't drink, I'll have something to eat with you."

Niu Xiaoqin paused holding the bottle, then smiled, "That's right, with what happened last time, you really should be more careful."

She took the wine glass in front of Zhou Niannian and changed it to a cup of tea for Zhou Niannian, "Nuo, you drink tea, I'll drink."

Without waiting for the food to be served, Niu Xiaoqin started to drink cup by cup.

When Zhou Niannian watched her drink the fifth cup, she reached out and held down the bottle, "You can't solve the problem at all. If you really can't hold on, just leave Ah Sheng. Now that the policy is good, there are also ways to make money. too much."

Holding the empty wine glass in front of her, Niu Xiaoqin murmured, "You don't understand, you don't understand."

Zhou Niannian sighed: "I really don't understand."

Niu Xiaoqin held her chin and looked at Zhou Niannian with misty eyes, "Come on, let me toast you, let's continue drinking."

Seeing that she seemed a little drunk, Zhou Niannian knew that she would not listen to her persuasion, so she simply stopped talking.

She raised the teacup to touch her, and drank the tea in the cup.

When the food came, Niu Xiaoqin didn't take a few bites. Seeing her like this, Zhou Niannian lost her appetite, "I really don't understand what's going on between you and A Sheng, but if I were you, I definitely wouldn't choose to stay. By his side."

Niu Xiaoqin looked up at Zhou Niannian, "I also made my choice, I'm sorry, don't blame me, Niannian."

What's the meaning?Zhou Niannian frowned, but the next second he felt dizzy and gradually lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she found herself in the darkness. She moved and found that her hands and feet were tied.

Zhou Niannian frowned, Niu Xiaoqin!
After all the calculations, he never thought of guarding against Niu Xiaoqin!She was really careless.

Zhou Niannian sighed secretly, if she was facing Xiaolu or Sister Yun, she would definitely be on guard, but Niu Xiaoqin had helped her, and she had always played the role of a weak person in Eastern Europe in front of her, she was really helpless. be on guard.

 The second one will be after 08:30, thank you little cuties for voting for the monthly ticket, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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