Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 492 The person who is really in charge of the business

Chapter 492 The person who is really in charge of the business
Most people are more likely to sympathize with the weak and relax their guard.

Zhou Niannian sighed silently, and moved her hands and feet in the dark. Her hands were tied behind her back, very tightly, and the way of binding seemed to be very professional.

Stretching out her feet, both feet were also tied, she stretched forward, but bumped into something soft, followed by an exclamation in the darkness.

"Who is kicking me?" There was an uncontrollable tremor in the voice.

this voice?Zhou Niannian's heart skipped a beat, "Xuanxuan?"

Probably because people's senses are more acute in the dark, Zhou Niannian felt the breath of the opposite person pause, and then there was a hesitant and trembling voice, "Niannian?"

"Well, it's me, are you tied up too?"

Wu Xuan was a little relaxed at first, probably feeling that she had found an ally under the panic, and her heart was not so frightened.

"Well, don't mention it, a guest insisted on making me drink today, but I couldn't resist, so I just had a drink, and when I woke up, I was here."

When mentioning what happened, Wu Xuan was still a little angry.

"By the way, Nian Nian, why are you here? Did they drug you too?"

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, "It was Niu Xiaoqin who drugged me."

She really didn't expect Niu Xiaoqin to drug her, careless!

"Niu Xiaoqin?" Wu Xuan asked suspiciously, she had never been to Xiaobaihua, and she had no impression of Niu Xiaoqin.

Zhou Niannian was about to explain, when he heard footsteps outside, he said in a low voice: "Someone is coming, keep pretending to be dizzy, and wait and see what happens."

Wu Xuan was full of doubts, she was not as sensitive as Zhou Niannian, she didn't hear footsteps, and was about to ask a question when there was the sound of the door opening.

A dazzling light shone in, and she immediately pretended to faint and lay down beside her.

Along with the lights, two people came in.

Zhou Niannian clearly felt a light shining on his face, and then slowly moved away, falling on Wu Xuan next to him.

"The client asked for two fresh faces, but luckily you brought in another one at the last minute." It was a woman who spoke with a gentle voice.

Zhou Niannian's heart skipped a beat, and it was Sister Yun's voice.

Sister Yun disappeared after she was released from the investigation bureau. Zhou Niannian once guessed that she might have left the capital, but she never thought that she would not leave at all.

"This girl is Cai Yunpiao's resident singer, is there any problem?" Sister Yun continued to ask.

It was a man who answered her, and his voice had a sense of stinginess, "What do you think this woman is a good person? Hmph, she's also a reporter."

Sister Yun was very surprised, "A reporter too?"

The man hummed, "The boss has asked people to find out her details a long time ago. The reason why she didn't touch her is because they think they can't find anything anyway, so let's just leave it alone."

The man stepped forward and squeezed Zhou Niannian's chin, "If it wasn't for this woman who ruined Brother Sheng's plan and made the boss unhappy, the boss wouldn't have to touch them."

His hand was so strong that Zhou Niannian almost screamed out when he pinched it.

She recognized that this man was Ah Sheng!

Just now, she felt that the voice was a bit familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before, and now that the man was getting closer to her, she finally recognized A Sheng's voice.

Sister Yun covered her mouth and chuckled, "This girl is so vigilant, thanks to Xiaoqin, she can gain Niannian's trust, if it wasn't for Xiaoqin, I'm afraid it would not be easy for you to get her. "

Ah Sheng snorted, but didn't speak.

Sister Yun called the two people outside, "Go, take them to dress up, and then send them to the flower hall."

Someone stepped forward and rudely picked up Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan.

Zhou Niannian felt being carried on his shoulders, and when he went out the door, there was a gentle breeze outside, mixed with a slightly sultry atmosphere, he must have entered a yard.

She opened her eyes slightly, and by the dim moonlight, she saw that she was led out of the yard and into an extremely narrow dark passage.

After walking for about two or three minutes, there was a secret door on the wall, and I pushed open the secret door and entered a courtyard again.

All the rooms around the yard were lit, and the laughter of men and women could be vaguely heard, and even the sound of babbling and singing.

They were taken into one of the rooms, and the two put them down and left.

Sister Yun followed in.

It was at this time that Zhou Niannian opened his eyes.

Sister Yun stared at Zhou Niannian's clear eyes for a moment, and the corners of her mouth curled up, "Oh, it's good to wake up at this time, so that the guests don't find it boring."

Zhou Niannian frowned slightly, "Are you and A Sheng the ones who are really in charge of the prostitution business?"

Sister Yun lifted up her skirt gracefully, and sat down beside her slowly, her bright red nails raised Zhou Niannian's chin, and giggled, "You're a very smart girl, tsk tsk, it's a pity that you chose the wrong industry, so you must do it well." What a pity to be a reporter."

She said and clapped her hands, "Give these two girls a good make-up."

Two women came in from the door, stepped forward to hold Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan, and began to smear on their faces.

Wu Xuan struggled angrily, "What the hell are you going to do? Why are you painting these messy things on us? It stinks to death."

Sister Yun sat beside her elegantly, lit a cigarette, and gently puffed out the smoke ring, "Smelly? Don't be ridiculous, this is the jasmine fragrance that the guests like most."

"I don't care what jasmine or lily it is, what are you going to do?" Wu Xuan glared at her angrily, "Do you still have national laws in your eyes?"

Sister Yun blew a smoke ring into the air, and released a charming smile from the corner of her eyes, "You are really interesting, those things between men and women have been a big issue in life since ancient times, things you like and I want, and whether it is illegal or not. It's two concepts."

"Bah! Whoever loves you is my wish!" Wu Xuan spat at her, "You drugged us and tied us up, and you clearly intended to harm us. Are you not afraid that we will expose you after we go out?"

Sister Yun didn't answer her, and finished a cigarette slowly.

Zhou Niannian glanced at her calmly, "Of course they are not afraid. If I expected well, they would not only sell us to customers tonight, but also take many shameful photos of us, threatening us with photos. Follow their orders."

She looked at Sister Yun with a sneer, "If not, if they publish the photos, even if we have ten mouths, we won't be able to tell that we were forced."

Sister Yun snapped her fingers, "Sure enough, talking and dealing with smart people saves effort!"

Zhou Niannian cast her a cold look.

This was how Bai Yongsheng planned to deal with her at first.

"Poor Bai Yongsheng is still taking the blame for you in the investigation bureau, but you don't know that he has already been stripped of the power center by you." Zhou Niannian closed her eyes gently when she saw the woman who put on her makeup wipe her eyes with a lump of eyeshadow. When the eyes are closed, the eyes are blind.

Sister Yun curled her lips, "There's nothing you can do about it, Brother Sheng is too self-righteous."

(End of this chapter)

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