Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 493 The Only One Can Do

Chapter 493 The only thing that can be done

"You Boss Yao's trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone is pretty cool." Zhou Niannian sneered.

She probably already guessed what happened.

Yao Shicai built a commercial zone in XC District to make all his money have a clear source of income.

Or to cover for the prostitution business.

But Bai Yongsheng has been wanted by the Bureau of Investigation everywhere, and it is too eye-catching for him to be in charge of the prostitution business.

It can be said that once Bai Yongsheng is caught, he will easily be involved in the Yao family.

It's better to put Bai Yongsheng on the bright side and let him only take care of the business in the business district.

In this way, once Bai Yongsheng is arrested, the business in the business district will be clean, and Yao Shicai will at most get the reputation of harboring criminals without knowing it.

Poor Bai Yongsheng is still carrying it stubbornly in prison, refusing to involve Yao Shicai a little bit.

Little did they know that Yao Shicai might have already planned to give up on him before the business district was completed.

"Hehe, the little girl still doesn't forget to talk to me," Sister Yun chuckled, "I don't know what boss Yao or Huang you're talking about. You, don't even try to talk to me."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips and did not speak.

Unexpectedly, Sister Yun's words were impeccable, and she didn't involve Yao Shicai in the slightest.

She didn't deny that there was someone behind her, or even an organization, but she didn't get involved in the Yao family.

It has to be said that if Yao Shicai is really the mastermind behind the scenes, then he is really skilled.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all?" Sister Yun lit a cigarette again, squinted her eyes and looked at Zhou Niannian with a thoughtful expression on her face.

The makeup on Zhou Niannian's face was finally finished.She opened her eyes without looking at herself in the mirror.

You don't need to look to know that it must be transformed into a coquettish girl.

She glanced at Sister Yun with a half-smile, "Is it useful to be afraid? Can you let us go?"

Sister Yun frowned, and a hint of wariness gradually rose in her eyes.

She remembered the night when Bai Yongsheng asked them to deal with Zhou Niannian, Zhou Niannian just pretended to be drunk, and then cleaned up Ah Qiang and others in one fell swoop.

"Should I say that you are fearless if you are ignorant, or do you have other preparations?"

After Sister Yun finished speaking, she couldn't sit still anymore, she was afraid that something unexpected would happen right now.

The boss let go, this time the two female reporters must be destroyed.

If she messes up, she will inevitably suffer.

"It doesn't matter whether you have a backup or not, let's deal with the people first."

Sister Yun waved her hand, "Hurry up and send the person to the flower hall, and tell the guests that good nights are short, so seize the time."

The two people who put on makeup for them immediately twisted and walked out.

Go out the door and turn left, and enter a spacious flower hall.

The lights in the flower hall were dim, and there were a lot of flowers in the room, and the fragrance was overflowing, giving people an ambiguous feeling.

There was no one in the flower hall, and the two women changed Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan into tulle skirts respectively. Under the dim light, the tulle was faintly visible, revealing the figures of the two girls without a doubt.

After changing their clothes, the two of them were pushed to lie down on the imperial concubine's couch against the wall.

"Nian Nian, what should I do? Are you prepared to fight back?" Wu Xuan's face turned pale. This always bold girl finally realized that the danger was getting closer and closer.

Zhou Niannian sighed silently, she really wanted to prepare, but she was drugged by Niu Xiaoqin without any precautions, what could she have prepared?

The only thing she can do now is delay time.

She is not afraid of the rope binding her hands and feet, after all, with her strength, it is not difficult to break the rope alive.

She did a visual inspection just now, and there should be quite a few thugs in this yard.

What she worried about was that it would be difficult for her to rush out alone with Wu Xuan.

Once she couldn't get out and was caught again, people like Sister Yun would not be so polite.

She can protect herself, but what about Wu Xuan?

Glancing at Wu Xuan's pale face, Zhou Niannian dared not say that he was unprepared, fearing that she would be even more frightened.

"Wait, you try to deal with them as much as possible and delay the time. I will rush to rescue you as soon as possible." She whispered.

Zhou Niannian's only hope now is Ah Liang. When she went to the investigation bureau, she left Ah Liang at the newspaper office.

She was Niu Xiaoqin whom she met not far from the newspaper office. It's already past the off-duty time and she hasn't gone back. Ah Liang will definitely come out to find her.

As long as Ah Liang finds this place, she can ask Ah Liang to bring the news out.

Hearing what she said, Wu Xuan thought that she had made arrangements outside, and immediately felt a lot more relieved, and was no longer as scared as before.

There were footsteps outside, and Sister Yun came in and waved her hands at the two women, "The guests have been delayed for a while, so don't mess with the selection ceremony, just send the two of them to their rooms and wait."

The two women nodded, stepped forward and pulled one up, leading the two out of the flower hall, one turned left and the other turned right.

Zhou Niannian gave Wu Xuan a look of fear, and was turned into the first room on the left, and pushed her onto the bed.

The door was locked from the outside immediately.

The lights were on in the room, the incense was lit, and the room exuded a faint fragrance. The evening wind blew in, and the tulle-like curtains fluttered with the wind.

Zhou Niannian sat up from the bed, and with a sudden force of both hands, the rope that bound her broke abruptly.

However, the rope was tied very firmly, and when she broke the rope, there was a bloodstain on her wrist.

Zhou Niannian moved her wrist lightly, walked to the window, opened the curtain and looked out,

There was no light in the yard, and by the moonlight it was clear that no one was there at the moment, and the rooms around the yard were all lit.

I don't know which room Wu Xuan was dragged into.

Zhou Niannian pondered for a while, and decided to go out to rescue Wu Xuan first, lest the longer the delay, the worse it would be for her.

As soon as she reached the door, she heard Sister Yun's respectful voice outside the door: "Mr. Zhang, this way please."

"Well, I made an agreement with A Sheng in advance, I want a place with a face, are you ready?" The voice of the man who spoke was a little arrogant.

"Don't worry, it's all prepared according to your requirements," Sister Yun chuckled, "I guarantee you'll be satisfied after reading it, but it's just a bit wild, and you need to work hard to tame it."

"So you found me a little wild cat," the man's voice became more interested, "Interesting, I like the pleasure of taming the most."

"Sister Yun still understands me."

Sister Yun's voice became more and more joyful, "Mr. Zhang, please come inside, and I won't disturb you to enjoy the night."

The sound of the door lock being opened was especially clear at night.

The man waved at Sister Yun, walked into the door, rubbed his hands with a smile and looked in the direction of the bed.

Sudden pain in the back of his head, he groaned, and fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Zhou Niannian stretched out her wrist and kicked the man on the ground. Seeing that he didn't respond at all, she was relieved.

Just about to step out, Sister Yun's hesitant voice suddenly sounded outside the door, "Mr. Zhang? Mr. Zhang?"

Zhou Niannian's heart skipped a beat, and she took back the steps she took.

Sister Yun, who had been going back and forth, heard the noise in the room and called twice, but seeing no response, she hesitated and opened the door of the room.

 The second update is after 08:30 in the evening!

(End of this chapter)

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