Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 494 Are You That Client?

Chapter 494 Are You That Client?
Mr. Zhang who fell on the ground came into view. Sister Yun was taken aback, subconsciously opened her mouth and was about to shout.

But before she could make a sound, someone knocked her out from behind.

Seeing that Sister Yun fell limply on the man's body, Zhou Niannian frowned, picked up the rope that tied her just now, tied Sister Yun up in twos, and threw it on the ground.

She opened the door first and took a look outside. Seeing that it was dark outside and no one was walking outside, she immediately dodged and quickly dodged into the flower hall next to her.

In the flower hall, two women who were in charge of makeup were kowtowing melon seeds and chatting.

"This time of day is the most leisure time for us." The woman facing the door spat out the melon seeds, looked up and saw a black shadow rushing out, she was so surprised that she didn't swallow the melon seeds, and coughed directly "Come on, come on"

"What are you here for?" The woman opposite her turned her back to the door and looked at her in confusion, "You"

Before the words were finished, the person had already fallen limply to the ground.

The woman who had choked on the melon seeds watched her companion collapse in front of her eyes, and was so frightened that she coughed even harder.

She clutched her chest desperately and wanted to call out, but her neck was already tightly strangled.

"Say, did you send that girl to that room just now?"

The sharp female voice made the woman tremble with fright, and she stopped coughing this time, "The second room on the right."

As soon as the words fell, the woman fell limply on the ground without making a sound.

Zhou Niannian casually picked up the jacket she had just replaced, and put it on directly.

The clothes she was wearing now looked as if she hadn't worn them, so she could only put her own clothes on outside.

She walked out of the flower hall, walked against the wall to the second room on the right, and knocked lightly on the door of the room.

"Who?" A deep male voice came from inside.

Hearing a man's voice, Zhou Niannian's heart skipped a beat. Wu Xuan won't be in danger, right?
"Sir, I'll bring you something to eat." She squeezed her throat to soften her voice.

There was a moment of silence inside, and then an unhappy voice came: "No need, don't bother me!"

Zhou Niannian frowned, and her heart beat faster.

She leaned against the door and listened. The room was completely quiet, and Wu Xuan's voice could not be heard.

Zhou Niannian's heart sank, and she kicked open the door without worrying that others would notice the movement.

The door was kicked open with a bang, and Zhou Niannian rushed into the room, "Xuanxuan."

When she saw the people in the room, her voice stopped abruptly.

There was a man standing in the room, he tightly guarded Wu Xuan behind him, his resolute face was cold, when he saw that the person rushing in was Zhou Niannian, he restrained the fist he had already swung.

"Why is it you?" Zhou Niannian found her tongue again after a while, her eyes rolled around the room to see if she saw anyone else.

A thought suddenly arose in her mind.

"Are you another client?" She pointed at Yang Jiarui in surprise.

Yang Jiarui nodded with an unnatural expression, looked up and down next week Niannian, and saw that she was dressed neatly, he was slightly relieved, "It's a long story, I'll tell you in detail when I go out."

Wu Xuan poked her head out from behind him, and looked at Zhou Niannian with the expression of the rest of her life: "Niannian, are you alright?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, seeing that she was wrapped in a men's coat, and seeing that Yang Jiarui had only a short sleeve, she knew without thinking that it was Yang Jiarui who took off his coat and gave it to Wu Xuan.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go quickly." Yang Jiarui whispered.

Zhou Niannian nodded, and as soon as the three of them left the room, they saw that the courtyard was full of people at some point.

Ah Sheng stood at the front with his arms folded, looking at them with a sneer on his face, "Want to leave? Isn't it that easy?"

Sister Yun was helped out of the room, and she looked at Zhou Niannian angrily, "This girl injured Mr. Zhang, you must send her to Mr. Zhang tonight to make amends."

A Sheng laughed evilly, "Just the three of them, hmph, they can't even fly out of our courtyard."

three?Sister Yun frowned in surprise, feeling the pain in the back of her head even worse.

"You and this girl are actually together?" She looked at Yang Jiarui in surprise, "How dare you deceive Mr. Zhang?"

Yang Jiarui looked at her puzzled, "Is he the emperor? Can't offend him?"

Wu Xuan couldn't control it, and burst out laughing.

Sister Yun's face was livid with anger.

Ah Sheng waved his hand, "What are you doing talking so much nonsense with them, come on, capture those two women alive for me, and beat the man to death."

Zhou Niannian frowned, Ah Liang hadn't shown up yet, so it would be very difficult for her and Yang Jiarui to deal with so many thugs.

The facts were indeed as she expected, the thugs rushed forward.

Yang Jiarui pushed Wu Xuan into the room and told her to lock the door from the inside, so don't come out.

Wu Xuan refused, Zhou Niannian turned her head and glared at her, "Trust us, your presence will only distract us and slow us down."

These words were too harsh, Wu Xuan's face turned pale, she bit her lip and closed the door with tears in her eyes.

Zhou Niannian and Yang Jiarui stood side by side, guarding the door the whole time.

"I didn't expect that we would fight side by side!" Yang Jiarui murmured.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "I didn't expect that either, come on, let's make it quick."

As she said that, she took the lead in punching out.

Zhou Niannian has not received formal Kung Fu training, all she has is divine power and the agility developed by Ah Liang's saliva, so her punches are fast, ruthless, and accurate.

It can almost be said to knock one down with one punch.

At first, the thugs were frightened by her strength and quickness, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

A Sheng scolded with a sullen face: "Useless things, can't even beat a woman? This girl doesn't know kung fu, but she has great strength. If you fight together, can't you beat a woman?"

All the thugs breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Zhou Niannian was not good at kung fu.

Zhou Niannian's heart sank, and he saw a group of thugs quickly surround him, punching and stretching his legs almost at the same time.

Youdao said that two fists are no match for four hands, no matter how strong Zhou Niannian is, she can't deal with so many people at the same time.

She was swept away and fell to the ground in some embarrassment. Fortunately, she was flexible, so she gave a big meal on the spot and rolled out of the encirclement of the thugs.

She and Yang Jiarui stood back to back.

"Nian Nian, are you alright?" Yang Jiarui asked pantingly, his face and body were already colored a lot.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "I'm fine, can you hold on?"

Yang Jiarui wiped the blood around his mouth fiercely with the back of his hand, "I can hold on, come on, who is afraid of whom?"

He yelled at the thugs angrily.

A group of thugs gathered around again, the bigger and more fierce.

Gradually, Zhou Niannian's body also suffered. She and Yang Jiarui's strength became weaker and weaker, and they were almost forced to the door of the room by the thugs.

The two leaned against the doorway exhausted.

Wu Xuan couldn't resist opening the door, supporting them one by one with tears streaming down her face.

(End of this chapter)

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