Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 495 is finally here

Chapter 495 is finally here
"We fought them." Wu Xuan gritted her teeth and shouted, letting the two of them lean against the door frame, raised their fists and rushed out.

Yang Jiarui grabbed her, dragged the wound on her body, and hissed, "Don't make more trouble."

He tried his best to pull Wu Xuan back to his side.

Wu Xuan's face was pale, she hated herself for not having any kung fu, at this moment she would only hold back Zhou Niannian and Yang Jiarui.

The sound of fighting in the yard has long attracted people from other rooms. Many people looked out of the window, and some people walked out of the door, yelling and disturbing their pleasure.

Sister Yun smiled charmingly and went forward to make amends one by one, saying that all consumption today is free, so she sent everyone back to the room.

There were also guests who wanted to leave, but Sister Yun persuaded them to go back one by one.

No matter what the other party said, Sister Yun even promised to return the money to the guests. In short, no one was allowed to leave the courtyard.

Zhou Niannian looked a little desperate.

Sister Yun was afraid that some guests would go out and leak the news, and others would come to rescue them.

Is it really going to be explained here today?Ah Liang didn't know where the waves went?
Another wave of thugs surrounded him.

Zhou Niannian didn't care about other things, stood up with the remaining strength, punched the two people, and finally fell to the ground exhausted.

Seeing the fists and feet of the thugs surrounding him, Zhou Niannian subconsciously protected his head.

The expected pain didn't happen, instead there was a wave of screams around.

Zhou Niannian opened her eyes in doubt, and saw Ah Liang's familiar posture quickly shuttling among the thugs, an old trick that has not changed for thousands of years: pecking eyes.

The thugs screamed and fell to the ground one after another.

Ah Liang finally came, Zhou Niannian let out a sigh of relief, Wu Xuan immediately helped her up and let her lean against the door to rest.

Ah Sheng looked at Ah Liang who suddenly appeared with a dark face, and waved his hands angrily, "Where did the bird come from, kill it for me."

The rest of the thugs glanced at the companions covering their eyes and screaming on the ground, and took a step back subconsciously.

Ah was so angry that his face was almost distorted, "Give it to me, catch these three people and this bird, I will reward you with a lot of money."

It is said that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward, some people came out with sticks and started to deal with Ah Liang.

Asheng walked up to Zhou Niannian with a sneer, "I want to save you guys just because of a bird, and I tell you, it's a good idea."

"Since you've come in, I can't let you go out tonight without a shadow. Now, I have to go to battle in person."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to drag Zhou Niannian, wanting to drag Zhou Niannian to the next room.

"Let go of Niannian!" Wu Xuan pulled Zhou Niannian, trying to block Zhou Niannian, but A Sheng slapped Wu Xuan down to the ground.

Yang Jiarui next to him had already been pinned to the ground by the thugs. Seeing this scene, he screamed and struggled desperately.

Wu Xuan got up from the ground, ignoring the pain in her body, rushed forward like crazy, and bit A Sheng's hand.

Ah Sheng screamed, and had to let go of Zhou Niannian's hand. Zhou Niannian took the opportunity to hide to the side, and bit Ah Sheng's other hand.

"Stinky girl, let me go."

Wu Xuan and Zhou Niannian bit down with almost all their strength.

Zhou Niannian already felt the smell of blood on his hands, but he still didn't let go.

Ah Sheng hopped in pain, but he couldn't shake them off, so he had to lift his foot to kick them.

His feet didn't go out, but someone kicked his legs heavily from behind. His legs hurt and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan, who were still biting him desperately, were also brought down to the ground.

There was a deafening gunshot in midair.

"Survey by the Bureau of Investigation! Everyone put down their weapons and cooperate with the investigation!"

The sound of gunfire seemed very abrupt in the silent night, and the whole small courtyard suddenly fell silent.

Zhou Niannian raised her head blankly and met Li Dongxing's concerned eyes. She couldn't help but let out a long breath, spit out the blood in her mouth, and lay heavily on the ground.

The people brought by Li Dongxing quickly took control of the courtyard.

After all, half of the thugs were wounded by Zhou Niannian and Yang Jiarui, and the other half of the thugs were pecked by A Liang, and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

It can be said that the people brought by Li Dongxing did not require much effort.

Both Ah Sheng and Sister Yun were arrested.

Li Dongxing walked up to Zhou Niannian and looked at her with concern, with a very complicated look on his face, "Are you all right? Niannian?"

Zhou Niannian wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand, and shook her head lightly, "I'm fine."

Li Dongxing reached out to help her up.

"Thank you!" Zhou Niannian didn't refuse, stood up relying on the strength of her hands, looked at Ah Sheng and Sister Yun who had been handcuffed, and sneered, "May I walk out of this yard completely naked? "

A Sheng stared at her gloomyly, without saying a word.

Sister Yun looked a little depressed, and there was even a faint panic in her eyes.

Zhou Niannian staggered up to her, "Sister Yun, if you are sensible, cooperate with the Investigation Bureau's investigation, maybe you can still come out in your lifetime."

Sister Yun pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Send you to the hospital for an examination first." Li Dongxing saw that she was covered in scars, but she was still holding on, and couldn't help but reminded her aloud.

Zhou Niannian did not refuse, "Brother Li, the one I knocked unconscious in the room is probably not a good person, take him away and ask him."

"By the way, there's also Niu Xiaoqin, the one where Xiao Baihua dances, you've seen it before." She took two steps, remembering Niu Xiaoqin who was plotting against her, turned around and said to Li Dongxing, "We must catch her, they are accomplices."

Li Dongxing nodded.

Zhou Niannian only felt that all the strength in his body was exhausted, and he fell headlong into the car after reversing.

When I woke up again, all I could see were the white ceiling and the pungent smell of disinfectant.

This is a hospital?Zhou Niannian blinked, and supported the bed board with her hands to get up, but the wound on her body was affected, and she gasped in pain.

"You're awake!" Hearing her movement, Zhou Chang'an and Li Xiangxiu rushed forward one from the left and the other from the right.

Li Xiangxiu looked at her with tears in her eyes, and reached out to slap her, but seeing her bruises all over her face, and didn't know where to slap her, tears fell down.

"You damn girl, do you really think you are a hero? You are going to catch some bad guys with people from the Investigation Bureau. You are trying to make me worry to death."

Zhou Niannian pulled the corner of her mouth and sighed helplessly, "Mom, am I not doing well?"

"Is that good too? You don't even know how many bruises you have on your body," Li Xiangxiu's tears fell even more when he mentioned this.

"I don't care, you can't do this internship in a newspaper, it's too dangerous."

Seeing her crying, Zhou Niannian knew that she was worried for herself, so she couldn't make any sense at this moment, after all, she was lying here with injuries all over her body, and nothing could be changed.

It was rare for Zhou Changan to look at her with a dark face, "Do you know that you fell asleep all night and made everyone in the family worry about it. You are really messing around."

 The second one was a little later, probably after nine o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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