Chapter 496

Since childhood, Zhou Changan loved Zhou Niannian very much, and basically never taught him a lesson with a black face like this.

But this time, Zhou Changan looked very serious.

"Mom and Dad watched over you all night last night, and Dad just left to go to work, how much gray hair did you let Mom and Dad add in one night?"

"You are a reporter, not a policeman, what are you doing so hard?"

Zhou Niannian also knew that she was indeed very dangerous this time, if Ah Liang and Li Dongxing hadn't brought people to arrive in time, she would have been in danger.

Faced with Zhou Changan's reprimand, she actually wanted to say that this was not her original intention.

After living a new life, she thinks that she still cherishes life very much.

She was almost caught by Niu Xiaoqin's plan by accident.

Zhou Niannian swallowed his words of defense, forget it, in the end it was his own carelessness that made Niu Xiaoqin trick him.

"Mom, second brother, I'm sorry, I won't do it in the future." She said seriously.

Li Xiangxiu wiped her tears and held her hand lovingly, "Well, you must be more careful in the future, don't let mom worry."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but glared at Zhou Changan, "What are you doing to your sister so fiercely, and you have something to say."

Zhou Changan: "."

You are really a real mother, you were more fierce than me just now.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help being happy seeing his second brother's devastated expression.

In fact, her injuries were all superficial, but they looked scary, not that serious.

The reason why she fainted was not because of trauma, but because of exhaustion. She exhausted too much energy yesterday and collapsed.

Seeing that she was awake, Li Xiangxiu went home to prepare meals for her, leaving Zhou Changan to take care of her.

"Second brother, have you seen Ah Liang?"

Zhou Changan shook his head, "It was your colleague who called home yesterday, and we found out that you were injured. We didn't see Ah Liang when we came over."

"By the way, your colleague lives next door."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw Wu Xuan standing at the door supporting Yang Jiarui.

"Niannian, it's great that you're awake." Wu Xuan was very excited when she saw Zhou Niannian woke up, she pulled Yang Jiarui and walked inside, but accidentally touched Yang Jiarui's wound.

Hearing Yang Jiarui hiss, Wu Xuan realized that her movements were too big.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." She looked at Yang Jiarui apologetically.

Yang Jiarui pursed his lips, stared at her helplessly, and walked in slowly.

"This is my second brother Zhou Chang'an." Zhou Niannian pointed to the next Zhou Chang'an.

Wu Xuan and Yang Jiarui greeted Zhou Changan, Wu Xuan couldn't help but whispered to Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, your family's genes are really good, your fiancé is so handsome, and your second brother is also so handsome."

Zhou Niannian can't help but laugh, dare to love Wu Xuan's concept, their family genes are calculated in this way.

Hearing Wu Xuan's voice, Yang Jiarui couldn't help but turn dark. He snorted coldly and said two words: "Nympho!"

Wu Xuan curled her lips, but did not refute him.

Zhou Niannian was a little curious, feeling that there was something different between the two of them.

Before Wu Xuan took the opportunity to quarrel with Yang Jiarui, and Yang Jiarui also, because of the previous responsible episode, she never had a good look towards Wu Xuan.

Now that the two of them can sit down and talk peacefully, it seems that sharing adversity is beneficial.

Knowing that they must have something to talk about at work when they got together, Zhou Changan stood up, "I'll go out for a cigarette and I'll be back in a while."

Zhou Niannian smiled and waved at Zhou Changan, her second brother was really more and more considerate.

"We can't chat for too long, we need to rest later." Zhou Changan gave her a glare, and he also told Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan before turning around and leaving.

"Your second brother is so kind to you." Wu Xuan stuck out her tongue at her. She is the only child in the family, so she doesn't understand the relationship between brothers and sisters.

Zhou Niannian chuckled: "My family is very kind to me."

Wu Xuan couldn't help but look envious: "I really want to have a handsome brother who spoils me."

"Cough cough!" Yang Jiarui couldn't help coughing dryly twice, feeling that his lungs were aching.

Zhou Niannian gave him a funny look, "Did you go there with that Mr. Zhang yesterday?"

Yang Jiarui nodded, "That man's name is Zhang Weidong. On the surface, he is a jeweler, but in fact he is also a pimp business secretly."

Zhou Niannian understood, "Earlier, Editor-in-Chief Meng said that you had a clue. What did he mean that you got on the line of Zhang Weidong?"

"Well, I pretended to be a clothing businessman, and I met Zhang Weidong at a dinner, and slowly gained his trust, and he said that he could introduce me to a good person."

When Yang Jiarui said this, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, "He only agreed to take me to play yesterday, and he ran into you unexpectedly. Fortunately, I passed yesterday, otherwise"

He originally wanted to evade Zhang Weidong's invitation yesterday in exchange for his further trust, but after thinking about it, he decided to go and see first.

Yang Jiarui is very glad that he passed.

When he was introduced into the room and saw Wu Xuan lying on the bed with a tulle book tied up, this thought flashed through his mind.

Otherwise, Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan were the only two people yesterday, and I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to support the investigation bureau.

Zhou Niannian slightly curled her lips, "Xuanxuan and I chose to investigate from the source, but you chose to investigate from the client side. I didn't expect that we will reach the same goal by different routes."

Wu Xuan couldn't help murmuring: "Those people are too hateful, but unfortunately I don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, otherwise I wanted to bite off his hand at that time."

Zhou Niannian knew that she was referring to Ah Sheng and Sister Yun, they were indeed hateful, but she didn't know how Li Dongxing's interrogation was going.

One more Zhang Weidong was caught this time, and there were more breakthroughs. Presumably, Li Dongxing could get more information.

"After this matter is settled, I will go outside to learn kung fu from a teacher." Wu Xuan couldn't help but swear.

Zhou Niannian chuckled, and gestured to Yang Jiarui with his chin, "The ready-made master is here, what are you doing outside?"

Ready-made master?Wu Xuan was bewildered, followed Zhou Niannian's gaze to Yang Jiarui, and blinked unnaturally.

Yang Jiarui coughed dryly, sat up straight subconsciously, and sat there solemnly, with an expression of begging me, begging me, and I will teach you.

Wu Xuan curled her lips and turned her head away: "Nian Nian, I heard there is also a martial arts gym outside that specializes in teaching people how to learn Kung Fu?"

Yang Jiarui suddenly pulled his face down, stood up and left.

"Looking at his look, I won't ask him for advice." Wu Xuan muttered softly, making a face at Yang Jiarui's back.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but chuckle, the more he watched, the more he felt that the two were a little bit like friends.

Zhou Niannian lay on the hospital bed for a whole day, and at night, Ah Liang flew in carelessly.

"You still know to come and see me?" Seeing it come in, Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes at it.

 The child was taken out to play by grandma, so I coded it out in advance, haha!A new month has begun, please ask everyone for a monthly pass, the update will slowly return to normal!
(End of this chapter)

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