Chapter 498
Zhou Niannian looked confused and was helped by Liang Ying to sit on the sofa, and looked at Zhou Changguo suspiciously, "My injury is not that bad."

On the second day after she was hospitalized, Zhou Changguo came to the hospital to see her, and he clearly knew that her injury was not that serious at all.

"Cough, cough cough!" Zhou Changguo coughed dryly twice, and blinked at Zhou Niannian.

He deliberately exaggerated Zhou Niannian's injury in front of Liang Ying. Liang Ying was very worried when he heard that, and immediately set off to follow him back to see Zhou Niannian.

One must know that Liang Ying hadn't had such close contact with him for a long time.

"Well, I know you are seriously injured, and your sister-in-law is very worried about you, so she came back with me to see you immediately." Zhou Changguo focused the emphasis on the word "very heavy", implying a strong meaning.

Zhou Niannian: "."

There is only one sentence in her mind at the moment: The me who should cooperate with you.
She coughed lightly and looked extremely weak, "Thank you sister-in-law for coming to see me, I'm really hurt a bit."

Liang Ying tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled softly: "There is no need to be so polite between my family and me."

Zhou Changguo has been paying attention to her expression, seeing that she clearly wanted to talk about her family, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

His expression darkened, knowing that Liang Ying still cared and didn't want to have anything to do with him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Changguo felt that his heart was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

He applied for public-funded training and went to the National Defense University, just to get Liang Ying back, but Liang Ying's attitude towards him has always been indifferent, and he even refused to admit that they are husband and wife in front of his classmates.

Zhou Niannian naturally also noticed the turning point in Liang Ying's words, and looking at his elder brother's dejected expression, he knew that there was still trouble between the two.

She held Liang Ying's hand, showing a very tired expression, "I'm tired, sister-in-law, can you take me back to my room to rest? I'll stay here for lunch at noon, I haven't talked to you for a long time gone."

Liang Ying greeted Zhou Niannian, and originally wanted to propose to leave and go back to school, but seeing what Zhou Niannian said, the words of leaving could not be said.

She hesitated for a moment, nodded, and helped Zhou Niannian to get up.

Zhou Niannian glanced at Zhou Changguo, and sure enough, her eldest brother showed her a grateful smile.

Upstairs, Liang Ying helped her sit on the bed, covered the cup for her so that she could rest while lying down, and then went to pour water for her.

"Sister-in-law, don't be so busy. If you need anything, I will let my elder brother do the work later. Let's sit down and have a good talk." Zhou Niannian grabbed Liang Ying and pulled her to sit on the side of the bed.

Liang Ying was taken aback, "Don't force yourself, you have suffered such a serious injury, don't move around, I just sit down."

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, almost forgot that Zhou Changguo molded him into a seriously wounded person, which was a bit of a mistake.

She quickly lay down, continued to put on a weak posture, and smiled at Liang Ying, "Sister-in-law, do you have a lot of homework recently?"

Liang Ying shook her head, "Fortunately, this semester is coming to an end, next semester will be a junior year, and there will be more classes in the last semester. You will graduate early, and you will have to go back to school for exams this month, right?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Well, I'm going to take the exam for the junior year, and the senior year next semester. I'll be able to graduate during the Chinese New Year."

It's already June now, and the summer vacation will be next month, so at the end of June, Zhou Niannian has to go back to school for the exam.

"Sister-in-law, do you really not consider giving elder brother another chance between you and elder brother?" Zhou Niannian asked Liang Ying tentatively.

Liang Ying's expression froze, and she looked down at her nails. After a long time, she sighed quietly and smiled wryly: "I don't know either. I'm at a loss now and don't know what to do."

Zhou Changguo was in school recently, chasing her every day and defending her everywhere. The teachers and students in the whole school knew that the handsome Zhou Changguo had taken a fancy to her and was chasing her vigorously.

Some teachers even persuaded her to agree to Zhou Changguo's pursuit.

When Liang Ying thought of this, she couldn't help but smile wryly. They didn't know that she and Zhou Changguo were already husband and wife, and they almost became the parents of a child.

Thinking of her child who didn't have time to open her eyes to see the world, Liang Ying couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

She once really wanted to put everything aside and sever all ties with Zhou Changguo, but, every time she faced Zhou Changguo, no matter how much she said bad things, Zhou Changguo would still appear in front of her the next day.

Just a few days ago, Zhou Changguo took her parents back to the capital, and let her go there after they settled down.

Only then did Liang Ying know that Zhou Changguo had been working secretly for her parents. In order to rehabilitate her parents, he secretly wrote a lot of appeal materials and delivered them everywhere.

Finally, at the beginning of the month, the higher-ups agreed to help her parents rehabilitate. Although the official documents have not yet been issued, it has been agreed that her parents can return to Kyoto in advance.

Zhou Changguo personally went to Xincheng to pick up her parents.

Having suffered in Xincheng for more than three years, her parents were obviously much older. Seeing her, they couldn't help but hugged her and cried bitterly. Afterwards, they kept praising Zhou Changguo, saying that this son-in-law was a good find.

Facing Zhou Changguo like this, Liang Ying was really at a loss.

She found that she could no longer confidently say the words to sever all ties.

Zhou Niannian held her hand and said sincerely: "Sister-in-law, if you don't know what to do, just let him go first, don't make a hasty decision."

Liang Ying met her blankly, and asked hesitantly, "Aren't you going to plead for him?"

She thought that Zhou Niannian stayed with her to persuade her to reconcile with Zhou Changguo.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "Brother did do something wrong before, I won't open up for him."

"Marriage is a matter between two people, and it is also a matter of a lifetime. It is a matter of a lifetime, so it is natural to be cautious."

"It's just that I hope my sister-in-law will follow her inner thoughts more and follow her own heart while thinking about it."

Follow your heart?Liang Ying blinked blankly, her heart?
Zhou Niannian didn't chat with Liang Ying for too long, she knew from Liang Ying's bewildered expression that she hadn't made up her mind to cut off all contact with her elder brother.

As long as you don't make up your mind to cut off contact, the eldest brother still has a chance.

Liang Ying went downstairs to help Li Xiangxiu prepare meals. No matter what happened between her and Zhou Changguo, she always respected Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu.

As soon as she left, Zhou Changguo pushed open the door of Zhou Niannian's room impatiently.

"What did your sister-in-law say about me? Did you say something nice for me?" He asked Zhou Niannian eagerly.

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, "Brother, where's your face? In order to trick my sister-in-law back, you can even make up the words that I'm seriously injured."

Zhou Changguo chuckled, "I'm not afraid to say it lightly. Your sister-in-law won't come back with me. If she misses the time to come to see you with me, I can't help it. So I can only put it more seriously, so that she Don’t worry about time.”

Zhou Changguo's explanation is convincing, his wife is almost gone, what should he do!
(End of this chapter)

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