Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 499 Achievements

Chapter 499 Achievements

Zhou Changguo knew that Liang Ying had always been on good terms with Zhou Niannian, and he had tried his best to be nice to Liang Ying during this time, but Liang Ying had always been indifferent.

He was very uncertain, afraid that Liang Ying would still make up his mind to divorce him, so taking advantage of Niannian's injury this time, he tricked Liang Ying back, just to let Zhou Niannian probe Liang Ying's mind.

"You gave the elder brother an accurate word. I don't know if the elder brother is in a hurry?" Seeing that Zhou Niannian remained silent, Zhou Changguo became anxious.

"To be sure, my sister-in-law didn't think about it herself." Seeing that he was really anxious, Zhou Niannian couldn't bear to tease him again, so he repeated Liang Ying's words.

Zhou Changguo was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "It doesn't matter if you think about it, I still have a chance if you think about it."

Zhou Niannian looked at Zhou Changguo's uneasy expression, and said seriously: "Brother, I think it's not enough for you to be nice to sister-in-law, you also have to give her a sense of security."

Enough sense of security?

Zhou Changguo looked at Zhou Niannian in confusion, "How can I give him enough sense of security?"

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, "It is to let my sister-in-law trust you and your feelings for her, so that she won't be easily fooled by outsiders or some illusions, maybe that's it?"

Zhou Changguo scratched his head, feeling that love is really a profound knowledge.

He thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and asked distressed: "How did Lu Qingfeng give you a sense of security?"

Zhou Niannian was stunned, between her and Lu Qingfeng.
Probably because the two grew up together and knew each other too well, Lu Qingfeng didn't seem to deliberately give her a sense of security, but he would always tell her anything, so Zhou Niannian never felt insecure.

Of course, if Zhou Changguo was told this, it would make him even more confused.

"Lu Qingfeng doesn't hide anything from me, what's going on in the future, what's on your mind, communicate more with sister-in-law, I think you two still communicate too little."

Zhou Changguo went out with an educated face.

Zhou Niannian lay at home for two days and felt that she was fine, so she insisted on going to work at the newspaper office.

The time Guan Ping had fixed for her as an intern at the newspaper office was at the end of June, and it was time for her to leave the newspaper office soon.

Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan were very happy to see her.

Even the stern-faced Meng Wenbin took the initiative to ask about her physical condition.

"Nian Nian, we made a series on the prostitution case, you don't know how much repercussions it has caused in the society, our legal time is now very popular." Wu Xuan excitedly pulled Zhou Nian Nian and said.

Yang Jiarui also echoed, "The above said that the prostitutes we rescued need to be sent to a correctional center for management, and they will be released after they adapt to social life."

"It says that we can freely interview these people and organize them into a series of stories for publicity and education."

Sure enough, in the next few days, Meng Wenbin took them to the reformation center and started to do publicity and education.

The theme is finished, and it will be the end of June.

One day, Meng Wenbin came back from the editor-in-chief, and as soon as he entered the office, he patted the table excitedly.

Zhou Niannian, Wu Xuan, and Yang Jiarui, who were busy, were so frightened that they almost jumped up.

"What kind of wind is this?" Wu Xuan whispered.

Meng Wenbin wandered excitedly in the small office for a full 2 ​​minutes before announcing to them in a trembling voice: "Our legal moment has finally achieved results. The higher-ups notified us today that we should set up a separate legal moment." The Evening News will be changed from a weekly newspaper to a daily evening newspaper in the future.”

"That means we can publish an edition every day in the future!" Yang Jiarui's eyes lit up.

Wu Xuan clapped her hands and stood up excitedly, "Does that mean we are going to separate from the Kyoto newspaper? Are we going to set up our own newspaper?"

Meng Wenbin clenched his fists excitedly and nodded.

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows, "It seems that congratulations to the editor-in-chief will be promoted."

Meng Wenbin gave a rare chuckle, adjusted the old antique glasses on his face, and cleared his throat, "Well, the above said that I will be in charge of the Legal Moment Evening News."

In other words, he will be the editor-in-chief of the Legal Moment Evening News in the future.

"Wow, congratulations, congratulations!"

The three stood up to congratulate Meng Wenbin.

Meng Wenbin glanced at the three people with a complicated expression. When the legal system was first established, many colleagues were unwilling to be the editor-in-chief. They thought it was a hard job, so it fell on him who was sitting on the bench.

He saw Zhou Niannian who was assigned to carry a bird, Wu Xuan who was like a vase, and Yang Jiarui who had a hippie smile. At that time, he also thought that they might be disbanded soon.

Unexpectedly, the four of them made such an achievement in less than half a year.

When the news was announced today, those editor-in-chiefs who had abandoned the position of editor-in-chief of Legal Times all had pale faces. They looked at him with envy, and they probably regretted it.

After all, the position of the editor-in-chief and the position of the editor-in-chief are not on the same level.

"It's all thanks to the three of you. We will move out of this building soon and have our own newspaper office. We will work hard together in the future." Meng Wenbin said with a smile.

Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan looked at each other and nodded.

Yang Jiarui came here for an internship, and he still has half a year to intern. If nothing happens to Wu Xuan, she will stay here forever.

Zhou Niannian sighed, "It's a pity that I have to change my unit for an internship, so I won't be able to work with everyone."

The three of them suddenly remembered that Zhou Niannian was only intern until the end of June, and the joy on their faces was immediately diluted a lot.

Zhou Niannian was a little sorry for diluting everyone's happy mood, she shrugged, "It's okay, I will be a lawyer in the future, and I will often deal with our legal affairs."

"Don't come when I come, you don't have tea to entertain me." She smiled playfully.

Meng Wenbin sighed after being silent for a while, and patted Zhou Niannian on the shoulder, "You are a good person, no matter what time, the legal system always has your office, um, there is also a place for Ah Liang."

One sentence dilutes the slightly heavy atmosphere just now.

Zhou Niannian reckoned that Ah Liang would be crazy if he was here.

With the official notice, the new office building of the Legal Moment Evening News was approved soon. At the same time, the Legal Moment also began to recruit new reporters and editors, and there was an endless stream of people who came to sign up.

On the second day after moving into the new office building, Zhou Niannian packed her things and left the Legal Times newspaper office. It was time for her internship, and she had to go back to school to take the final exam.

Meng Wenbin specially invited the three of them to dinner for a small gathering, and agreed to get together frequently in the future.

The first thing Zhou Niannian did when he returned to school was to visit Guan Ping.

She has been too busy recently and hasn't come to see Guan Ping for two months, and she didn't dare to tell him about her previous injury.

I went to Guan Ping's house, but found that Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen were both at Guan Ping's house, and Guan Pengtian was also there.

"This is...?" Zhou Niannian asked suspiciously.

Guan Ping sighed, "The results of the paternity test that the Chen family sent abroad before came out."

(End of this chapter)

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