Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 500 Nian Nian's Yearning

Chapter 500 Nian Nian's Yearning
Only then did Zhou Niannian remember that in February, the Chen family had done a paternity test with Guan Pengtian.

Didn't expect it to take so long for the results to come out.

She hesitated for a while, and asked Guan Ping in a low voice, "How about I avoid it for a while?"

Guan Ping glanced at Guan Pengtian.

Guan Pengtian, who had been silent in the living room, waved to Zhou Niannian, "What are you avoiding, it's not something to be shameful."

Zhou Niannian didn't hesitate, walked in generously, and sat next to Guan Ping.

A paternity test report was placed on the coffee table, and it had been turned to the last page.

The conclusion page above shows that the certainty rate of the parent-child relationship between Guan Pengtian and Chen Jialao is 90.00%.

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised, he didn't expect Guan Pengtian to be the real son of the Chen family.

While she was happy for Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen, she was also more worried about Guan Ping's mood.

Zhou Niannian met Guan Ping with worried eyes, and Guan Ping smiled.

His gray beard was upturned, his wise eyes saw through Zhou Niannian's worries at a glance, and he reached out and patted her hand, "Silly girl, I can only be happy for you Brother Pengtian, he found his biological parents, life It’s a good thing that there is one less regret.”

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, this is indeed a good thing, but
The teacher has only one biological daughter, who is not around yet, and does not know whether he will meet again in this life. The brother Pengtian who stayed by his side has found his biological parents again.

She worried that Guan Ping would feel sad because of this.

"Narrow-minded, isn't it?" Guan Ping smiled lowly, "Brother Peng Tian has biological parents, so don't you recognize me as an adoptive father?"

That's true, according to Guan Pengtian's personality, he couldn't do such a thing.

What's more, Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen are not such people.

Sure enough, Uncle Chen waved his hand excitedly, "How can that be? Mr. Guan, we both don't know how to thank you. You have raised and educated our children. We can only be grateful to you."

Aunt Chen touched her tears, then nodded.

She had been looking at Guan Pengtian without blinking her eyes just now. Since the samples were sent for paternity testing, Guan Pengtian had hardly visited the Chen family's door.

Aunt Chen thought about it day and night and looked forward to the result. In fact, the result was in their hands yesterday.

After seeing the result, the old couple hugged their heads and burst into tears. After looking for the child for more than ten years, they finally found it.

Aunt Chen couldn't wait to come to Guan's house to recognize the child, but was held back by the more sensible Uncle Chen.

Firstly, it was too late, and secondly, they were too emotional, afraid of making any inappropriate actions.

The old couple didn't sleep much all night, and they finally came to Guan's house this morning.

"To tell you the truth, our couple has been worried that our child will be abducted these years. We don't know what kind of environment he will grow up in, and we are afraid that he will not receive a good education."

Aunt Chen wiped away tears, "Now that we have found the child, we are really grateful to see that he has been educated so well by you, thank you very much."

She looked at Guan Ping sincerely, "If you don't mind, our two families will be one family from now on."

When she said this, she couldn't help but look at Guan Pengtian nervously.

From the moment they sent the identification results to now, Guan Pengtian has been sitting on the sofa without saying a word.

Seeing Aunt Chen looking over at this moment, he pursed his lips with complicated emotions.

When he first learned that he was not the biological child of the Guan family and that he wanted to be a firm parent with the Chen family, he felt extremely complicated and even a little painful.

But after several months of precipitation, he has gradually accepted this reality.

Guan Pengtian has a strong mind, so he can adjust his emotions quickly. He raised his head to Uncle Chen, and Aunt Chen nodded and called softly: "Dad, Mom!"

Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen burst into tears, especially Aunt Chen, who couldn't stop crying.

Zhou Niannian's nose turned sour, and she almost shed tears.

The scene in front of her once again aroused her yearning for her biological parents.

She took a tissue to Aunt Chen, "It will be all right after you find the child, you and Uncle Chen finally settled a big concern."

Aunt Chen cried and nodded, she found the child, and the child was so promising, of course they were happy and excited.

Knowing that they must have a lot to say, Zhou Niannian sat down and left. Anyway, she is at school these days and can come to visit Guan Ping at any time.

She went back to the dormitory. Since Cao Haiyun moved out of the dormitory, she also returned home after her internship, and Yue Xiaomeng was the only one in the dormitory.

Speaking of which, she hasn't returned to the dormitory for almost half a year.

Zhou Niannian found her dormitory, but was unexpectedly rejected.

She looked at the time suspiciously, could it be that Yue Xiaomeng was reading in the library at this time?

Zhou Niannian took out the key and opened the door, and was surprised to find that the desk in the dormitory was covered with a layer of dust, which looked like it had been unoccupied for a while.

Where did Yue Xiaomeng go?Could it be that she doesn't live in the dormitory anymore?
Zhou Niannian glanced around Yue Xiaomeng's bed suspiciously, and saw that her bed was neatly made, and it looked like she hadn't lived in it for a long time.

She shrugged, originally wanted to chat with Yue Xiaomeng, but missed.

Zhou Niannian locked the door and went straight to the clothing store that Li Chengyu and Lu Qingfeng opened together.

After Lu Qingfeng went abroad, the clothing store was always managed by Li Chengyu himself. Lu Qingfeng gave Zhou Niannian the blueprints drawn by Zhou Niannian and the money from the cooperation with the garment factory in Guangcheng.

She found the store, but didn't come for half a year. She was surprised to find that the size of the clothing store had doubled again.

As expected, Yue Xiaomeng was helping in the shop.

She was wearing a goose yellow dress, her hair was permed into big waves, and she looked completely different from the original straightforward girl who was a bit rustic.

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows in amazement, and whistled at her.

Yue Xiaomeng was busy matching clothes for the guests, when she heard the whistle, she raised her head, and seeing Zhou Niannian, she couldn't help jumping up happily.

"Ah, Nian Nian, you finally came to see me, you are so heartless, you won't come to see me for half a year once you go to practice."

The two girls happily embraced each other.

Zhou Niannian smiled and said, "I'm here, tsk tsk, we haven't seen each other for half a year, our little dream is getting more and more beautiful."

Yue Xiaomeng stroked her hair in embarrassment, "Don't talk about me, you are famous now, and many people know that there is a powerful reporter named Zhou Niannian at Legal Times."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, seeing the customers in the store urging Yue Xiaomeng, and Li Chengyu was not there, so she helped her to work together.

It wasn't until noon that all the customers left that Zhou Niannian took her to sit down and chat, "The store is so busy, where did Li Chengyu go?"

"He, he went to Guangcheng to buy some goods." Yue Xiaomeng packed up the clothes that the customers had tried on and folded them again, "I was the only one in the store these two days."

Zhou Niannian nodded, and asked casually: "I went back to the dormitory today, Xiaomeng, did you move out too? It seems that the dormitory has been empty for a long time."

Yue Xiaomeng paused when he folded the clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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