Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 503 Yue Xiaomeng's Pride

Chapter 503 Yue Xiaomeng's Pride
Zhou Niannian frowned in surprise.

Don't Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde get along badly?

After Bai Yuqing married Chen Shangde, Zhou Niannian paid little attention to her married life.

Zhou Hongshan and his wife rarely mentioned it in front of her, and this was the first time Li Xiangxiu mentioned Bai Yuqing's married life in front of her.

"Shang De's mother is the kind of person who likes to order others. Qingqing is under her hands, and she has suffered a lot without thinking about it."

Li Xiangxiu sighed, "Fortunately, she and Shangde are going to move out, so she will be able to live more comfortably in the future."

Zhou Niannian was noncommittal, but when Li Xiangxiu mentioned it in front of her, she couldn't pretend she didn't hear it, so she echoed: "I hope."

Fortunately, Li Xiangxiu didn't bother about Bai Yuqing anymore, and the topic turned to Li Chengyu's mother again.

"Wang Yumei just wanted to let Cheng Yu and Xiaomeng have fun. If Li Chengyu really brought Xiaomeng home, I don't know what ugly things Wang Yumei would say."

"You still suggest that Xiaomeng don't get along with Cheng Yu anymore. It would be better for everyone to break up before the damage is done."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips silently, the damage had already been done.

She didn't dare to tell Li Xiangxiu that Yue Xiaomeng had already lived with Li Chengyu.

If this kind of thing is put in more than ten years later, it really can't be considered a big deal. It's normal for male and female friends to get along, get along if they get along, and separate if they don't get along.

But now if Yue Xiaomeng breaks up with Li Chengyu, if news of the two living together gets out, it will be difficult for Yue Xiaomeng to find a suitable partner in the future.

Zhou Niannian's heart suddenly moved. It's impossible for his mother not to know about Li Chengyu renting a house outside.

Then Li Chengyu's mother probably already knew about Yue Xiaomeng's cohabitation with her son. The reason why she didn't say anything was because she was waiting to attack Yue Xiaomeng later?

Thinking of this, Zhou Niannian couldn't sit still.

"Mom, what you said makes sense. I'm going out to find Xiao Mengha." She stood up, changed her shoes and ran outside.

Li Xiangxiu couldn't help shaking her head and laughing when she saw her in a hurry, "Why is this child still so frizzy?"

July is the hottest time in Kyoto, the sun scorched the earth, Zhou Niannian went all the way to Li Chengyu's clothing store, sweating all over.

Yue Xiaomeng saw her running in sweating, and immediately handed her the fan, "It's noon, why are you in a hurry, you still ran out."

Zhou Niannian looked at Yue Xiaomeng in front of him, and when the words came to his lips, he suddenly couldn't say anything.

Although Yue Xiaomeng in front of her had a big perm, she was wearing a dress that was popular in this era, she looked like a very fashionable modern girl.

But her eyes are pure and bright, full of enthusiasm, still the same as the passionate and impulsive Yue Xiaomeng when she first entered school.

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, suddenly not knowing how to analyze the matter between her and Li Chengyu with Yue Xiaomeng.

Do you want her to say that because Li Chengyu's mother thinks she is not good enough for Li Chengyu, so she persuades her to break up with Li Chengyu?

Zhou Niannian can't say this kind of words, after all, she herself doesn't think it's important to be well-matched, nor does she think it's inappropriate to live together before marriage.

As a result, she fanned the wind, hesitated for a while, and said with a smile: "I happen to be free today, and I want to go shopping with you."

Yue Xiaomeng pointed to Nuoda's clothing store, "What kind of clothes do you want? This store has plenty of them, and you still use them for shopping outside? Tell me, what kind of clothes do you want, and I'll give them to you."

She patted her chest proudly.

Zhou Niannian tutted and shook her head, "What a grand proprietress."

Yue Xiaomeng stuck out his tongue at her, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Li Chengyu came out from inside, holding a pile of clothes in his hands, "Niannian came to find Xiaomeng."

"Of course, otherwise you thought they were here to look for you?" Zhou Niannian replied with a somewhat aggressive tone.

Li Chengyu glanced at her inexplicably, put down his clothes, and scratched his head helplessly, "Grandma, I haven't seen you for a long time, it seems that I didn't offend you?"

Zhou Niannian also felt that what she said just now was a little rushed, but she had already said it, so she could only pretend to be angry and said: "You always occupy Xiaomeng, and if you don't let her go shopping with me, you are offending me."

Li Chengyu looked stunned, "What am I supposed to do? It turns out that this is the matter. Go, go. I have nothing to do today. I will stay in the store. You two sisters can shop as long as you like. I treat you, okay?"

As he spoke, he took out a stack of money from his pocket, stuffed it into Yue Xiaomeng's hands, and said dotingly, "Buy whatever you want."

Yue Xiaomeng gave him a somewhat embarrassed look.

Zhou Niannian saw the tenderness and sweetness of the two people, and felt that what he wanted to say was even more difficult to say.

"You said it, then I'm not polite." She deliberately looked like she was gearing up to kill Li Chengyu.

Yue Xiaomeng laughed, "Yes, you shouldn't be polite, Nian Nian, let's go."

The two girls went out, and the street where the clothing store is located has gradually formed a commercial street, selling clothes, jewelry, various daily necessities, and several restaurants.

The two strolled along the way, Zhou Niannian had something on his mind, so he was a little absent-minded.

Instead, Yue Xiaomeng bought a lot of daily necessities in a hurry, from pots and pans to soap and towels.

The hands of the two of them were full of things in a short while.

Yue Xiaomeng glanced at Zhou Niannian's hands full of things, and smiled embarrassedly, "You know, we just lived together, and there are too many things to buy."

Zhou Niannian sighed helplessly when she saw her appearance as a little housekeeper immersed in love.

"It's almost time for dinner, I'm busy shopping, let's go, there is a restaurant in front, I treat you to something delicious." Yue Xiaomeng pulled her into a restaurant, "The food in this restaurant is delicious Yes, Cheng Yu and I came to eat."

While ordering and waiting for the food to be served, Zhou Niannian hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Xiaomeng, if, I mean, if you join Li Chengyu and his parents don't approve of your marriage, what are you going to do?"

Yue Xiaomeng's eyes widened, "Why don't they agree? We are in love with each other, we like each other."

Uh. Zhou Niannian is speechless, can she say that Li Chengyu's parents consider their son's marriage not because of his son's liking, but because of his family status, right?
"What if she just doesn't like you?"

Yue Xiaomeng frowned and didn't speak.

When the food came, she picked up the chopsticks and ate two mouthfuls of food before shrugging, "I'm going to marry Li Chengyu, not them. I'll just try my best to treat them well. If they really don't like me, I won't either." Method."

Zhou Niannian suddenly felt like an old hen, worrying too much.

She forgot that Yue Xiaomeng was not a disadvantaged character.

She gave Yue Xiaomeng a thumbs up, "Well said, Xiaomeng, you have to remember, no matter when, you remember what you said today, you are willing to treat them well because of Li Chengyu, if they treat you badly Well, you don't have to wrong yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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