Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 504 A Simple and Tricky Case

Chapter 504 A Simple and Tricky Case

Zhou Niannian saw that Yue Xiaomeng's attitude was clear and he was not dazzled by love, so he let go of his heart.

But she still reminded Yue Xiaomeng, and briefly talked about the character of Li Chengyu's parents, so that she could have a clear idea.

Helping Yue Xiaomeng to send the things back, Zhou Niannian returned home.

When I got home just in time for the postman to deliver the letter, when I saw the envelope with my name on it, Zhou Niannian smiled happily when I touched the familiar font on the envelope.

It was a letter from Lu Qingfeng.

She couldn't wait to open the letter before she entered the house.

Lu Qingfeng said in the letter that he had already completed less than half of the courses in three months, and in the second half of the year he would study by himself while applying for an early exam.

If there is no accident, he will be able to return to China early in the year or at the latest.

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed, this is really good news.

After Lu Qingfeng left, although she was busy with work most of the time, whenever she had time, she missed Lu Qingfeng.

She was very unaccustomed to being separated from Lu Qingfeng.

Yang Shutong came out to deliver the garbage, saw her smiling happily at the door holding the letter, and greeted her loudly: "Whose letter is it? You are so happy, it can't be that kid Qingfeng."

Zhou Niannian shook the letter in his hand, and excitedly shared the good news with Yang Shutong.

When Yang Shutong heard that his son might come back early, he happily threw the garbage in his hand into the trash can and clapped his hands, "It's all right now. When he comes back, you will get married immediately. I want to hug my grandson even in my dream now. Just look at it." When it reaches Jiayan's stomach, I envy your mother."

Qi Jiayan has been pregnant for almost four months, and she just showed her pregnancy.

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore. Go in and read the letter. I have to go home and discuss your marriage with your Uncle Lu. I have to prepare a lot of things." Yang Shutong waved his hand saying that the wind is the rain, and rushed back home.

Zhou Niannian couldn't laugh or cry, but before Lu Qingfeng left the country, he had already made an agreement with Zhou Hongshan. When he finished his studies and returned to China, the two would get married immediately.

She carefully put away the letter, thinking that maybe she would marry Lu Qingfeng at the end of the year or the next year, the corners of her lips curled up.

After resting at home for two days, Zhou Niannian received an internship notice from the legal counsel office.

Zhou Niannian packed up her things and went to the legal counsel office to report early the next morning.

The legal advisor is between the Bureau of Investigation and the court. It seems that the higher authorities fully considered the cooperation with the Bureau of Investigation and the court when selecting the location.

She worked as a legal assistant for Li Anming, and after going there, she successfully found Li Anming's office.

There were also two young people who came to practice together, a man and a woman. The man was Qin Xueyi. He was in his early thirties. He was a college student before the social unrest.

This time he returned to the city just in time for the establishment of a legal counsel office and the recruitment of lawyers, so he signed up directly.

The girl is about the same age as Zhou Niannian, her name is Ning Yueting, she is a law student at Kyoto University of Science and Technology, and it is said that she is also a top student in the school. Like Zhou Niannian, she applied for early graduation.

Including Zhou Niannian, Li Anming brought a total of three assistant lawyers.

The so-called assistant lawyers mainly help lawyers collect evidence, improve the evidence chain of the case, sort out materials, and compile case files.

Although Li Anming knew Zhou Niannian, Guan Ping told him beforehand that he didn't have to treat Zhou Niannian specially, and hoped that Zhou Niannian could take this opportunity to grow up quickly.

So when reporting on the first day, Li Anming didn't show any special treatment to Zhou Niannian, which made Zhou Niannian secretly heave a sigh of relief.

After all, if the leader gave special treatment on the first day of the report, it would be tantamount to isolating her from all the colleagues and making her appear particularly abrupt.

She came here just to study hard and become a qualified professional lawyer.

There are three departments in the legal counsel office, and Zhou Niannian works in the lawyer department.

Li Anming took the three of them to familiarize themselves with the working environment, and then handed them a stack of materials, "This is a case I just took over. You should familiarize yourself with it first. We will have a meeting to discuss it in half an hour and listen to your opinions."

Quickly browsing materials and extracting important information is the most basic ability of a lawyer.

None of the three assistant lawyers felt that half an hour was a bit short, so they took the materials and looked down.

There was no sound in the office, except for the occasional rustling of papers being turned.

The case given by Li Anming was not complicated, but it was a bit tricky.

It was a simple and clear medical accident. A patient underwent left oophorectomy at Kyoto Nanfang Hospital more than half a year ago. After the operation, he recovered well and was discharged from the hospital.

But more than a month later, the patient often felt abdominal pain. At first, it was just a dull pain, and then gradually the abdominal pain became unbearable. He went to another hospital for re-examination, but found an unknown mass in the abdomen.

The hospital performed another operation on the patient. After opening the patient's abdominal cavity, it was found that after the last operation, the doctor accidentally left the gauze in the patient's uterus, which caused the patient's unbearable abdominal pain.

What's worse is that the gauze caused severe infection in the patient's uterus, and the patient's uterus had to be removed, and the patient could no longer have children in this life.

The heartbroken and angry patient took her family members, relatives and friends to Nanfang Hospital to make a big fuss, demanding that the hospital compensate her for her medical expenses, physical injuries, mental losses and other expenses.

After the incident, Nanfang Hospital fired the doctor who performed the surgery and offered to pay the patient some compensation.

The patient was not satisfied with the compensation and took the hospital to court.

At the same time, the chief surgeon who was expelled believed that he should not take the main responsibility in this incident, but the hospital just expelled him, and the assistant doctor and nurses who performed the operation together were only punished.

The chief surgeon was very unconvinced and did not agree with the result. He also sued Nanfang Hospital in court and asked the hospital to give him a fair treatment.

So this case became a case of two plaintiffs and one defendant.

The case is said to be simple because the process is simple and clear, and there are not too many difficult problems. It is said to be difficult because it involves two plaintiffs, and there is an unclear relationship between the two plaintiffs.

Although there are two plaintiffs, but because of the same incident, the consultant's office merged the case and handed it over to Li Anming to take charge of the case.

Zhou Niannian quickly finished reading the information, and subconsciously glanced at the two people next to him.

Qin Xueyi only read half of the material, but he read it very seriously, and while reading it, he carefully recorded it in his notebook, with a serious expression behind his thick glasses.

Ning Yueting has also finished reading the materials, and is writing down her own opinions.

Zhou Niannian withdrew her gaze, half-closed her eyes and began to think about the problem, but she didn't notice that Ning Yueting just raised her head to look at her gaze.

Ning Yueting's eyes swept over Zhou Niannian's face, and landed on the materials that she had folded and packed neatly. There was not even a piece of paper and pen next to the materials. A flash of disdain could not help but flash in her eyes. .

(End of this chapter)

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