Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 505 My View Is Different From Theirs

Chapter 505 My View Is Different From Theirs
Half an hour passed quickly, and Li Anming came over on time and told them to go to the small meeting room next to them for a meeting.

"Talk about your respective opinions." Li Anming glanced around the three people, but did not specify a candidate.

Ning Yueting sat upright and said first: "Lawyer Li, let me talk first."

Li Anming nodded lightly.

Ning Yueting glanced at Zhou Niannian, and smiled confidently, "I don't think this case is complicated. The facts of the case are simple and clear. Zhang Qiuli did undergo surgery in Nanfang Hospital, and a piece of gauze was indeed left in her body during the operation. , which can be proved by the surgical cases in the hospital later.”

Li Anming nodded, motioning for him to continue talking.

"Zhang Qiuli is the direct victim of this case. Nanfang Hospital's mistakes made her infertile for life, so she sued Nanfang Hospital, and winning the case is inevitable."

Obviously, Ning Yueting had already made a sufficient summary and analysis when she read the materials just now, so she spoke logically.

"It's just that we don't have complete relevant regulations on medical malpractice compensation in our country, and there are no similar precedents. Therefore, in terms of how to compensate, I think we can refer to foreign regulations and cases."

"In addition, as for the chief surgeon, Li Yu, he made mistakes in his work and caused Zhang Qiuli to be infertile for life. As the chief surgeon, he should indeed bear the main responsibility. There is nothing wrong with the hospital's expulsion of him. I think the court should dismiss his lawsuit."

Li Anming frowned slightly, "Have you finished?"

Ning Yueting blinked, but Li Anming didn't see the familiar look of approval in Li Anming's eyes, she was a little disappointed in her heart, and at the same time felt a little uneasy.

Isn't she right?

Li Anming didn't comment on anything, but turned his gaze directly to Qin Xueyi, "Tell me your opinion?"

Qin Xueyi rolled his eyes, with a slightly cautious expression, "My opinion is similar to Comrade Xiaoning's, but I think that in terms of compensation, we should not only refer to foreign laws, but also consider our domestic economic level and Zhang Qiuli's personal income. situation."

Annoyance flashed across Ning Yueting's eyes, yes, why did she omit this point just now.

Given the different levels of economic development at home and abroad, it is natural not to blindly refer to foreign cases.

It must be because I missed this most basic point, that's why Lawyer Li didn't approve of her when he looked at her just now.

Li Anming also did not comment on Qin Xueyi's point of view, and finally set his sights on Zhou Niannian, "Xiao Zhou, tell me your opinion."

Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi also looked at Zhou Niannian.

Ning Yueting felt a little proud and also a little curious.

When she came, she had already inquired clearly about the interns who practiced with her this time. She heard that Zhou Niannian was a high-achieving student at Kyoto University, and she was ranked No. 1 in every exam.

Among the three interns, only one can stay in the legal counsel office in Kyoto after the internship is over, and the other two will be assigned to legal counsel offices in other provinces and cities.

Ning Yueting came from a poor family, and it was not easy for her to study. She was also very competitive, and her academic performance in school had always been excellent.

She was about to graduate, so she naturally wanted to stay in Kyoto. Kyoto is the capital of the country, so naturally it is not comparable to other cities.

But there is only one place to stay in Beijing, and Ning Yueting feels that Zhou Niannian is her biggest threat.

So she has paid close attention to Zhou Niannian since she came in.

When she was reading the materials just now, she noticed that Qin Xueyi, like her, had taken a lot of notes, obviously recording all his thoughts.

But Zhou Niannian didn't even take a pen, and he didn't even have a notebook ready.

I don't know if she is overconfident, or if she is actually showing off.

When Lawyer Li asked Ning Yueting to speak first, she wanted to seize the first opportunity. After all, the case is not that complicated. The person who speaks first will make people's eyes shine. .

Just like Qin Xueyi had prepared so much, after she finished speaking, he could only say that his opinion was similar to his own.

Ning Yueting waited for Zhou Niannian with a bit of hope, what amazing theory could she come up with for a person who didn't even take notes?
Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, "I have a different opinion from them."

Ning Yueting's expression changed slightly, and her brows frowned.

Qin Xueyi looked at Zhou Niannian purely curiously.

"Oh? What's the difference, tell me?" Li Anming raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

Zhou Niannian sat up straight slowly, and said seriously: "This case is a dispute caused by a medical accident. There is no doubt that the hospital will compensate the patients, but I don't think we can only refer to foreign laws, cases and domestic laws and regulations for compensation. economic level."

Ning Yueting looked at Zhou Niannian disapprovingly, her expression was a little stiff, "The reference is just to find a reference, if you don't refer to these, do you want the victim to ask for the price and the hospital to bargain?"

"What's the matter? This is not buying vegetables at the vegetable market."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, "I'm not saying that you can't refer to them, but that you can't just refer to these."

"We have a medical accident today, let's refer to it, and next time there are other medical accidents, we will also refer to it, but the reference is something that is not qualitative."

"If the compensation for the next medical malpractice is higher than this one, the victims of this case will be dissatisfied after seeing it and sue again. What should we do, what should the court do?"

Both Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi were stunned.

"How can they sue casually for something that the court has judged? Wouldn't it be messed up?" After a while, Ning Yueting whispered, "Reporter Zhou, what advice do you have?"

Zhou Niannian ignored the sarcasm and dissatisfaction in her eyes, looked up at Li Anming and said, "I think this case should be used to apply for the establishment of judicial appraisal procedures,"

Forensic procedures?

What is this?
Ning Yueting was stunned for a moment, frowning and thinking, as if she had seen this concept in some book.

Qin Xueyi reacted quickly, "Oh, I remembered, it seems that there are such judicial appraisal procedures in foreign countries, it seems that some experts are invited to use science and technology or professional knowledge to demonstrate the special issues of litigation design."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "It's not only the argument, but also the appraisal, to determine the level. For example, in this case, we can invite medical experts to conduct argumentation and appraisal of this medical accident, and determine a level of severity."

"As for the compensation, the compensation will be made according to the severity conclusion given by the experts. If there is a similar medical accident in the future, the severity level can be identified in the same way."

Li Anming naturally knew the concept of forensic identification, he nodded slightly, and looked at Zhou Niannian approvingly, "That's right, let's talk about the treatment of the chief surgeon."

Zhou Niannian sighed helplessly. Li Anming deliberately taught Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi a lesson. Of course, he deliberately gave himself a chance to show himself.

 The second one will be at eleven o'clock, these two days are too busy, tomorrow will be fine, haha!
(End of this chapter)

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