Chapter 506

Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi expressed their opinions first, and what they said did cover the current domestic legal professional knowledge requirements.

In the eyes of Zhou Niannian, a reborn person, what they said was indeed incomplete, and it's not their fault. It can only be said that they still can't see what a perfect legal system will look like in the future.

Even the foreign legal system, they have not completely involved.

If Li Anming corrected some of their opinions in time after listening to their views, Zhou Niannian would not have a chance to shine.

So he kept silent on purpose and let Zhou Niannian express his opinion first.

On the same case, Zhou Niannian's views were completely different from theirs, which made Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi realize Zhou Niannian's strength.

Knowing that Li Anming gave him a chance, Zhou Niannian naturally became more serious.

"I think the accountability for this medical accident is too sloppy. The chief surgeon, Zhang Yu, should not be mainly responsible. On the contrary, his responsibility in this accident should be the smallest and lightest."

Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi looked at Zhou Niannian in surprise, the expressions in their eyes were full of astonishment.

"How is it possible? Zhang Yu is the chief surgeon and is in charge of the operation. He cut the incision in the patient's stomach and he also sewed it up. There is a gauze in the stomach. Don't blame him or anyone?" Ning Yueting's face was full. disapproved, "Comrade Xiao Zhou's views are really not surprising."

Qin Xueyi nodded in agreement, "Yes, I also think that the chief surgeon's fault is bigger. If it's not the chief surgeon's fault, is it the patient's own fault?"

Ning Yueting pursed her lips exaggeratedly, "Who would dare to go to the hospital for surgery in the future? Are you still thinking about reminding the doctor not to leave things in your body?"

Zhou Niannian looked at Ning Yueting leisurely, "Has Comrade Ning had any surgery?"

Ning Yueting snorted, her face darkened, "Are you cursing me? I'm in good health, so naturally I haven't had any surgery."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, "Do you know how many people are in the operating room for a simple operation?"

She has never had an operation, how could she know about such a problem?Ning Yueting's face was a little ugly, thinking that Zhou Niannian was deliberately making things difficult for her, "We are discussing the case, what does it have to do with whether I have had surgery or not?"

"Aren't you qualified to discuss issues if you haven't had an operation? Then I want to ask Comrade Xiao Zhou if you have had an operation?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "I haven't had an operation before, but I know that to complete an operation, at least one surgeon, one assistant doctor, one equipment nurse, one itinerant nurse, and other staff in charge of medicines and injections are needed. Prepare nurses and so on."

"The chief surgeon is responsible for determining the location, purpose, and completion of the operation, while the device nurse is responsible for confirming that all the devices are in place at the end of the operation, and the itinerant nurse is responsible for confirming."

"Only when they confirm that there is no problem can the chief surgeon suture the incision."

Zhou Niannian looked at Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi with a serious expression, "If Zhang Yu is said to be responsible, wouldn't the responsibility of the itinerant nurse and the equipment nurse be even greater?"

Ning Yueting's expression was stiff, she pursed her lips and did not speak.

She really didn't understand that so many people were needed to perform an operation, nor did she think about the division of responsibilities of the people in the operating room.

Qin Xueyi suddenly realized, and looked at Zhou Niannian with a full face of approval, "We took it for granted. When we saw the operation, we took it for granted that it must be the responsibility of the surgeon. This is indeed our misunderstanding."

"Comrade Xiao Zhou's analysis is quite reasonable. The equipment nurse and the itinerant nurse are also responsible."

Ning Yueting curled her lips, especially not convinced, she didn't take it for granted, she just didn't understand the work of a doctor.

If she had known in advance that an operation would be so troublesome and would require so many people, she would definitely be able to analyze it, so there's no need for Zhou Niannian to show off here.

Zhou Niannian's words made Qin Xueyi admire her, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, who do you think should bear the main responsibility?"

"It's still the same sentence. We are not doctors when we do forensic appraisal. We can't judge the process of an operation based on its complexity. We should leave it to experts for appraisal."

"But one thing that can be confirmed is that Zhang Yu should not bear the main responsibility, we should defend him."

Li Anming clapped his hands, "That's right, what Comrade Xiao Zhou said is very comprehensive and thoughtful, as expected"

He originally wanted to say that Zhou Niannian is indeed a student of Guan Lao, but when the words came to his lips, he remembered Guan Ping's explanation, so he paused and changed it to "As expected of a student of Kyoto University."

The corners of Ning Yueting's mouth were tightened, and the expression in her eyes was a little bit unwilling.

Li Anming glanced at her, and said calmly: "You must remember that as a lawyer, you are supposed to understand the knowledge of all walks of life. Although you are not required to have an accurate understanding, you should at least know the general idea."

"Otherwise, when it's time to analyze the case, you will lack a sufficient basis for judgment. For example, in this case, Comrade Xiao Zhou was able to analyze it so accurately because she has a wide range of knowledge."

Speaking of this, Li Anming looked at Ning Yueting, and said meaningfully: "This is not a simple statement that you have never had an operation, or you can get away with it if you don't understand it."

Ning Yueting's expression changed, and a grievance flashed in her eyes.

Lawyer Li gave them half an hour to read the materials. How could she have time to learn about medicine.

"Okay, follow what Xiao Zhou said just now, and make defense plans separately. This case will be in court next Thursday. I hope you will submit your defense plans to me next Monday." Li Anming stood up first, and asked Zhou Niannian He nodded slightly and walked out of the meeting room.

Zhou Niannian picked up the files on the table and followed them out.

She helped Guan Ping sort out countless case materials, and discussed many defense methods with Guan Ping. It was not difficult for her to make a defense plan.

Only Ning Yueting and Qin Xueyi who were packing up the materials were left in the conference room.

"What's so great about it? Are those from Kyoto University necessarily better than others? Is it great to know a little medical knowledge?" Ning Yueting angrily piled her notebook on top of the documents.

Qin Xueyi took a careful look at her gloomy face, did not speak, and left the conference room silently holding his notebook.

Seeing that Qin Xueyi didn't respond to her, Ning Yueting became even more angry, and snorted heavily, "Zhou Niannian, just wait for me, my defense plan will definitely be better than yours."

Zhou Niannian didn't know the grievances in Ning Yueting's heart, of course she knew, and she wouldn't care too much.

She didn't come here for an internship to compare with anyone. It's her idea to do her job well and strive to be a good lawyer. As for other people's ideas, she doesn't particularly care.

When it was time to get off work, Zhou Niannian picked up her bag and got off work on time.

Ning Yueting curled her lips when she saw her, "I heard that her family conditions are very good, but at first glance, she looks like a young lady who doesn't know how to worry."

(End of this chapter)

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