Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 529 Lin Xiaodan's Purpose

Chapter 529 Lin Xiaodan's Purpose
With such a commotion outside, Zhou Niannian naturally heard the commotion.

Not only she heard it, but also the Zhou family, Li Xiangxiu, Qi Jiayan and Zhou Changan.

Zhou Chang'an probably heard what was going on at home, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he was about to jump out, but Zhou Niannian grabbed him.

"Second brother, don't be angry, don't worry, just think about it, Lu Qingfeng is not that kind of person."

Zhou Changan took a deep breath and regained his sanity.

Indeed, they grew up with Lu Qingfeng and understood Lu Qingfeng's personality.

But if it wasn't Lu Qingfeng's child, how could the other party come to him so confidently.

"I'll go out and have a look, don't conflict with them." Zhou Niannian patted Zhou Changan's arm, opened the door and walked out.

As soon as she opened the door and went out, she happened to meet Lin Xiaodan's turned eyes.

All eyes in the courtyard fell on Zhou Niannian.

Seeing her come out, Yang Shutong and Lu Wenhan looked at each other with worried expressions.

"Niannian," Yang Shutong walked quickly to Zhou Niannian's side through the crowd, and held her hand, "You believe in Qingfeng, he is not that kind of person."

Someone in the crowd let out a chuckle.

"Hey, I said sister-in-law of the Lu family, you still want to fool Niannian at this moment, your Lu family is a little unkind."

"That's right, if it's not that there is Qingfeng's child in her stomach, how dare she come here to look for her like this."

"That kid Qingfeng looks decent, how could he do such a thing?"

The ones who took the lead in saying these words were naturally Wang Yumei and the people who were usually close to him.

Li Chengyu frowned at the side, listening to his mother's words was worse than a sentence, couldn't help but tease Wang Yumei, "Mom, don't say that, brother Lu is not this kind of person."

Wang Yumei turned her head and glared at him, "What do you know, there are so many people in this world who know people and face but don't know their heart, you think everyone is as stubborn as you."

Ever since Yue Xiaomeng disappeared, Wang Yumei has been thinking a lot about introducing someone to Li Chengyu, but he refuses to let go, so Wang Yumei gets angry when he sees Li Chengyu.

Now hearing that he defended Lu Qingfeng again, he was even more angry.

Li Chengyu stiffened his neck, very unconvinced, "Brother Lu is not that kind of person anyway."

"Yeah, Qingfeng is really not that kind of person." There was a soft discrimination sound from the crowd.

Everyone froze for a moment, and their eyes fell on Lin Xiaodan.

Lin Xiaodan, who was standing in the crowd, was wearing a pink padded jacket, his eyes were soft with a hint of grievance, and he looked like a slim white lotus.

Everyone never expected that Lin Xiaodan was the first to defend Lu Qingfeng.

For a moment, everyone was a little confused, Lu Qingfeng let her have a child, but didn't want her. Doesn't she hate Lu Qingfeng?

Lin Xiaodan smiled softly, "It was really an accident between us, it was a misunderstanding, I...I met bad guys that night, it was Qingfeng who saved me."

"I'm grateful to him. If it wasn't for him, I'd probably be... now," she said, her voice choked up, her head lowered, and under the dim light, she looked quite pitiful.

"Later, Qingfeng sent me home. In short, everything was an accident, and I was willing. I didn't want to ruin his marriage."

When she said this, she raised her head, her gaze fell on Zhou Niannian, "I know, Comrade Xiao Zhou is also a good girl, I...I wish her and Qingfeng a happy life together."

Zhou Niannian looked at Lin Xiaodan indifferently, but was very puzzled in his heart.

From Lin Xiaodan's appearance until now, her behavior has been very strange.

At first Zhou Niannian thought that she really liked Lu Qingfeng and wanted to break off her engagement with Lu Qingfeng because of this matter.

If this is the purpose, she can use another method.

For example, the Lin family came forward to negotiate with the Lu family and threatened the Lu family with the child in her womb, or she secretly went to herself to explain the matter between her and Lu Qingfeng.

Regardless of the type, she didn't need to disregard her reputation and publicly expose her unmarried pregnancy to the public.

In this way, although Lu Qingfeng's reputation of being chaotic and abandoning can be confirmed, at the same time, Lin Xiaodan's own reputation is also added.

After all, these days, getting pregnant out of wedlock would be poked in the spine.

Unless Lin Xiaodan has other purposes.

Lin Xiaodan's words aroused the sympathy of many people.

Wang Yumei rubbed her eyes, and pulled Aunt Lin Xiaodan with emotion, "Sister Lin, this child is too kind. At this time, she is still thinking of others."

Aunt Lin Xiaodan sighed bitterly, "She is stupid. When she regrets it in the future, I can't let her be so stupid."

"That's right, Sister Lin, the child is young and doesn't think too much. We, the elders, should make up our minds for her." Wang Yumei agreed with her face.

Lin Xiaodan looked up at Zhou Niannian, and said softly: "Comrade Xiao Zhou, I have a few words to say to you alone, let's go to the side and talk, okay?"

She pointed to the streetlight next to her.

Zhou Chang'an, who had been so angry for a long time, snorted, "Is there anything you can't say here, you even dare to say something like an unmarried pregnancy in public, so there is nothing to hide."

Lin Xiaodan lowered his head sadly, rubbing his hands, looking very aggrieved, "It's a few private words that Qingfeng said before, please ask me to bring them to Comrade Xiao Zhou, Comrade Xiao Zhou, you are sure to let these private words I said it in public?"

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows, and walked towards the streetlight next to her.

Qi Jiayan grabbed her arm vigilantly, "Be careful of her tricks."

Zhou Niannian nodded, walked under the streetlight next to her, kept a distance of two steps from Lin Xiaodan, looked at her indifferently, "What do you want?"

Lin Xiaodan turned his back to the crowd and gave her an extremely weird smile, "What do you think?"

Zhou Niannian frowned and looked at her quietly.

Lin Xiaodan lowered her head, gently stroking her stomach with both hands, showing a wicked smile, which made her look very out of harmony.

Zhou Niannian became vigilant, and subconsciously exclaimed, "What are you going to do?"

The next second, Lin Xiaodan suddenly plopped down on his knees in front of her, and grabbed her hand, crying, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, I beg you, the doctor said that my uterus is thin, and if I beat this child, I will never do it again." I can't get pregnant anymore."

While crying, she shouted: "Please, I really don't want to disturb you and Qingfeng, I just want this child, please let me keep this child."

Zhou Niannian stared at her sullenly, "What exactly do you want?"

Lin Xiaodan looked up at her, with a gloomy and evil smile on his face, "You can't guess."

The next second after Lin Xiaodan finished crying, he fell to the ground and let out a scream.

"Oh, my stomach, my stomach hurts so much, auntie, help me."

She was wearing a pair of light-colored trousers today, and glaring blood slowly flowed from between her legs.

Her screams startled the people next to her, and they immediately surrounded her with a clatter.

 I know everyone hates Lin Xiaodan, but her goal is really not to grab Lu Qingfeng, so read on patiently!
(End of this chapter)

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