Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 530 The Entire Zhou Family

Chapter 530 The Entire Zhou Family
Although Zhou Niannian and Lin Xiaodan were talking under the streetlight not far from the crowd, everyone could clearly see their actions under the streetlight, but they couldn't hear what they said.

All they heard was Lin Xiaodan's cries after kneeling down, and the voice of calling for help.

Seen not far away, the scene of Lin Xiaodan's fall was that Zhou Niannian was so angry that he shook off her hand and threw Lin Xiaodan to the ground.

When they heard Lin Xiaodan shouting for help, everyone cheered and surrounded him.

"Oh my god, a lot of blood."

"This is a miscarriage, hurry up, send it to the hospital."

There was an exclamation from the noisy crowd.

In addition to the exclamation, Zhou Niannian also clearly heard the clicking sound of pressing the shutter.

She turned her head mechanically, and saw two young men holding cameras and taking pictures of her and Lin Xiaodan who was lying on the ground.

A vague idea quickly flashed through Zhou Niannian's mind, but it was too fast, and she missed it all at once.

She subconsciously called out, "Second brother, someone took a picture."

Zhou Changan, who ran over, looked up and saw the two men taking pictures, and quickly ran towards the two men, "Stop taking pictures."

The two people holding the camera quickly pressed the shutter a few times, turned and ran away.

Zhou Changan chased after him all the way.

Aunt Lin Xiaodan grabbed Zhou Niannian's arm, scratched and scratched at Zhou Niannian, "Why are you so cruel, our Xiaodan has asked for nothing, and you still push her?"

"You are a murderer, you are a murderer."

Zhou Niannian grabbed her arm and said calmly and forcefully, "I didn't push her."

"Of course you don't admit it now." Aunt Lin Xiaodan spat hard on the ground, and raised her hand to give Zhou Niannian a slap, "If anything happens to us Xiaodan, I want you to fight with your life."

Of course that slap didn't hit Zhou Niannian's face, she accurately grabbed Aunt Lin Xiaodan's arm, "You have time to cry here, why don't you hurry her to the hospital."

Aunt Lin Xiaodan came to her senses all of a sudden, she looked at Lin Xiaodan who was screaming on the ground with her stomach in her arms, and immediately cried out, "I beg you to help me to send him to the hospital."

When encountering such a thing, looking at the screaming people on the ground, the Venerable Master will probably have some sympathy.

So everyone rushed forward to carry Lin Xiaodan.

A few people emerged from the crowd and rushed over. When they collided, someone knocked Qi Jiayan down.

"Ah, don't squeeze, don't bump into me, ah!" Qi Jiayan exclaimed, and fell backward uncontrollably.

She is now more than eight months old, with a big belly, and it is difficult to maintain her own balance. If she is knocked to the ground, one can imagine how dangerous it is.

Qi Jiayan cried out in panic.

Zhou Niannian was not far away from her. When she heard Qi Jiayan's scream, her pupils shrank violently. Before she had time to think, she jumped up and rushed towards her.

She fell to the ground with a bump, and Qi Jiayan sat on top of her.

Zhou Niannian felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, and was hit hard by Qi Jiayan on her lower back. The two huge pains made her eyes go black instantly.

"Jiayan, are you okay?" She endured the pain and hurriedly asked Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan sat on Zhou Niannian's waist, but she didn't feel any discomfort. After a false alarm, she stood up in fear, "Niannian, are you alright?"

Zhou Niannian gritted her teeth and shook her head. Seeing her get up, she stretched out her hand to touch her abdomen, but found a sticky area with a faint fishy smell.

She frowned, and touched the sharp thing stuck in her abdomen, which was a very sharp bamboo strip.

Her eyes instantly turned cold.

With Zhou Niannian's pounce, Lin Xiaodan had already been carried away.

Before Aunt Lin Xiaodan left, she gave Zhou Niannian a hard look at Zhou Niannian who was still lying on the ground, "You wait, our Lin family will never end with you."

Seeing that there was no excitement, the people who gathered around to watch the excitement also talked about this farce in twos and threes, and gradually dispersed.

Only those close to Zhou's and Lu's family comforted Yang Shutong and Li Xiangxiu, then turned and left.

After all, they don't know the truth about this kind of thing, so they feel embarrassed no matter how they comfort them.

Only Yang Shutong, Lu Wenhan, Li Xiangxiu and Qi Jiayan were left under the street lamp.

Li Xiangxiu pulled Qi Jiayan with a look of fear, if Qi Jiayan fell to the ground just now, with her eight-month pregnancy, it would not only be as simple as a premature birth.

Yang Shutong was in a mess, and it was Lu Wenhan who first noticed that Zhou Niannian was strange.

"Niannian, are you okay? Can you stand up by yourself?" He frowned and looked at Zhou Niannian who was still lying on the ground.

Zhou Niannian smiled wryly, and stretched out his hand, his slender fingers were covered with blood.

"It's not very good, Uncle Lu, quickly call the second brother back and take me to the hospital, I was stabbed."

Li Xiangxiu's expression changed drastically when she heard this, and she squatted down in panic, "Nian Nian, where are you hurt, let mom see."

She reached out to help Zhou Niannian up.

Only then did everyone notice a slender piece of bamboo stuck in her abdomen.

Zhou Niannian's face turned pale, she leaned against Li Xiangxiu, took a deep breath and said, "Mom, don't be afraid, I'm fine, listen to me."

Feeling a little short of breath, she paused, then looked at Lu Wenhan.

"Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, this matter is not simple. Lin Xiaodan's purpose is not simple. She didn't come here to destroy my marriage with Qingfeng. Today's incident was premeditated, and the purpose should be to deal with our two families."

She took a breath, and then said: "Mom, you call my dad right away, be careful on the way, and call your elder brother, and tell your elder brother and sister-in-law to be careful."

Li Xiangxiu's face turned pale, and she was a little dazed when she heard it, but she nodded quickly.

Lu Wenhan looked very serious, apparently Zhou Niannian's words made him vigilant all of a sudden.

Zhou Changan ran back panting at this time, "I didn't catch up with the person who took the photo, I ran too fast, I split up when I got out of the compound."

"Stop talking, Chang An, send Nian Nian to the hospital first, she is injured." Qi Jiayan interrupted Zhou Chang'an eagerly.

It was only then that Zhou Changan noticed that Zhou Niannian, who was leaning on Li Xiangxiu, was pale.

He was startled, and immediately stepped forward to hug Zhou Niannian, "Don't be afraid, Second Brother will take you to the hospital right away."

"Drive my car." Lu Wenhan took out the car key from his body and gave it to Zhou Changan, then comforted Zhou Niannian, "Don't be afraid, Uncle Lu will arrange the family affairs and then go to the hospital."

As Zhou Niannian said just now, he obviously expected that things would not be easy.

Zhou Niannian nodded, feeling that her physical strength was draining.

She slowly closed her eyes. Lin Xiaodan's purpose was not to destroy Lu Qingfeng's marriage with her at all, no, it should be said that it was not only to destroy her marriage with Lu Qingfeng.

What she had to deal with was the entire Zhou family, and possibly even the Lu family.

But why?Why did Lin Xiaodan target the Zhou family so much?
(End of this chapter)

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