Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 531 The Relationship of the Lin Family

Chapter 531 The Relationship of the Lin Family

Zhou Niannian passed out when she arrived at the hospital.

She didn't know that the bamboo slices pierced her abdomen was actually quite deep, and she passed out because of excessive blood loss.

Zhou Changan has been guarding her in the hospital.

In the Zhou family, the atmosphere was very stagnant.

On the way back, Zhou Hongshan was almost hit by a car. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and rolled around in the street, otherwise the car would have run over him directly.

Li Xiangxiu called the dormitory office of the National Defense University, but never contacted Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying.

"This can't be such a coincidence. Something happened to our family at the same time. Someone must be deliberately targeting our family." Li Xiangxiu sat on the sofa with a pale complexion, "The boss and his wife should make sure nothing happens at this time."

"Old Zhou, who are you talking about targeting our family?"

Zhou Hongshan sat on the sofa with a face as heavy as water, without saying a word, obviously he had no idea about this matter.

Lu Wenhan frowned, trying to sort out the clues of this matter, "No matter who it is, it is not accidental that the people from the Lin family came to the door today, they should have come prepared, otherwise why would someone take pictures?"

Since the accident this afternoon, he and Yang Shutong haven't gone back.

Yang Shutong gritted his teeth resentfully, "I don't know how that bastard Qingfeng provoked such a woman who looks like a showman. He was crying, and what he said was so true."

Thinking of Lin Xiaodan who was crying in front of her in the afternoon, Yang Shutong felt two points of disgust in his words.

Qi Jiayan, who was told to rest with a big belly, has been sitting beside her. After these things happened, she was not in the mood to rest.

"Auntie, the child in that woman's belly can't be real." Qi Jiayan hesitated again and again, but still asked the question in her heart.

Until now, the focus of everyone's attention does not seem to be on this.

She hadn't known Lu Qingfeng for a long time, so she naturally didn't know Lu Qingfeng as well as others, and she was more worried about Zhou Niannian.

If this incident is true, how big a blow should it be to Zhou Niannian.

Yang Shutong frowned, and blurted out: "Impossible, your uncle and I raised Lu Qingfeng under strict discipline. He can't do that kind of thing."

Qi Jiayan pursed her lips, "Then the Lin family?"

When Lin Xiaodan was carried out, his trousers were soaked in blood.

Judging by the situation, the child probably won't be able to keep it.

Standing on Zhou Niannian's side, although Qi Jiayan didn't sympathize with Lin Xiaodan, she was also pregnant. Qi Jiayan couldn't help but shudder when she saw this situation.

Lu Wenhan knew what she wanted to ask, and shook his head, "Let her go to the Lin family, we can't go, if we go, it means we admit that this child has something to do with Qingfeng."

Qi Jiayan thought about it, and felt that what he said was somewhat reasonable.

The irritable Yang Shutong wandered around the room twice, and couldn't help saying angrily: "If there is a way to get that bastard back from abroad as soon as possible, then we will find out what's going on."

"It may not be related to Qingfeng." Zhou Hongshan who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

The crowd looked at him.

Lu Wenhan frowned, "Did you think of anything?"

Zhou Hongshan shook his head, "At the same time, attacking all members of my Zhou family is clearly intended to destroy the Zhou family. If it is only because of Qingfeng, if Lin Xiaodan wants to snatch Qingfeng, there is no need to target the Zhou family at all."

"With the relationship of the Lin family, there's no need for that girl to make trouble in person. The Lin family can put pressure on them. Why do they have to sacrifice their reputation and come to make trouble in person?"

Lu Wenhan nodded, "Indeed, what you said makes sense, but let's settle the matter at hand first. Those people took photos to borrow the pressure of public opinion."

After he finished speaking, he stood up, "Although the Lin family is related, it's not that our two families are not related at all. I'll go out and make arrangements first."

Zhou Hongshan stood up and said in a deep voice, "I will entrust this matter to you, Lao Lu. I have to go to the hospital first to check on Nian Nian's injuries, and then I have to go to the National Defense University to find the boss and the others."

Lu Wenhan waved his hand, "My family doesn't need to say those polite words."

The two went out together and told Yang Shutong to stay at home with Li Xiangxiu and take care of Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan, who was listening in a cloud, asked Li Xiangxiu in a low voice, "Is the Lin family very powerful in Beijing?"

Li Xiangxiu nodded with a complicated expression, "The Lin family. The Lin Xiaodan you saw today, her grandfather was a great hero in the founding of the country and achieved the position of general."

"Lin Xiaodan's father has been training in the army. Speaking of which, the Suburban Corps where your eldest brother belongs is under his jurisdiction."

As soon as the words fell, there was a knock on the door.

Yang Shutong opened the door and saw Li Chengyu standing outside.

"Aunt Lu, Aunt Zhou, can I come in and talk?" He rubbed his hands with shame on his face.

Yang Shutong and Li Xiangxiu looked at each other, and Li Xiangxiu nodded slightly.

Although both of them were angry at Wang Yumei's provocation and making troubles, they also knew that Li Chengyu was still a good boy.

Li Chengyu didn't do anything after he came in. He stood beside him wisely and said, "I just went out to inquire about it, and I already know something about Lin Xiaodan."

Li Chengyu knew that what his mother did was not appreciated by others. He grew up with Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian. Now that something happened to the Zhou family, he naturally wanted to help find out some news, hoping to help the Zhou family.

"Lin Xiaodan's mother had dystocia when she was born and passed away. She grew up with a nanny, and her aunt was named Lin Xiyun. It is said that she never married in her life. She treated Lin Xiaodan as her own child since she was a child."

"When Lin Xiaodan came back from abroad this time, her father didn't know about her return. He heard that she had been staying at Lin Xiyun's place since she came back."

"Also, I went around to the hospital just now and heard that Lin Xiaodan's child had been aborted, but Lin Xiaodan was bleeding profusely and is being rescued right now. Nian Nian's injuries are also serious and she hasn't woken up yet."

Hearing that Lin Xiaodan's child had been lost, the three women in the room looked at each other with complicated expressions, and then turned their attention to the unconscious Zhou Niannian.

In the hospital, Lin Xiaodan, who was announced by the doctor that he was hemorrhaging and was trying his best to rescue him, was lying on the bed at the moment. Although his face was pale, his expression was extremely relaxed, as if he had unloaded a big burden that he had been carrying for a long time.

"Xiaodan, you have suffered, don't worry, my aunt will definitely vent this bad breath for you." Lin Xiyun touched Lin Xiaodan's face with distressed face, and his expression immediately became ferocious, "That little girl of the Zhou family, how dare you If you dare to overthrow you, I will make her pay the price."

Lin Xiaodan hooked the corners of her lips, the evil seed in her stomach was finally removed, and she was in an indescribably good mood at the moment.

The door of the ward was quietly pushed open from the outside, and a man in black with a hat walked in.

The brim of the man's hat was pushed down very low, revealing only the short beard of his chin.

"You're here." Lin Xiyun saw the man and stood up.

The man nodded slightly and pointed to Lin Xiaodan, "Go out for a while, I have something to say to her."

(End of this chapter)

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