Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 535 I'm Too Arrogant

Chapter 535 I'm Too Arrogant

"Tch, when did you become so timid?" Ah Liang snorted, then withdrew her body and stood on the bedpost next to her.

Anyone who woke up from a coma and opened his eyes to see a bird almost lying on his face would be startled.

Zhou Niannian glared at Ah Liang, "You have been away for several months this time, I thought you would never come back."

"How can it be? The spiritual egg hasn't hatched for me yet, so why don't you come back." Ah Liang looked up and down next week Niannian with a smile.

"You are really good. How long has it been since I left, and you put yourself in the hospital? You were seriously injured and unconscious, hehe, it's really good."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

She didn't want to either. At that time, she only thought that Qi Jiayan must not fall to the ground, so she rushed over subconsciously.

How could I have imagined that there are such sharp bamboo pieces on the ground.

Fortunately, she rushed over. If Qi Jiayan fell to the ground and the bamboo sticks on her body, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of the bamboo pieces, Zhou Niannian's eyes became sharper.

Her family lives in the compound, and there are people in the compound cleaning the yard at a fixed time every day. Not to mention such sharp bamboo pieces, you can't even find a banana peel or a piece of paper on weekdays.

Her first reaction when she touched the bamboo piece was that the bamboo piece was put there deliberately to take advantage of the confusion.

At that time, there were a lot of people standing in the compound, and someone put a piece of bamboo in the middle of the mess, but it didn't attract the attention of others.

"Tell me how you got hurt." Ah Liang saw that she was in a daze, glanced at Zhou Changguo who was sleeping next to him, changed a comfortable position and lay down on the window sill, as if she was going to have a long chat with her.

Zhou Niannian told the story of Lin Xiaodan's visit.

Ah Liang almost jumped down in shock, her first reaction was: "Isn't it? Nian Nian, have you been greened by Lu Qingfeng?"

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, "Your focus is really different."

Ah Liang blinked, "That's the point, isn't it?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

Indeed, what Ah Liang said was also reasonable. Normally, the focus of attention should be whether Lu Qingfeng and Lin Xiaodan had an affair.

But she didn't seem to have considered this issue, perhaps because in her subconscious, she deeply felt that Lu Qingfeng would not do such a thing.

"What happened that day should be premeditated. I think even if I don't go out, Lin Xiaodan will make other noises to lure me out." Zhou Niannian concluded.

Lin Xiaodan's actions that day were indeed very strange. They had a quarrel at the gate of Lu's house when they could talk about it behind closed doors.

Moreover, Aunt Lin Xiaodan made a big commotion on purpose, attracting many people to come out to watch the fun. If not, the Zhou family would not have gone out.

To be precise, from the first time Lin Xiaodan appeared in front of her, her behavior revealed a weirdness.

If she didn't want to know her real purpose, she wouldn't talk to her alone.

"You're really stupid," Ah Liang looked at her speechlessly. "You know that she has bad intentions, but you still go to talk to her alone. Listen to how frustrating her excuses are? Why did Lu Qingfeng ask her to bring her back? A few private words?"

Ah Liang's words were full of contempt, "Hehe, it's not that Lu Qingfeng's mind was trapped by the door, how could he let her bring some private words?"

"You don't even expose such a frustrating excuse, and you still go with it, tsk tsk, you really have a worrying IQ."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, "Of course I know that the excuse she made was a bit frustrating, no, it was very frustrating, I was too confident, I thought I could stop all her plots, but it turned out"

As a result, reality slapped her hard.

Ah Liang gave her a look that you can still save, "If you know how to self-criticize yourself, it means that you are not so stupid that you can't be saved."

Zhou Niannian narrowed his eyes, "I haven't seen you for a few months, how did your mouth become so poisonous? This is bullying. I can't hit you right now?"

Ah Liang snorted, and finally stopped releasing her poisonous words.

Zhou Niannian was only awake for a while during the day, and Zhou Chang'an did not tell her that Zhou Hongshan had nearly had a car accident and that Zhou Changguo's ribs had been broken.

She thought that she was the only one who was hurt, so she was even more confused by Lin Xiaodan's behavior.

"What on earth is she trying to do? If it's really just about robbing Lu Qingfeng, it's fine just targeting me. Why did she want to hurt my second sister-in-law?"

She muttered a few words to herself, but she didn't hear Ah Liang's words. When she raised her head, she saw that Ah Liang seemed to be a little restless, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What are you thinking? Why don't you speak?"

Ah Liang snorted, "Don't you despise me for talking poisonously?"

Zhou Niannian was speechless and thought for a while, "Why don't you help me find out where Lin Xiaodan lives, and how is the situation at the moment?"

"It's also in this hospital. It's on the top floor. I think you've fallen asleep and haven't woken up. You've gone upstairs and slipped around. She's sleeping soundly." Ah Liang suddenly jumped up from the window sill as she spoke.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Niannian was taken aback by her actions, and saw Ah Liang flying straight to the table opposite the hospital bed, spitting into the water glass above it.

"You don't want to?" She had a bad feeling.

Ah Liang paused, "The Bird Clan is indeed in civil turmoil. I sensed that something happened to you. I rushed back day and night, so I have to go back quickly."

It gave Zhou Niannian a sideways look, "Your wound is infected, if you think about it quickly, apply my saliva on the wound, and I guarantee you will be discharged from the hospital in a few days."


Before Zhou Niannian could say anything, she was interrupted by A Liang eagerly, "No, but you have experienced the effect of my saliva, Mr. Bird, don't you think you still hate it?"

"Tell you, Master Bird, I flew back for two days and two nights in a row. If you dare to dislike me, I will never care about you again."

Looking at Ah Liang who was ready to explode at any time, Zhou Niannian silently pointed to the white water glass next to her, "I want to tell you that the glass you spit out belongs to my second brother, and the white one belongs to me." Glass."

Ah Liang slipped and almost fell off the table.

"Didn't you say it earlier? Waste my saliva."

Zhou Niannian looked at its indignation with joy, "It's you who always interrupt me."

"You actually sensed that I was injured? It seems that your spiritual power has recovered a lot."

While spitting, Ah Liang nodded quite complacently, "Well, it has indeed recovered a lot, but it still can't compare with my spiritual power in Jiuchongtian."

Zhou Niannian didn't know about the Jiuchongtian's affairs, so he didn't change his opinion, and asked about the civil strife in the bird clan.

"It was Fat Yuan's second uncle who wanted to seize power and imprisoned Fat Yuan's father and Fat Yuan's family. After I went there, it took me a lot of effort to rescue Fat Yuan, so I have to go back as soon as possible to help Fat Yuan's father get rid of him." Take back the throne." Ah Liang finally finished spitting and gasped tiredly.

(End of this chapter)

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