Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 536 Find a way to interview her once

Chapter 536 Find a way to interview her
Zhou Niannian was speechless: "I didn't expect the Bird Clan to have a power struggle."

"Dynasty changes and power struggles are not only human beings." Ah Liang sneered, flapped her wings, and held the white water glass in front of Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian took it.

"You can apply it on the wound yourself, I have to go back quickly." After Ah Liang finished speaking, she flew straight out.

Zhou Niannian looked at its eager figure, secretly wondering why it was so dedicated and eager to help Fei Yuan.

Doesn't it hate fat and round ones very much?Why didn't there appear to be a little disgust in this conversation?
Sure enough, not only humans are fickle, but birds are also fickle?

Ah Liang, who had just flown out of the hospital, didn't know that she had been labeled fickle by Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian fumbled to undo the bandage the doctor had made, and touched Ah Liang's saliva on the wound.

Zhou Changan guarded her for two nights, he was probably exhausted and slept soundly, but he didn't even realize that Ah Liang had come back.

Ah Liang's saliva was indeed amazingly resilient. Early the next morning, when the doctor made a ward round, he was surprised to find that Zhou Niannian's wound had begun to scab over.

"It's so strange. The wound was infected and festered yesterday, and you were still febrile and drowsy, but today it started to scab." The doctor scratched his head strangely.

Zhou Niannian smirked.

You can't say she touched a bird's saliva, can you?

Zhou Changan on the side was both surprised and delighted, "Doctor, does that mean my sister will be discharged from the hospital soon?"

The doctor looked suspiciously at the wound of Next Zhou Niannian again, and nodded after confirming that it was indeed scabbed.

Although he still didn't understand what was going on, he still answered Zhou Changan's question.

"Well, after two more days of observation, he can be discharged from the hospital without any problems."

The doctor turned around and went out after finishing speaking, it was so strange, he decided to go back and study the medicine Zhou Niannian used, what kind of medicine made the wound heal so quickly.

Zhou Changan was very happy to hear that.

He has been in the hospital and cannot go home, and he is really worried about the safety of Qi Jiayan at home.

Zhou Niannian also knew his worry, and smiled, "You heard it too, I'm fine, you go home and visit Jiayan."

Zhou Changan nodded subconsciously, thinking of what Zhou Changguo said to himself, hesitated again, "Let's forget it, anyway, you will be discharged from the hospital soon, the elder brother said, I want me to guard you every step of the way."

"Brother also knows that I'm injured?" Zhou Niannian was a little surprised.

Only then did Zhou Changan tell her about Zhou Hongshan's near accident and Zhou Changguo's injury.

Zhou Niannian's expression froze, "What happened at the same time?"

Zhou Changan nodded, "Brother analyzed that there must be someone behind Lin Xiaodan, but he couldn't guess who it was."

Zhou Niannian frowned tightly.

Lin Xiaodan acts so strangely, if the target is not Lu Qingfeng, but Zhou's, then her strange behavior can be explained.

But she and the Zhou family have no grudges, who is instigating her behind the scenes?
"I'll go and see my elder brother in a while. By the way, second brother, did you catch up with those people who took pictures that day?" Zhou Niannian asked hurriedly, remembering Zhou Chang'an ran after those who took pictures before she fell into a coma.

Zhou Changan shook his head resentfully, "Those people are very cunning, they flew away as soon as they left the compound."

After all, Zhou Niannian had been a reporter for several months, so he knew what was going on when he heard that the photos hadn't been recovered.

"So now the newspaper has reported this matter?"

Zhou Changan hesitated for a while, wondering if he should tell Zhou Niannian about it.

Earlier, Zhou Niannian was unconscious and weak. Zhou Changguo explained that she was not allowed to know about the outside world for the time being, so as not to make her angry and sad, and the wound would not heal easily.

Seeing that Zhou Niannian's wound is recovering so quickly, can he tell her what's going on outside?
"Second brother, you don't have to worry about my health, the doctor said I'm recovering very well," Zhou Niannian saw through Zhou Changan's worry at a glance, and shook his arm to show that he was in good health.

"Second brother, I have to know the situation outside so that I can think of a countermeasure as soon as possible."

Zhou Changan pursed his lips, and handed out the two newspapers he had hidden earlier.

Zhou Niannian took it and quickly browsed it, her face darkened.

"Don't be angry, these tabloids are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, they are all scribbled, and no one will believe it." Zhou Changan was afraid that she would be angry, so he quickly comforted her.

At first, Zhou Changan was so angry that Zhou Niannian was so angry when he saw such words as vicious and cruel in newspapers.

"I'm not angry," Zhou Niannian casually threw the newspaper aside, "The newspaper dares to report in such a one-sided manner, there must be someone behind it."

Zhou Chang'an was stunned for a moment, then realized, "You mean that the person who ordered Lin Xiaodan might be the one who instructed Lin Xiaodan?"

"It doesn't have to be the same person, but there must be a relationship." Zhou Niannian said with certainty.

As soon as the words fell, there was a knock on the door.

Zhou Changan opened the door and saw Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan standing outside, Wu Xuan was holding a bunch of flowers in her hand, and Yang Jiarui was carrying a basket of eggs and brown sugar.

"Why did you two come together?" Zhou Niannian asked in surprise.

Wu Xuan put the flowers on the table, "I know you are injured, of course I have to come over and take a look."

She turned around and looked at Zhou Niannian's strange eyes, and quickly waved her hands, "What are you thinking, we just met at the entrance of the hospital, so we didn't make an appointment in advance."

"Oh, that's it." Zhou Niannian nodded with great interest, "I didn't say anything, what are you in a hurry for?"

Wu Xuan laughed dryly.

Yang Jiarui coughed twice with an uncomfortable expression, " is your injury? Are you okay?"

Zhou Niannian withdrew his eyes from looking at the two of them, and smiled, "It's okay, the doctor said that he can be discharged in two days."

Wu Xuan sat down next to her, "What's going on? I read the reports in the newspapers. You won't be really attracted by Lu Qingfeng, right?"

"Pfft!" Zhou Changan, who was drinking water, spit out all the water and coughed until he coughed. While coughing, he looked at Wu Xuan with horrified eyes.

Wu Xuan looked blank, "Did I say something wrong?"

Zhou Niannian suppressed a smile, "No, no."

The veins on Yang Jiarui's forehead twitched, and he squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, "Can you look like a girl, is that something a girl can say casually?"

Wu Xuan stared at her disapprovingly, "Why can't girls say that? That's not the point, is it? The point is whether Lu Qingfeng has a crush on Nian Nian?"

Yang Jiarui suddenly felt a row of crows fly over his forehead.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "You can say it, and of course a girl can say it too. I need you to help me investigate whether he cheated on me."

Wu Xuan's eyes lit up, and she patted her chest to promise, "Tell me how you want me to help, and I promise to complete the task."

Zhou Niannian pointed to the top of the building, "Lin Xiaodan is on the top floor now, try to find a way to interview her."

(End of this chapter)

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