Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 544 Who Says It Has Nothing To Do With Me?

Chapter 544 Who Says It Has Nothing To Do With Me?

Zhou Niannian was very moved, she did not expect Wu Xuan to rush into the hospital alone because of her.

"Yes, with these evidences, it can be proved that Lin Xiaodan did not bleed profusely." She grabbed Wu Xuan's hand and said with a smile, "Xiao Xuan, you really left, you even broke into the hospital by yourself and escaped unscathed. "

"However, this kind of thing is dangerous after all. Don't do it in the future. If something happens, I will never feel at ease for the rest of my life."

Wu Xuan patted her chest with a smile, "Who am I, don't worry, I know it well."

Even though she said that, she felt a little guilty inside.

Without Yang Jiarui's help today, the possibility of her getting out unscathed is too small.

Wu Xuan's erratic eyes met Yang Jiarui's mocking eyes, and she couldn't help but straighten her back again.

Nian Nian said the same words so nicely, but when it came to Yang Jiarui's mouth, ivory couldn't come out of a dog's mouth.

She snorted, looked back angrily, and turned to talk to Zhou Niannian.

"Nian Nian, do you want me to investigate the relationship between Lin Xiyun and Yao Shicai again?" She volunteered to propose, and as soon as she finished speaking, she clearly felt Yang Jiarui's gaze on her turn cold.

Wu Xuan resisted the urge to turn around, sat up straight and looked at Zhou Niannian eagerly.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback by her eager eyes, and couldn't help shaking her head amusedly, "No need."

"Is it really not necessary?" Wu Xuan was a little disappointed.

Zhou Niannian shook his head, "We just need to know that Yao Shicai is behind the scenes. Yao Shicai's purpose is to get revenge on me and our family."

"Obviously the focus of his revenge now is the lawsuit against Lin Xiaodan for framing me. He probably wants to ruin my reputation and ruin my future through this lawsuit."

When she said this, a hint of sarcasm appeared on her face, "If we know his purpose, we will have nothing to fear. As for the relationship between him and Lin Xiyun, it is not important to us."

"Then what shall we do next?" Wu Xuan asked.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "Next is my main battleground. I am the person involved in this lawsuit. After all, I have to face it by myself. I will sort out all the evidence with my teacher."

Wu Xuan nodded.

Yang Jiarui, who had been silent all this time, took a step forward, "Didn't you say that you have contacted Lu Qingfeng to come back? In fact, what he said after he came back is more important than any evidence."

"Aunt Lu is already trying to get in touch." Zhou Changan whispered.

Zhou Niannian smiled, but there was always a faint feeling in her heart that things would not be that simple.

Lin Xiaodan is far away abroad, and Yao Shicai can use it against her. Before Yao Shicai made the arrangements, didn't Yao Shicai think that Lu Qingfeng would come back?

Thinking of this, Zhou Niannian couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Lu Qingfeng is abroad, so he won't be in any danger, right?

At this time, Lu Qingfeng who was abroad was hiding in the dark, staring at the station across the street with a pair of black eyes.

Outside the station, there were quite a few blond men wandering around with cigarettes in their mouths.

After he left Mr. Bader's private clinic yesterday, before the gangsters could react, he ran all the way, returned to his dormitory at night, and took his passport and all the cash in his hand.

When it was almost dawn, he rushed to the airport.

The matter involved Lin Xiaodan, and Lin Xiaodan was in the country at this time, Lu Qingfeng felt that there must be something happening in the country that he didn't know about.

Lu Qingfeng has only one thought at the moment, he must return to China as soon as possible.

But near the airport, he found a lot of people from the Mafia, and he felt that those people must be waiting for him, so Lu Qingfeng didn't step into the airport.

He went to the station instead, and found that there were also people from the Mafia, not surprisingly.

It seems that leaving by car is also out of the question.

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips, his eyes became darker and darker.

He didn't close his eyes all day and all night, and with the injuries on his body at the moment, his face turned pale.

He slowly closed his eyes, thinking in his mind.

He had memorized the map here. If he remembered correctly, there was a river meandering through the city, leading directly to the next city.

There are fishing boats passing through the river every day, and occasionally there are boats going down the river to the downstream cities.

Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes suddenly, he had some calculations in his heart, glanced at the people who were still wandering outside the station, turned around and left quickly.

Seeing that Zhou Niannian was fine, Wu Xuan left Zhou's house.

Before leaving, when she passed by Yang Jiarui, she deliberately stepped on Yang Jiarui's foot.

"Hiss!" Yang Jiarui couldn't help but gasped after being stepped on by her coldly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't think I use my brain very much when I do things, and my eyes are not very good." Wu Xuan looked at Yang Jiarui with a smile.

Yang Jiarui pursed his lips, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Niannian looked at the interaction between the two with thoughtful eyes.

"Niannian, I'm leaving first, call me if you need something." Wu Xuan waved to Zhou Niannian in a good mood, turned and left.

Yang Jiarui then stood up, with his hands in his pockets, "I have something to do, I have to go first."

"Brother Chang An, Nian Nian, just let me know if you have something to say."

Zhou Niannian waved at him, "Second brother, you can send him off."

Zhou Changan sent him to the door, and when he came back, he asked Zhou Niannian with a strange face, "Do you think there is something weird between the two of them?"

Zhou Niannian chuckled, "Well, a little bit."

The awkwardness between Wu Xuan and Yang Jiarui didn't last for a day or two, the longer the awkwardness lasted, the more Zhou Niannian felt that there was something interesting between the two of them.

After Wu Xuan left Zhou's house, she walked back along the road.

She was a little confused, and wanted to walk to the next bus stop before taking a bus.

After walking for a while, she felt that something was wrong, and when she turned her head, she saw Yang Jiarui following her not far away, slowly following her.

Seeing him, Wu Xuan became furious, "What are you following me for?"

Yang Jiarui looked at her gravely, "What are you angry about?"

"Why am I angry?" After hearing what he said, Wu Xuan became even angrier. She couldn't help but walked back and poked his chest with her fingers.

"I did something today and helped Niannian. I was very happy at first, but I let you criticize me all over my face."

Yang Jiarui frowned, "I didn't criticize you."

Wu Xuan sneered, "You still said you didn't criticize me, you said I don't use my brain, and you said I was being chased like a dog."

"I was chased and ran away, what's the matter? What's the matter with you?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

"I am..." Before Wu Xuan could finish her sentence, Yang Jiarui suddenly lowered her head, grabbed her head, and directly blocked her mouth.

Wu Xuan's eyes suddenly opened wide, all words were blocked back, she just stared blankly at the eyelashes of Yang Jiarui who was closest to her.

After a while, Yang Jiarui let go of her and looked at her with heavy eyes, "Who said it has nothing to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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