Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 545 Not sure of winning

Chapter 545 Not sure of winning

It took Wu Xuan a long time to realize, she stared blankly at Yang Jiarui, as if she was dumbfounded, and murmured, "Then what is our relationship?"

Yang Jiarui couldn't help but smiled softly.

Wu Xuan lowered her head in embarrassment, feeling that her question was really stupid, and it didn't fit her straight-forward personality.

"Of course it's a relationship that can be kissed at any time." Yang Jiarui approached her and teased her.

Wu Xuan suddenly widened her eyes.

This was the first time that Yang Jiarui said such intimate words in front of her. Before, he always had an attitude of being responsible to her, which made her furious.

"You still have to be responsible to me?" She frowned, and there was a hint of sarcasm between her brows.

Yang Jiarui shook his head and looked at her intently, "No, I found out that I fell in love with you, so I want to be more responsible to you."

Wu Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and she felt the joy in her heart dangling like a bottle filled with water, bubbling and overflowing happily.

She looked up at Yang Jiarui, bit her lip and smiled.

"Well, this time I accept your responsibility."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and strode forward. When the cold wind blew, her hair fluttered with the wind, but Wu Xuan didn't feel cold at all.

Her pace became faster and faster, and finally turned into a trot towards the bus stop ahead.

Listening to her footsteps following behind her, the corners of Wu Xuan's mouth curled up.

The wound on Zhou Niannian's body has already healed. When she was discharged from the hospital, the wound had scabbed over. Within two days after she was discharged from the hospital, her wound recovered.

Ah Liang's saliva is effective, and it even has the effect of repairing scars. There are only shallow marks on her waist, and there are almost no traces of injury.

After she recovered from her injury, she first went to Guan Ping.

Because Lin Xiaodan claimed that he was bleeding heavily, he was never discharged from the hospital. The court set the trial date for the end of December.

There are less than ten days left.

When Zhou Niannian came, Guan Ping was preparing defense materials.

He was wearing a pair of reading glasses, sitting behind the desk, and seriously wrote the defense he prepared on the paper.

Guan Pengtian opened the door for Zhou Niannian.

"Is it okay to get hurt so soon?" Seeing that it was Zhou Niannian who came, Guan Pengtian was a little surprised, and even more disapproved, "Just ask me to go if there is something to do, what are you going back and forth about?"

Zhou Niannian turned around with a smile on her face, "It's okay, the wound has almost healed, go out and walk around, I'm almost growing weeds at home."

Guan Pengtian was amused by her description.

"Nian Nian, come and have a look." Guan Ping raised his head, took off his reading glasses, and waved to Nian Nian.

Zhou Niannian walked to the desk, seeing the neatly written materials and clearly marked notes on the desk, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Let you worry about it, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to worry about it."

Guan Ping patted her disapprovingly, "I am happy when something makes me use my brain and think about problems. Otherwise, wouldn't my brain grow grass?"

He imitated Zhou Niannian's mischievous tone just now.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, but her eyes still fell on the pile of materials that Guan Ping had sorted out.

Guan Ping followed her gaze, knowing what she was thinking, and said, "This is my work habit. Since I was a lawyer, I have been used to sorting and analyzing the evidence before the trial, and taking everything into consideration. All issues are listed."

"It's not because it's your case, but if it's someone else's case, I'll do the same."

Zhou Niannian took a step forward, holding his arm and laughing, "You will never represent other people's cases now."

Guan Ping smiled, and gave Zhou Niannian the materials, "Let's see if there is anything left to write?"

Zhou Niannian took the information and began to study it seriously.

When Guan Pengtian saw them start talking about the case, he packed up his things and prepared to go out to his hotel.

It took Zhou Niannian almost half an hour to finish reading the materials Guan Ping compiled. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"What do you think?" Guan Ping sat across from her drinking tea, and asked when she saw that she had closed the materials.

Guan Ping is a veteran of the legal profession, so there is nothing to criticize in what he prepared.

"The difficulty of this case is to prove that I did not overthrow Lin Xiaodan. The only evidence now cannot fully prove that I did not overthrow her." Zhou Niannian said in a low voice.

Lin Xiaodan sued her for intentional injury, so whether she overthrew Lin Xiaodan and caused her miscarriage is the core of the case.

"That's right," Guan Ping nodded, "They have evidence to prove that we pushed, and we also have evidence to prove that we did not push."

"So this will become a controversial point in the trial. It depends on which witnesses we can find flaws in."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, remembering the medicine Wu Xuan found, took it out of her bag, and handed it to Guan Ping, "Wu Xuan sneaked into Lin Xiaodan's ward and found it disguised as a hospital cleaner."

"Lin Xiaodan didn't use medicine for bleeding, which should mean that she didn't have bleeding."

"Teacher, if it is proved that she did not have a major bleeding, can it be explained, or we have reason to suspect that she is deliberately exaggerating her condition, and the purpose is to frame me?"

Guan Ping pondered for a moment, "It is possible to say this, but you also said that the other party found Wu Xuan, and I am afraid that they are also preparing related arguments. Then they can say that they took too much medicine that day, or that they were not in good health that day. It is suitable for various excuses such as medication."

Zhou Niannian knew that what Guan Ping said made sense, and thought for a while, "Or I can try to find Lin Xiaodan's attending doctor to see if there is a way to understand Lin Xiaodan's condition when he was admitted to the hospital."

Guan Ping frowned, "Since she dared to fabricate false medical records for Lin Xiaodan, she would definitely not tell you the truth."

"Besides, whether Lin Xiaodan is bleeding heavily is not the focus of this case. The core of the case should still be to find a way to prove that you have not retreated to Lin Xiaodan."

"Nian Nian, the law pays attention to evidence and uses evidence to infer the facts that have happened. If we can't produce strong evidence, we will not be sure of winning this lawsuit."

Zhou Niannian didn't know this point, but this point was the most difficult.

After leaving Guan Ping's house, she was a little depressed.

The Lu family tried various ways to contact Lu Qingfeng, but they failed.

She vaguely felt that something must have happened to Lu Qingfeng, which made her a little anxious.

When I returned to the compound, I ran into Li Chengyu head-on.

Zhou Niannian greeted him indifferently, and passed him by.

Since Yue Xiaomeng left, she talked less with Li Chengyu.

"Nian Nian!" Li Chengyu stopped her from behind.

Zhou Niannian turned around, "Is there something wrong?"

Li Chengyu's expression was a little complicated. He scratched his head and whispered, "I'm sorry, Niannian."

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows and looked at him puzzled, "The matter of Xiaomeng is between you two, so you don't have to say sorry to me."

"No, it's not about Xiaomeng," Li Chengyu waved his hand, "It's my mother, my mother"

(End of this chapter)

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