Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 546 No news is good news

Chapter 546 No news is good news

When Li Chengyu said this, he couldn't help stamping his feet, and sighed, "Oh, I don't know what happened to my mother, she actually told the people in the court that she saw you pushing Lin Xiaodan."

When he said this, he was afraid that Zhou Niannian would get angry, so he waved his hands eagerly, "I know you didn't push her, I really believe you."

"My mother doesn't know what's wrong recently. It's very strange. I said to her, but she didn't listen to me. She also said that it was all for me. I was almost mad at my mother."

Li Chengyu explained with a helpless face, "Nian Nian, I hope you can see the love we grew up together, don't blame my mother, I...I will try my best to persuade her not to testify indiscriminately."

Zhou Niannian saw that the more he explained, the more anxious he became, so she couldn't help but interrupt him.

"Okay, Cheng Yu, I know what you mean."

Li Chengyu looked at her eagerly.

"We grew up together, you should understand my personality, you are you, your mother is your mother, I will not confuse them." Zhou Niannian smiled lightly.

Li Chengyu understood the meaning of her words, and lowered his head a little dejectedly.

"I understand what you mean." His voice was a little low, and he left listlessly after speaking.

Zhou Niannian looked at his back, pursed her lips, and a silent sigh escaped from her lips.

She obviously didn't push Lin Xiaodan, but Wang Yumei wronged her for her own selfishness. Why should she forgive her?
Wait, something seems wrong, Zhou Niannian frowned, feeling a little weird.

The Li family lived in the same compound with them for so many years, and Li Chengyu played with them until they got older. The Li family was not too close to the other families in the compound. Of course, this was mainly because of Wang Yumei's personality.

In her heart, Wang Yumei doesn't like anyone. She thinks that everyone in the compound has something she doesn't like. Either this family has no quality, or that family has no education. In short, apart from her own family, there is no one in her eyes. Someone who can get into her eyes.

Because of her personality, the Li family and the family in the compound are not close, but it is not to the point of deliberately helping Lin Xiaodan to perjure and frame her, right?

That night when she and Lin Xiaodan were talking under the streetlight not far away, she never pushed Lin Xiaodan at all, and dared to say that she pushed Lin Xiaodan, definitely to frame her.

But there was no enmity between her and Wang Yumei, the only quarrel was the day Yue Xiaomeng disappeared, when she slapped Wang Yumei in the park.

Could it be that she deliberately framed herself just because she said something to her?
Zhou Niannian was even more puzzled when she remembered what Li Chengyu said that Wang Yumei did everything for him.

She returned home full of thoughts and asked Li Xiangxiu, "Mom, do you know how Li Chengyu's parents are working after returning to Beijing?"

"Old Li's family?" Li Xiangxiu was a little surprised, "Why did you think of asking their family?"

"It's nothing, I just met Cheng Yu just now, and I saw that he was a little distressed, so I asked casually." Zhou Niannian gave a reason.

Li Xiangxiu didn't doubt that he was there, so she thought about it carefully, "Lao Li used to be in the transportation department. After he was sent down, he came back earlier than your father. Although he was still in the transportation department, I heard that he was just assigned a part-time job, which is no longer the case. location."

She said with a thumbs up gesture, "But this is also understandable, many people who returned to Beijing were not arranged in their original positions."

These people who were sent down returned to Kyoto in batches, and the work after returning to Kyoto was also arranged uniformly by the Returning Work Placement Office.

Many people already have people in their original positions, so naturally they cannot be assigned back to their original departments. Most of the older ones are assigned idle positions, while the young people are assigned new positions.

Not many officials like Zhou Hongshan were reinstated.

"As for Wang Yumei, I don't know much. I only know that she works as an accountant in the construction department. Oh, and she is also a colleague of that aunt Lin Xiaodan."

"The rumor about Lin Xiaodan and Qingfeng was first heard by Wang Yumei from Lin Xiaodan's aunt." Li Xiangxiu couldn't help being a little angry when she mentioned this.

Wang Yumei and Lin Xiyun were colleagues. Zhou Niannian knew about it. She knew about it when Lin Xiyun and Lin Xiaodan came to make trouble that day.

It's just that I didn't think deeply about it before, but Zhou Niannian couldn't help thinking more about it today combined with Li Chengyu's words.

With Wang Yumei's lofty and proud character, she should be disdainful to frame her, unless there is some reason for her to be tempted.

She and Lin Xiyun were colleagues, did Yao Shicai promise her something through Lin Xiyun?

The more Zhou Niannian thought about it, the more she felt that there was such a possibility.

If she could find evidence that Wang Yumei was bribed, it would prove that Lin Xiaodan was framing her.

Zhou Niannian's heart moved, and suddenly he heard Li Xiangxiu muttering: "I don't know if Qingfeng is okay abroad. Your Uncle Lu has already asked the embassy to contact him, but the answer he gave said that Qingfeng could not be contacted, saying He's not at school anymore."

Not at school anymore?
Zhou Niannian's heart sank, something really happened to Lu Qingfeng.

He said in his previous letter that he would try his best to complete all the homework as soon as possible and apply for early graduation and return to China, so Lu Qingfeng spent almost all of his time studying.

If nothing happened, he wouldn't leave school.

"I'll ask Uncle Lu." Zhou Niannian got up and went to the Lu's house opposite.

It was Yang Shutong who opened the door.

Zhou Niannian met her red and swollen eyes, and couldn't help but tremble in her heart, but the words on her lips suddenly trembled violently, "Aunt Lu, Qingfeng him"

Yang Shutong has always been cheerful, Zhou Niannian never saw her cry.

Seeing her red and swollen eyes now, Zhou Niannian felt a little bad.

"The embassy said they are already looking for someone, and they will reply to us soon," Lu Wenhan walked up behind Yang Shutong, and said in a deep voice, "No news now is good news."

Yang Shutong took a deep breath, "Yes, Nian Nian, don't be afraid, your Uncle Lu is right, no news is good news."

Zhou Niannian looked at her suspiciously, "Then you"

If so, Yang Shutong wouldn't cry until his eyes were red and swollen, right?
She was worried that the old couple had something to hide from her.

Yang Shutong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I was in a hurry to get angry, and my eyes would become red and swollen when I was in a hurry."

Zhou Niannian heaved a sigh of relief, she thought Yang Shutong was crying because she was overly sad.

"Did the embassy say when there will be news?" She took Yang Shutong's hand into the door and asked Lu Wenhan.

"No later than twelve o'clock tonight, the embassy got the news that Qingfeng's classmate said that he had been missing for two or three days. Based on this time, the case can be filed as a missing person."

"Once foreign police intervene, I believe it will happen soon." Before Lu Wenhan finished speaking, the phone in the living room suddenly rang.

The ear-piercing ringtone made the three of them stunned at the same time, and Lu Wenhan strode over to answer the phone.

 I saw the monthly tickets voted by the cuties, thank you for your kindness!
(End of this chapter)

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