Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 567 Ah Liang Zhang is Here

Chapter 567 Ah Liang is Back

Zhou Niannian didn't care too much about Bai Yuqing's emotions.

It was sincere that she gave Li Xiangxiu the income earned from the clothing store, and it was also sincere that Li Xiangxiu gave her the rest of the money.

She was grateful for her parents' love for her, but all of this had nothing to do with Bai Yuqing.

After Zhou Zichun's full moon wine, there are less than ten days left before her wedding with Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng was outside every day watching the progress of the factory construction, buying equipment and recruiting manpower.

She also prepared some clothing design drawings for him at home, and helped Li Xiangxiu when she had time.

At this time, when the children get married, the dowry is not much, but the mother's family still needs to prepare some cabinets for quilts and clothes, as well as some commonly used daily necessities.

Li Xiangxiu goes out to buy a lot of things every day.

Fortunately, Liang Ying was there to help.

Two days before the wedding, her wedding dress was ready.

Lu Qingfeng took it back and sent it directly to Zhou's house, urging Zhou Niannian to try it out.

Zhou Niannian was also a little eager to try, she never thought that one day she would be able to wear a wedding dress designed by herself.

Although she is not a professional designer, but this simple wedding dress is completely designed according to her own ideas.

Taking into account the aesthetic point of view of the current people, the wedding dress was made red, and the shoulders were also specially treated so that it was not too exposed.

The long veil skirt is worn on the body, and the stars on it set off a round moon, giving people a sense of vastness.

When Zhou Niannian came down the stairs with a flowing gauze skirt, everyone in the Zhou family looked dumbfounded.

Qi Jiayan and Liang Ying even stood up in surprise and surrounded them.

"Is this a wedding dress? Do foreigners wear this when they get married now?" Qi Jiayan tugged at the hem of her skirt curiously.

"It's so beautiful. It looks elegant and beautiful. It's really beautiful." Even Liang Ying, who is a bit stubborn, couldn't help admiring.

Qi Jiayan bumped Liang Ying with her arm, and murmured: "Sister-in-law, I suddenly feel that it's too early for us to get married?"

Liang Ying nodded in agreement.

Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan glared at Lu Qingfeng angrily at the same time.

"You kid can actually make some foreign things. When your sister-in-law clamors for this later, you have to sponsor me." Zhou Changguo said angrily.

Zhou Changan quickly echoed, "That's right, there's me."

Lu Qingfeng couldn't listen to anything anymore, he only had Zhou Niannian who was slim and handsome in front of him in his eyes.

The well-tailored skirt made Zhou Niannian's waist unbearable, and the long floor-length skirt made her look very slender.

The stars and the moon are outlined with golden silk thread on the skirt, making this wedding dress look a little dreamy.

"It's so beautiful!" He couldn't help muttering to himself, and suddenly regretted why he let Zhou Niannian try on the wedding dress in front of so many people.

If there were only the two of them in the room, he would hold Zhou Niannian in his arms without hesitation.

Zhou Niannian and him looked at each other, and couldn't help but burn up.

The two of them have been doing some intimate things these days, and she could see through Lu Qingfeng's mind at a glance.

She glared at him secretly, telling him to calm down a bit.

Lu Qingfeng touched his nose and sighed silently, secretly regretting his miscalculation.

Li Xiangxiu walked around Zhou Niannian twice, and couldn't help admiring, "Don't tell me, what is this called, a wedding dress, right? It looks pretty good on you."

Zhou Hongshan nodded with a smile, "The most important thing is that our daughter is pretty, so she looks good in everything she wears."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help giving him a thumbs up, "Dad's words are too level."

The family laughed and chatted around the topic of the wedding dress.

While chatting happily, I suddenly heard a strange knocking sound outside the door, and it didn't feel like someone was knocking.

"Who is it?" Zhou Changan asked, and there was the sound of chirping birds outside the door.

Zhou Niannian recognized Ah Liang's voice, "Niannian, open the door."

She raised her eyebrows in doubt, Ah Liang is back?Still going to come in by knocking on the door?

When did this guy get so polite?
Seeing that no one answered, Zhou Changan stepped forward to open the door, and saw Ah Liang rushing in from the door, and fell to the ground.

"Hey, it's Ah Liang who's back." Zhou Changan was startled, and after a closer look, he recognized Ah Liang.

Zhou Niannian has already walked over quickly with her skirt in hand.

"It seems to be injured." Zhou Changan exclaimed.

Zhou Niannian had already dragged Ah Liang up, and sure enough, she saw that Ah Liang's legs were stained with blood.

Ah Liang seemed a little exhausted, she raised her eyes to look at Zhou Niannian, showing a relaxed expression, then closed her eyes and passed out.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

Ah Liang has lived in Zhou's house for so long, and everyone likes this spiritual bird very much, and they all gather around when they see this.

Zhou Niannian looked a little nervous, "It was injured and passed out."

Lu Qingfeng took Ah Liang over and looked around, "Its injury is not serious, it looks like it's exhausted, let's bandage it first."

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, Ah Liang had been away for nearly four months, but he came back with injuries.

"There is Baiyao for wound healing at home, I'll get it." Li Xiangxiu hurriedly found the small medicine box at home.

Zhou Niannian applied medicine to Ah Liang, bandaged her, and put her back in her nest.

Ah Liang never woke up during this period.

"It looks like it's exhausted, let it sleep first." Lu Qingfeng said.

Unexpectedly, Ah Liang slept for two days, and it didn't wake up until the morning when Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng got married.

Zhou Niannian woke up early in the morning and began to do her own makeup.

At this time, it is not popular to go to a special bridal shop or a makeup shop to do makeup when getting married.

She gave herself a simple eyebrow shape, and then began to paint her eyebrows. She had just tidied up when she heard a plop behind her.

The sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

She turned around and met Ah Liang's eyes.

"You're finally awake!" Zhou Niannian said in surprise, and stepped forward to pick up Ah Liang from the ground, "You've slept for a long time, you actually slept for two days, and even fell off the window sill, I'm drunk too."

Ah Liang seemed a little confused, and it took a long time to realize, "I'm back."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Well, I came back in two days, with injuries all over my body."

She put Ah Liang on the window sill, and looked down at it, "You went out, why are you covered in injuries? Has the matter with the Bird Clan been resolved?"

When she was injured and hospitalized, Ah Liang came back and said at the time that there was a civil strife in the bird clan, and it wanted to help Fei Yuan rescue Fei Yuan's father and capture the rebellious second uncle Fei Yuan.

Ah Liang sighed, "Second Uncle Fat Yuan is treacherous and vicious, I spent a lot of effort to deal with him, and finally solved it."

"But in the last battle, Fat Yuan's father was seriously injured and couldn't be saved."

Ah Liang's expression was a little depressed when she said this, "Fat Yuan was also seriously injured, I lost my spiritual power to her in order to save Fat Yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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