Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 568 One step closer

Chapter 568 One step closer
"So you are now?" Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows and looked at Ah Liang in surprise.

Ah Liang smiled wryly and nodded, "Yes, I am now in the same situation as when you first picked me up in Zezhou, even a little worse than that time, alas, after two or three years of hard work, once I return to Liberation Before."

Ah Liang looked sad, which made Zhou Niannian want to laugh.

"Don't you always hate Fat Yuan? Why are you willing to give up all your spiritual power to save her?" She looked at Ah Liang curiously.

Ah Liang was suffocated, and said stiffly: "I am noble, and I am willing to sacrifice myself to save others."

Zhou Niannian curled her lips, "I believe you are the only one who is a ghost, make it up, and continue to make it up."

Ah Liang snorted and explained: "Fat Yuan was seriously injured at the time, almost dying, and the members of the Bird Clan who supported them also died, only my spiritual power was sufficient. "

"Finally, I got to know her once. I can't just watch her die in front of me, can I? What's more."

Seeing that it stopped talking halfway through, Zhou Niannian asked curiously, "What's more?"

Ah Liang turned her head away, and said impatiently: "It's nothing, anyway, it's just Master Bird and I'm noble, um, that's it."

I don't know if its final summary statement is for Zhou Niannian or for himself.

A smile flashed in Zhou Niannian's eyes. It seemed that Ah Liang didn't hate Fat Yuan as much as he imagined, otherwise she wouldn't give up her spiritual power to save her.

It's just that it may not even realize it.

Zhou Niannian shook his head amusedly, and saw that the wound on Ah Liang's leg had begun to scab, "Well, it seems that your spiritual power is indeed much weaker. I remember that when I first picked you up, you still had the spiritual power to heal the wound by yourself." of."

She remembered that when she met Ah Liang for the first time, her leg was also injured, and she gave it medicine herself, but when she was about to change the medicine at night, she saw that there were no traces of injury on her leg. there is none left.

But this time it has been two days since Ah Liang came back, Zhou Niannian even changed her medicine once, and the wound has just started to scab.

Ah Liang lay down listlessly, and sighed, "Oh, I don't know when my spiritual power will come back."

Zhou Niannian felt that something was wrong, "You spent your spiritual power to save Fei Yuan, you should be the savior of the entire bird clan, why did you fly back injured?"

"Isn't this in line with common sense?"

Ah Liang raised her eyes and gave her a sideways look, turned around, seemed unwilling to answer this question, and then muttered in a low voice after a while: "Master Bird is the most impatient with the scene of being grateful, so he came back first."

When it said this, its voice became even softer, "Who knew that I was so unlucky that I met a few naughty boys on the road hunting birds and roasting them for food. If it wasn't for my running fast, I would have been killed by some naughty boys by now." Dismembered."

"Pfft!" Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing.

Ah Liang turned her head and glared at her angrily, "You heartless, I knew you would laugh at me."

Zhou Niannian smiled a bit, covered her stomach with one hand, and quickly waved the other hand, "I'm not laughing at you, but I feel that you, who have always been proud and arrogant, will almost be hunted one day."

Ah Liang probably didn't know how to face Fat Yuan who woke up, and was afraid that Fat Yuan would show gratitude to it. It couldn't accept it, so she left the bird clan before Fat Yuan woke up.

"Then you're still laughing at me?" Ah Liang glared at her angrily, only then noticed the wedding dress on her body, and sat up in surprise.

"What kind of dress are you wearing? You... you're not marrying Lu Qingfeng today, are you?"

Zhou Niannian snapped his fingers, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, you got the answer right. The timing of your return is just right, and you can just have a glass of wedding wine."

Ah Liang was so surprised that she almost jumped up. In fact, she did jump, but her leg was injured, so she fell back after failing to jump up.

It ouched and lay down obediently.

"Finally one step closer to hatching eggs." It muttered to itself.

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "You're still thinking about this, you don't even know how to do it, and now you've almost lost all your spiritual power, what kind of eggs are you hatching?"

Ah Liang suddenly looked hopeless, and fell down sadly.

There was a knock on the door, and Qi Jiayan and Liang Ying walked in smiling.

"Qingfeng has already come to welcome the bride. Your second brother called several classmates to come over to help, and blocked the groom from the door. It is estimated that he will not be able to come in for a while." Qi Jiayan said with a smile on her face.

When Zhou Chang'an got married, the young people in the compound made trouble with them, including Lu Qingfeng, who had already said that he was gearing up to deal with Lu Qingfeng today.

"Let them make trouble, let's just sit down and have a chat, and when the groom comes in, we have to go down and get busy." Liang Ying tugged on Zhou Niannian's skirt, "Come on, let me tie the veil for you first. "

Lu Qingfeng was indeed blocked out of the gate by Zhou Changan and others.

"Bridegroom, don't worry, first use the red envelopes to see the way. The attitude of opening the way is good, and the gate opens early." Someone in the door read another doggerel and asked Lu Qingfeng for a red envelope.

Lu Qingfeng stuffed a few more red envelopes in through the crack of the door again. It's not known which round of red envelopes it was.

"Second brother, good second brother, please open the door." He shouted helplessly into the door, knowing that Zhou Chang'an must be leading the door.

Zhou Changan proudly stood in the door with his hands behind his back, and shouted towards the outside: "Nian Nian is a daughter brought up by our family since childhood. If you want to marry us Nian Nian, you must be good at both civil and military skills and decathlon to be worthy of us. Think about it."

"Today, the second brother will give you face, so the ten items will not be assessed one by one, but only five items will be assessed."

"Well, what's the best way to test first? How about this, you sing a song first, and sing until everyone thinks you have passed the test."

Outside the door, Lu Qingfeng's face darkened immediately, and he was assessed one by one for each of the ten items. When he finished the assessment, it would be dark, how could he get married.

"Brother Lu, let's sing, the situation is weaker than others." The person who greeted the relatives behind him suggested in a low voice.

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips helplessly, and hummed a tune, which was a foreign tune, which meant a scene of a man confessing his love to his sweetheart under the moonlight.

The people present were stunned for a moment, although they didn't quite understand what he meant by singing, but his voice was gentle and thick, and it sounded special.

Zhou Niannian who was upstairs couldn't help but stop the conversation with Liang Ying and listened attentively.

She could understand foreign languages, and understood the meaning expressed in his lyrics, so she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

After Lu Qingfeng sang the song, he shouted towards the door: "Excuse me, can you pass the test?"

Zhou Changan muttered dissatisfied: "You are too cunning, does this count as cheating?"

This guy sang a song in a foreign language when he came up, how do you judge him?To put it badly, it seems that I don’t have international standards, but to put it nicely, I feel like I don’t understand it well.

The point is that no one is ashamed to stand up and say that they don't understand, why are they pretending to be elegant?

 I'm officially married, let's sprinkle flowers to celebrate, cuties who have monthly tickets, let's sprinkle monthly tickets, haha!

(End of this chapter)

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