Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 570 Remembering One Thing

Chapter 570
Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan's lost emotions dissipated, and they followed the crowd out.

Seeing Bai Yuqing standing at the door, Li Xiangxiu walked over and teased her, "Qingqing, why are you here?"

Today is Zhou Niannian's wedding day. According to the rules, Bai Yuqing, as an older sister, should return to her mother's house early to help.

Chen Shangde came over early this morning, he was a member of Lu Qingfeng's welcoming group.

But there was no sign of Bai Yuqing, and Li Xiangxiu took the time to ask Chen Shangde a question.

Chen Shangde faltered and only said that Bai Yuqing was busy and left quickly.

Li Xiangxiu was a little disappointed, thinking that Bai Yuqing was still angry with them, so she didn't come.

Bai Yuqing concealed the jealousy in her eyes, and said calmly, "It's not too late now, it's just in time for the wedding, and it's not too late for dinner."

Li Xiangxiu's expression froze, Zhou Niannian got married, did she just come to watch the fun and have a wedding?
She opened her mouth, feeling that criticizing Bai Yuqing in front of so many people would embarrass her, so she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Bai Yuqing didn't say a word either. Zhou Niannian had more dowry than her, and she was still troubled by this matter. Seeing Zhou Niannian's marriage so beautifully today, she felt even more uncomfortable in her heart.

How can Zhou Niannian be so beautiful without doing anything, why is it Zhou Niannian's turn to do good things but not her turn?

One day she will become the most beautiful person in everyone's eyes.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng went around the compound, and then entered the Lu's house.

The relatives and friends of the Lu family had been waiting at the Lu family for a long time, and they went to salute according to the rules, and after a lot of fun, the family went to the hotel.

The Lu family booked the entire Xinhua Restaurant, with 56 tables open. Relatives, friends, old friends, and relatives from the Zhou family filled the entire Xinhua Restaurant.

After a busy day, at night, all the guests were finally sent away, and only Li Chengyu, the young people in the compound and Lu Qingfeng's classmates were left at home.

These people are all waiting to make trouble in the bridal chamber.

Young people always like to make fun of newcomers when they get married, and Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian were not immune to this, so naturally they were mobbed by everyone.

Fortunately, Yang Shutong was considerate of his son, and came up to drive him away before ten o'clock.

"Isn't it? Aunt Lu, it's not even ten o'clock yet." A group of young people protested dissatisfiedly.

Yang Shutong stared, "Auntie said it's late, it's late, you don't know that Auntie is getting old and dozed off a lot, now I can't keep my eyes open."

Although the young people were not happy, they didn't dare to refute Yang Shutong, and kept muttering.

"That's right, this is a good boy. When you get married in the future, my aunt will also watch over you so that they don't make too much trouble in the bridal chamber." Yang Shutong sent them down with a smile, and squeezed at Lu Qingfeng considerately. Winking, he helped them close the door.

Zhou Niannian looked embarrassed for a while, "Aunt Lu's eyes are full of evil."

"Aunt Lu?" Lu Qingfeng smiled and glanced at her.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "I got used to it and haven't changed it."

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand to embrace her, and kissed her deeply, "I have already agreed with my mother, whether she can hug her grandson as soon as possible depends on when she drives these people away."

"Is this considered a threat?" Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing and fell into his arms.

"No, this is a friendly negotiation." Lu Qingfeng replied solemnly, then raised Zhou Niannian's chin, his fiery eyes fell on her red lips, and murmured: "Mom is already so considerate, we Don't waste your time chatting."

Zhou Niannian giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Lu Qingfeng lowered his head lower and lower, and the two figures gradually overlapped.

At this moment, a disturbing voice sounded, "Nian Nian, Nian Nian, I suddenly remembered something"

Zhou Niannian suddenly pushed Lu Qingfeng away.

Lu Qingfeng didn't mind the sudden thrust, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Niannian! What are you doing?" He was taken aback for a moment, then sat on the ground and looked at Zhou Niannian, his face full of grievances.

It never occurred to me that the wedding night in the bridal chamber that I had been thinking about so much was pushed out of bed before it even started.

Zhou Niannian smiled awkwardly and scratched her head, only then remembered that Lu Qingfeng couldn't understand Ah Liang's voice.

She stared at Ah Liang who suddenly appeared on the window sill, and asked helplessly: "What did you think of, can't you tell me tomorrow?"

Lu Qingfeng followed her gaze, and naturally saw Ah Liang who pushed him out of bed, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

Ah Liang felt a chill rushing towards her, and in the next second it was picked up by someone's head and feet. It raised its head vigorously and met Lu Qingfeng's eyes full of coldness.

"You better have a reasonable reason." Lu Qingfeng looked at Ah Liang coldly.

Ah Liang chuckled and chattered.

Naturally, Lu Qingfeng didn't understand, so he turned to look at Zhou Niannian who was stunned, "What did it say?"

Zhou Niannian didn't bother to answer him, she was looking at Ah Liang incredulously, "This is what you want to tell me? Why?"

Ah Liang was carried in the air by Lu Qingfeng, and she felt as if the contents of her stomach were about to fall out.

"I remembered this when my spiritual power was at its peak. I forgot to tell you in a hurry when I came back last time. Fortunately, I remembered it today. Hey, ouch, Lu Qingfeng, what are you doing?"

Before it finished speaking, it felt a gust of cold wind choking into its mouth. It turned out that Lu Qingfeng opened the window and threw it out of the window.

Its spiritual power is very low now!

"Lu Qingfeng, it's your uncle's!" Ah Liang only had time to scream wildly before she was thrown out mercilessly by Lu Qingfeng, and then she heard the sound of the window being closed with a bang, followed by it falling with a bang. The sound of falling to the ground.

Ouch, its two legs, ooh, its beautiful feathers
Ah Liang closed her eyes sadly and angrily.

Zhou Niannian saw that Lu Qingfeng threw Ah Liang out without hesitation, exclaimed, and hurried to the window.

"Why did you throw it out?" She wanted to say that Ah Liang's spiritual power is very low now, and she also felt that the story of the Bird Clan must be ridiculous to Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and frowned, "You want a bus to watch our wedding? I'm not interested in that."

Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, and reached out to punch him, "Ah Liang has a leg injury, this fall must be serious, you go down and pick it up."

"I won't go!" Lu Qingfeng refused.

Zhou Niannian glared at him, "Lu Qingfeng, you just got married and you won't listen to me?"

Lu Qingfeng rubbed Zhou Niannian's hair helplessly, turned around and walked out the door, regretting that he fell out too fast just now.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard Yang Shutong's voice downstairs, "I picked up Ah Liang, so there's no need to come down."

Lu Qingfeng slammed the door of the room, leaned against the door and looked at Zhou Niannian with a smile, "Mom is so kind.


Zhou Niannian: "."

(End of this chapter)

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