Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 571 She Is Too Difficult

Chapter 571 She Is Too Difficult
Lu Qingfeng turned off the lights, and the room was plunged into darkness.

In the dark, the breathing of the two people became clearer, and they could even hear each other's heartbeat.

Lu Qingfeng's hand lifted Zhou Niannian's chin precisely, and his voice was hoarse, "What did Ah Liang tell you just now?"

Zhou Niannian thought of what Ah Liang said just now, and couldn't help being speechless for a while.

That guy Ah Liang barged in just to tell her not to use contraception between her and Lu Qingfeng.

It said that it has not yet figured out how to hatch the spirit egg, but one thing is certain is that the spirit egg is likely to come out of her stomach.

Zhou Niannian was a little overwhelmed, wanting to strangle Ah Liang to death.

A Liang said with a smile that it basically has no spiritual power now, and the burden of hatching the egg falls on her.

Zhou Niannian felt that it was too difficult for her.

When she thought that she might give birth to an egg in the end, she felt like crying without tears.

I don't know if she will be locked up as a different kind in that case.

She relayed Ah Liang's words to Lu Qingfeng with a sad face and full of sorrow, " said that if I really hatched an egg, would I be treated as a different kind?"

After Lu Qingfeng heard this, he couldn't help but smiled softly, "As long as it's born by you, I'm happy even if it's an egg."

Zhou Niannian: "."

That's not the point, okay?Brother!
She couldn't help but beat Lu Qingfeng, "The problem is that I'm not happy, I don't want to really lay an egg."

Zhou Niannian was so preoccupied and full of worries that she didn't even notice that Lu Qingfeng had carried her to the bed.

"Even if you want to have an egg, you have to get pregnant first. Time is of the essence. It seems that I have to work hard." Lu Qingfeng's hoarse voice rang in her ear in the dark.

The warm breath made her shrink her neck subconsciously, and felt her skin tremble slightly, only then realized Lu Qingfeng's movements.


"It's nothing but, are you sure you want to use such a wonderful time to discuss such meaningless things with me?" Lu Qingfeng's voice was a little helpless.

Just as Zhou Niannian was about to speak, she was covered by Lu Qingfeng's overwhelming aura. She was thinking in a daze, how could this be a meaningless thing?

(The author turned on the light, please let the cuties make up their own brains here, haha.)
Bai Yuqing went home after the banquet, and even rejected Li Xiangxiu's proposal to let her go home and sit down.

As soon as she got home, she threw her bag on the sofa angrily.

Chen Shangde changed shoes behind her, and looked at her movements puzzled, "Why are you so angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Bai Yuqing turned to look at him angrily, and sat on the sofa angrily, "Didn't you hear what those people at the banquet said today?"

Chen Shangde looked at her inexplicably.

When sitting at the table, he sat with the male guests, and Bai Yuqing was with the female guests. When the men meet, they just drink and chat. There are no gossips like women, so he doesn't understand why Bai Yuqing is angry at all.

Bai Yuqing snorted, seeing Chen Shangde's bewildered expression, she became even more annoyed.

"Zhou Niannian is really beautiful today. Wearing a popular foreign wedding dress, she has earned enough enviable attention from everyone. Those people are talking about it. Zhou's adopted daughter's wedding is more beautiful than her own daughter's wedding."

Bai Yuqing was so angry that her chest trembled slightly. When she thought of the whispered words of the women at the banquet and the mocking eyes they looked at her, she felt a pain in her heart.

Especially at the wedding, when Lu Qingfeng lifted the red veil on Zhou Niannian's head in front of the guests, and gently kissed Zhou Niannian's forehead, the scene was dreamlike and very romantic.

The female guests present were very envious, and felt that this scene was so beautiful, just like the scene where the groom lifted the bride's hijab on the day of the wedding in ancient times, which made people full of reverie.

At that time, many people's eyes glanced at her indistinctly, and Bai Yuqing felt that those people were mocking her, that her biological daughter's status in Zhou's family was not as good as that of Zhou Niannian's adopted daughter.

Thinking of this, Bai Yuqing felt a strong hatred in her heart. Why, Zhou Niannian, a bastard picked up, should be more beautiful than her?
Chen Shangde didn't understand why she wanted to compare this, "It was also very beautiful when we got married, weren't you very satisfied at that time?"

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips. She was satisfied at the time, but she is not satisfied now.

Zhou Niannian's first reaction when she woke up the next day was the egg hatching problem Ah Liang said last night. She turned her head and screwed Lu Qingfeng's ear, "Lu Qingfeng, this matter is very important, how could it be Pointless?"

Lu Qingfeng was fast asleep, he pulled down her hand in a daze, and held her in his arms.

"I know it's important, so I worked hard last night."

Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, where did Lu Qingfeng go?
They're not on the same channel at all, okay?
She raised her head and glared at him angrily, but saw that he was breathing evenly and had fallen asleep again.

Zhou Niannian shook her head helplessly, looked up and saw that the room was bright, the sunlight came in through the curtains, and the end of the bed was brightly illuminated.

Their bedroom faces south, and the sun shines on the end of the bed, and the time must be at least twelve o'clock.

twelve o'clock
Zhou Niannian exclaimed, sat up suddenly, picked up the watch beside her and looked at it, only to find that it was already 12:30.

"Lu Qingfeng, get up quickly, it's past twelve o'clock." She turned to push Lu Qingfeng, "Get up soon."

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand to grab her in a daze, "Call me husband or Brother Qing."

Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, this guy tried to force her to call Brother Qing last night in various ways, but when she called, Lu Qingfeng became excited like something.

She has to bear the consequences of excitement.

She stretched out her hand and twisted the soft flesh around Lu Qingfeng's waist. Lu Qingfeng suffered from pain and opened his eyes helplessly, with smiles in his eyes.

"So you've woken up a long time ago, and you're still here pretending to be asleep." Zhou Niannian glared at him. "Get up quickly, it's too late, let's go down so late, what will our parents think of us?"

Lu Qingfeng took the time to rest his arms behind his head, "Don't worry, I bet my mother wishes we could get up as late as possible."

Zhou Niannian blinked, and understood what he meant, and her face suddenly became embarrassed.

Indeed, since Qi Jiayan gave birth to Zhou Zichun, every time Yang Shutong saw Zhou Zichun, he wanted to take him home to raise him, and he made no secret of his desire to hug his grandson.

Having said that, Zhou Niannian suddenly felt that it was already so late anyway, and he didn't care about having a late party.

She fell on the bed exhausted, feeling as if her whole body was run over by a car.

Speaking of holding a grandson, Zhou Niannian remembered the matter of hatching the egg again, and immediately lost his sleepiness.

Pounded Lu Qingfeng with his arm, "Why do you say my worries are meaningless?"

Seeing that she was really worried about this matter, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help sighing helplessly, "Have you returned all the biology knowledge you learned to the teacher?"

Zhou Niannian looked at him puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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