Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 573 Heavy Chapter Zezhou

Chapter 573 Returning to Zezhou
The weather gradually warmed up in March, and Zhou Niannian resumed her normal work life.

Getting married has little impact on her life. Her husband's family and her mother's family are neighbors. When she leaves her husband's house, she enters her mother's house. She can eat and live freely.

On the second day of their wedding, Li Chengyu came to bid farewell.

He hasn't figured out where to go yet, he decides where to go.

"Come back anytime you want." Lu Qingfeng patted him on the shoulder and said softly.

Li Chengyu nodded silently and left. Later Zhou Niannian heard that he did not tell his parents when he left, and only left a letter.

I heard that Wang Yumei almost fainted from crying after reading the letter. She never thought that she was trying so hard, even perjury, in order to give Li Chengyu a better future.

As a result, Li Chengyu didn't understand her at all, and he didn't want to live with them even after leaving the capital to wander.

After Li Chengyu left, Lu Qingfeng went abroad, and Zhou Niannian received a business trip notice within two days of going to work.

"Where are you going on a business trip?" She looked at Li Anming in surprise.

Li Anming smiled, "You heard that right, you are going to Zezhou, where you were sent down earlier."

It turned out that the higher authorities issued a new policy, saying that the work of the Kyoto Legal Counsel Office is doing very well, and they should send key personnel to other provinces and cities to help them establish and carry out the work of the Legal Counsel Office.

This time, almost all the young backbone lawyers of the Kyoto Legal Counsel Office were dispatched.

"You are very lucky to be assigned to Zezhou County, and the business trip will take three months."

Zhou Niannian also felt that she was very lucky, she was familiar with Zezhou, and of course it was easier to work in Zezhou than in an unfamiliar city.

What's more, it has been three years since I left Zezhou, and it feels like a world away when I go back.

After receiving the notice, Zhou Niannian packed her luggage and set off the next day.

Ah Liang was very happy when she heard that she was going to Zezhou.

Its wounds were fully healed after nearly ten days of recuperation.

"You must take me back to Zezhou again, and send me to the mountain forest where I met me at the beginning. I set up an enchantment there. I should have accumulated a lot of spiritual energy over the years. It is beneficial for me to go there to recuperate. The spiritual power has recovered." Ah Liang told Zhou Niannian excitedly.

Zhou Niannian naturally had no objection, she originally planned to take Ah Liang to Zezhou with her.

When she got off the train at Zezhou County Railway Station and walked out of the train station, she felt a particularly strong feeling in her heart.

Zezhou left her only painful memories in her previous life, so she was very reluctant to think about this place.

After being reborn, she worked hard to change her destiny, set up a processing factory here, and won her dignity in the Meng Jiang Brigade. It was also here that she met two good friends, Yang Jiarui and Qi Jiayan.

Therefore, Zezhou County left her no longer only painful memories like in her previous life, but many beautiful memories.

Returning to Zezhou again, walking on the street that seemed to be familiar to her, she felt a strange kind of intimacy.

The leaders of Zezhou County sent someone to pick her up. It was a man in his late forties named Gao Zhiyong, with a medium build, a square face, and a sense of righteousness.

He is a lawyer sent by the provincial capital. If there is no accident, he will be in charge of taking over the Zezhou County Legal Consultant Office after it is completed.

Gao Zhiyong saw that the backbone force sent by Kyoto was only a young girl in her early twenties, a look of disappointment flashed in Gao Zhiyong's eyes.

He thought it was a woman about his age. Can such a young girl really help him set up a legal counsel firm?

How much can she understand?

Seeing that Zhou Niannian was still holding a birdcage with a colorful bird in his hand, he felt even more contemptuous.

Whose high-ranking officials are these, right?You even brought a bird with you on a business trip, did you think it was here for sightseeing?
Thinking of this, his attitude became casual, "Hello, I'm Gao Zhiyong from the provincial capital. This time I'm in charge of leading the establishment of the Zezhou Legal Consultant Firm. I would like to thank Comrade Xiao Zhou for your troublesome counseling in the future."

One sentence directly points out that he is the leader, and Zhou Niannian is just a supporting role.

Zhou Niannian smiled, stretched out his hand to shake Gao Zhiyong, "Hello, Comrade Gao."

Gao Zhiyong saw that her expression was calm, as if she didn't understand what he said, his eyes flickered, and he made a gesture of invitation, "Let's go, let's go to the office first."

Zhou Niannian frowned, and glanced at the big luggage bag in her hand, asking her to carry such a big bag of luggage to the office with him?

"I'm sorry, Comrade Gao, according to the regulations, I have to report to the county leaders today, and I can go to the office tomorrow, so please take me to the dormitory first, and I will put my luggage first." Zhou Niannian stopped step, and smiled at Gao Zhiyong, with an neither humble nor overbearing expression.

Gao Zhiyong's proposal hit a soft nail, and he was a little unhappy. He felt that Zhou Niannian was too hypocritical, and he couldn't go to the office first with his luggage?
"I want to get acquainted with the office earlier, so you can go there by yourself tomorrow."

Zhou Niannian did not compromise, "Let's report to the leader first, and it's not too late to go to the office after the report."

Gao Zhiyong pursed his lips, did not speak, turned around and made a gesture of please, and left first.

Zhou Niannian carried his big luggage and followed slowly, but it happened to be neither far nor near, only two steps behind Gao Zhiyong.

Gao Zhiyuan caught sight of the large luggage bag in her left hand out of the corner of his eye, hesitated for a while, and saw that she didn't seem to be struggling, so he pretended not to see it and continued walking forward.

Take Zhou Niannian to the arranged dormitory, because she came from Kyoto, so she was specially assigned a single room.

Zhou Niannian put down his luggage, tidied himself up briefly, changed into a neat windbreaker and trousers, and came out with the dispatch notice issued by the legal counsel, "Let's go, Comrade Gao."

Gao Zhiyong saw that she was neatly dressed and looked more capable, as if she was a different person from the wealthy daughter who was carrying the bird cage just now. His expression softened a little, and he still didn't say much, turned around and continued to lead the way.

The establishment of legal counsel firms in various places is a unified policy of the above, and the leaders of all cities and counties attach great importance to it.

Zhou Niannian wanted to go to the county to report to the county magistrate. The current county magistrate took over Zezhou County two years ago after the county magistrate Chen transferred away, so he was not familiar with Zhou Niannian.

The county magistrate introduced Zheng Song, the director of political and legal work in Zezhou County, to Zhou Niannian, "You can directly report to Director Zheng if you have anything to do with the establishment of a legal consultancy firm."

Zheng Song has worked in Zezhou County for nearly ten years. When he saw Zhou Niannian, he was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and stretched out his hand, "So it's Comrade Xiao Zhou. It's been a long time."

Both the county magistrate and Gao Zhiyong were stunned.

"Director Zheng knows Comrade Xiao Zhou?" the county magistrate asked curiously.

Zheng Song smiled, "You don't know. Comrade Xiao Zhou used to be an educated youth in Zezhou County. Meng Jiang's Rainbow Meat Products Factory was founded by Comrade Xiao Zhou. Comrade Xiao Zhou was an employee of our county back then. Big red man."

(End of this chapter)

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