Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 574 I'm Really Happy

Chapter 574 I'm Really Happy
Zhou Niannian smiled faintly, "Director Zheng is over the top."

"What I'm saying is true. Don't look at Comrade Xiao Zhou as young. She was the one who took the lead in running the collective economy in the villages of our county." Director Zheng obviously had a good impression of Zhou Niannian, and introduced Zhou Niannian's establishment of the Rainbow Factory with a smile .

"The county magistrate Kong Yuquan, who was transferred to the next county last year, was in charge of industrial and commercial work, but he praised Comrade Xiao Zhou."

Only then did Zhou Niannian know that Kong Yuquan had been transferred to the next county to become the county magistrate, so he couldn't help but secretly feel happy for him.

Gao Zhiyong's expression flickered slightly, apparently he did not expect Zhou Niannian to have such a background, and his gaze towards Zhou Niannian gradually became less contemptuous.

After briefly chatting with Director Zheng about the work that Jian's legal counsel will carry out next, Zhou Nianniancai and Gao Zhiyong went to see the office of the legal counsel.

A simple small courtyard was built next to the Zezhou County Court, with three offices, one for the future director, one for the office, and one for storing files and so on.

"I arrived two days earlier than you. The county magistrate asked me to arrange the office first. I just divided it up. Comrade Xiao Zhou, let's work in the middle office for the time being." Gao Zhiyong pointed.

Several desk chairs have been placed in the office and they all look new.

Zhou Niannian walked around the room, turned around and said to Gao Zhiyong, "With all due respect, Comrade Gao, we still lack a meeting room here."

"If there is a case that needs to be discussed with the parties, or between lawyers, a conference room with good privacy is very necessary."

Gao Zhiyong frowned, "We are still in the rough construction stage. I think we can build conference rooms later."

Zhou Niannian disagreed with his opinion, "Since it is a draft construction, it is necessary to formulate the work process and regulations. After the follow-up lawyers are in place, we can start the work directly."

"We don't build a meeting room now. If a case comes, where will we go for the meeting?"

Gao Zhiyong pursed his lips and muttered, "It hasn't been built yet, so there will be no case."

He originally studied law and worked as a lawyer for several years. Later, when he changed, he was sent to a remote mountain village as an educated youth.

He finally returned to the provincial capital last year, but there was no suitable job arrangement for him until the news spread that a legal counsel office would be established across the country this year.

Gao Zhiyong immediately went to sign up, because he had been a lawyer for several years, and he was considered experienced. The provincial capital wanted to select some experienced people to work in various counties, so he was sent to Zezhou County.

Before coming here, some leaders gave him a word and asked him to behave positively. If there is no accident, he will stay in charge of the Zezhou County Legal Consultant Office.

What a big change it is from a person who doesn't even have a formal job to a director. Therefore, Gao Zhiyong attaches great importance to this construction work, for fear of any mistakes. Of course, he is even more afraid that others will take his credit.

"Comrade Xiao Zhou, let me see how to arrange things in the conference room. You must be tired too. If you have nothing to do, go back and rest early." Gao Zhiyong smiled slightly and changed the topic.

Zhou Niannian glanced at him and nodded, "Okay, see you tomorrow then."

After that, he turned and left.

Gao Zhiyong looked at her back and pursed his lips.

It's not that he didn't think about the meeting room when he arranged it, but for him, the temptation to have an independent office was even greater, so he turned a room into an independent office.

But Zhou Niannian's words also reminded him that it seemed a little bad to do it too obviously.

He wondered if he could divide his office into two and set up a conference room.

Zhou Niannian just proposed the conference room, but she didn't mean to argue with Gao Zhiyong. She just came to counsel the establishment of a legal consultancy firm, not the leader, so whether to do it or not depends on Gao Zhiyong's will.

After leaving the office, she saw that it was still early, so she went back to the dormitory, took Ah Liang and some special products she brought, and went back to Mengjiang Village.

First take the car to Jinchuan Town and then to Mengjiang. By the time she arrived at Mengjiang Village, it was almost dark.

The smell of cooking smoke and food wafted from every household in the village.

As soon as Zhou Niannian entered the village, someone recognized her.

"Is it Comrade Xiao Zhou?"

Zhou Niannian looked up at the person who came, "It's me, Mrs. Dongmei, did you just get off work?"

Sister-in-law Dongmei just got off work and was heading home when a young girl came in front of her.

In the past two years, the scale of Rainbow Meat Food Factory has expanded a lot. Many young people from surrounding villages have been recruited in the factory, and young girls often come to work.

But the clothes on the girl walking towards her were clean and tidy, she could not be from the village or factory, so Auntie Dongmei took another look.

At this glance, she recognized Zhou Niannian, and she jumped up in surprise, "Oh, it's really you, Comrade Xiao Zhou, you...why are you here at this time?"

Seeing old people is always a pleasure, Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, "I came to Zezhou on a business trip, so I came to visit us specially, is the old village chief at home?"

"Yes, yes." Dongmei's sister-in-law nodded excitedly, "I'll take you there. The village chief's house has built a new house. I'm afraid you won't recognize it when you go there."

Zhou Niannian thanked her and followed her all the way, noticing that many adobe houses in the village had been replaced with brick houses.

The newly built brick houses are bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, looking neat and beautiful.

"Is everyone in the village doing well?" she asked.

Sister-in-law Dongmei nodded her lips together, "That's right, thanks to the meat factory, the life of the people in our village is getting better every day. You can see that many people have built new houses."

She pointed to the front left, "You see, our village has built a new elementary school, which was completed last winter. Now the children in our village no longer have to go to other villages to go to school."

Zhou Niannian followed her hand to look over, and saw that the primary school on the left was very spacious, with five large tile-roofed houses standing side by side, and the four large characters of Mengjiang Primary School above the gate stood out very clearly.

In the past, there was no primary school in Mengjiang Village, and the children in the village had to go to Niujiang Primary School, which was two villages away.

Zhou Niannian is really happy to see that the place she used to live has become better little by little, and this beauty is inextricably linked to her past efforts.

"Old village chief, look who has come back to see you." While talking, the two had already arrived at Meng Sanqiu's house, Dongmei's sister-in-law pushed open the door of Meng Sanqiu's house, and shouted loudly in the direction of the inner room.

"Who, Dongmei, you're yelling with such a loud voice." Meng Sanqiu walked out of the house slowly with his shoes on, holding the dry tobacco. When he saw Zhou Niannian standing in the yard, he was stunned.

"Uncle Meng, I'm back." Zhou Niannian smiled and waved at him.

 These two chapters are transitional chapters, and will soon enter a new plot.

(End of this chapter)

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