Chapter 575

Meng Sanqiu stepped forward excitedly, "Nian Nian? Is it really you?"

Zhou Niannian nodded with a smile, put the things in her hands on the table in the yard, and then put the bird cage with Ah Liang beside her.

"Yes, I'm here on business in Zezhou, and I'll come back to see you and my aunt."

Meng Sanqiu's wife came out of the house when she heard the movement, and she was also very happy to see that it was Zhou Niannian, "Oh, I didn't expect you to come back. The old man has been talking about you a lot since you left."

"Quick, come in and talk." Meng Sanqiu called Zhou Niannian into the room, then turned to Dongmei's sister-in-law and said, "You go and call Yuanjia and his wife, and we will have dinner at my house tonight."

"Okay." Dongmei's sister-in-law readily responded, turned around and trotted out.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but sister-in-law Dongmei is still so refreshing." Zhou Niannian said with a smile, looking at her back.

Meng Sanqiu led her into the room, and said with a smile: "She has a hot temper, and now she has become the director of the cured meat production department of the Rainbow Factory, and she is vigorous and resolute every day."

When Zhou Niannian left, Dongmei's sister-in-law was only in charge of the bacon production line, but she was promoted to director in three years, which shows that she is really serious about her work.

Meng's house is a newly built tile-roofed house with bright windows and a large kang built in the house. The weather in March is still a bit cold, but the whole body feels warm immediately after putting on the kang.

"Uncle Meng, your house is well built." Zhou Niannian took a sip of hot water from the bowl, looked at the furnishings in the house, and said sincerely.

Meng Sanqiu sat across from him, and put the dry tobacco in his hand on the kang table, "Many people in the village have built new houses. Speaking of which, everyone should thank you."

"If you hadn't insisted on running the Rainbow Factory back then, how could the people in our village have such a good life now."

Holding the tea bowl, Zhou Niannian smiled in the heat, "That's because you trust me, Uncle Meng. If you don't trust me, I can't afford to set up a factory."

Speaking of the factory, she couldn't help asking with concern: "Is Rainbow Factory doing well now?"

The smile on Meng Sanqiu's face faded slightly, and he sighed, "This year's business is not as good as it was in previous years. Now there are too many people running meat products factories, and the competition is also great. If it weren't for our Rainbow Factory's reputation to support us here So, not to mention anything else, from the Chinese New Year to now, shipments have been declining."

Zhou Niannian was not too surprised. Making ham sausage and bacon is not a particularly technical product, and it will be imitated sooner or later.

"I heard that Comrade Xiao Zhou is back, where is it?" Li Yuanjia's hurried voice came from outside.

When Zhou Niannian got off the kang, he had already rushed in, followed by his wife Pan Na and daughter, and the last one was Dongmei's sister-in-law.

"It's really Comrade Xiao Zhou, my God, it's like a dream." Li Yuanjia excitedly stepped forward to hold Zhou Niannian's hand, very excited.

Zhou Niannian greeted the family with a smile, and Pan Na and Dongmei's sister-in-law went to help in the kitchen.

"You came at the right time. Niannian just asked about the situation of our factory. You know the best now, so talk to her." Meng Sanqiu pointed to the chair next to Li Yuanjia to sit on.

When the college entrance examination was resumed, Li Yuanjia chose to go to technical secondary school. He was in the factory when he had no classes on weekdays. After graduation, he returned directly to the Rainbow Factory. He is now the deputy director of the Rainbow Factory.

He said he was the deputy factory director, but in fact Meng Sanqiu hadn't been in charge of the factory's affairs for the past two years. Li Yuanjia was in charge of major and minor matters.

Li Yuanjia introduced the current situation that Rainbow Factory is facing.

There are no fewer than ten meat factories in Zezhou County. The department stores in the county compete fiercely with the supply and marketing cooperatives, and their profits are getting thinner and thinner.

"The foreign orders you negotiated back then have also shrunk since the second half of last year."

Zhou Niannian pondered for a while, then asked Li Yuanjia, "Do you have an idea to deal with it?"

Li Yuanjia sat up straight subconsciously, and said seriously: "I have been thinking about this situation for a long time, and my current idea is to innovate products while ensuring word-of-mouth. I can add some new product types and more tricks to attract customers. "

Zhou Niannian nodded, "That's a good idea."

After being affirmed, Li Yuanjia's eyes lit up, and he continued, "I thought we could make chicken sausages, mixed meat sausages or fruit sausages. Now the workers are trying it, but they just haven't succeeded yet."

Speaking of this, he was a little embarrassed.

Meng Sanqiu took a puff of dry cigarette, "Girl, you have a lot of ideas, help us think of a way."

It was Zhou Niannian's idea to set up the Rainbow Factory at the beginning. It can be said that there would be no Rainbow Factory without her, so Meng Sanqiu and Li Yuanjia looked at her with hope.

Zhou Niannian thought about it, it has been [-], and some machines for making ham should have appeared, but they are all in foreign countries or coastal cities.

"Your idea is not wrong. First, increase the types of products. Make chicken, fruit sausage, corn sausage, fish sausage, etc. If you think it is unsuccessful, it is nothing more than the taste. Add some pork."

Zhou Niannian explained the formula he could think of, and Li Yuanjia excitedly took out the paper and pen from his pocket and recorded it.

Seeing that he remembered seriously, Zhou Niannian subconsciously thought about it seriously.

"In addition to increasing product types, we can also try to cut production lines that are currently uncompetitive, such as bacon or jerky, and replace them with new products."

"In addition, I heard that such machines have begun to appear in coastal cities. The meat made by machines is more tender. You can go there and inspect it if you have time."

Li Yuanjia nodded and recorded it.

The three of them chatted, and the night gradually fell before they knew it.

Mrs. Meng Sanqiu brought the food, and everyone sat on the table, chatting about Zhou Niannian's time as an educated youth while eating, the atmosphere was lively and warm.

Zhou Niannian did not leave at night and stayed at Meng Sanqiu's house.

When she was lying on the bed, she was still a little excited. The people she met tonight and the topics she talked about made her feel very happy.

Turning over with the pillow in her arms, she saw that Ah Liang was still on the table next to her, and she asked curiously, "Why don't you go to the mountain?"

Ah Liang lazily said: "Take a rest, the room is quite warm, I will go again when the morning is about to dawn, the spiritual energy is the strongest in the morning."

There was a kang burned in the room, of course it was warm, Zhou Niannian didn't bother to care about it, and gradually fell asleep in the warmth.

After a night of no dreams, when she opened her eyes again, the sky was already bright, Ah Liang had already left at some point, she probably flew to the woods on the mountain.

Zhou Niannian got up and opened the door to go out. It was misty, but the yard was quiet.

Could it be that Meng Sanqiu and his wife haven't woken up yet?
Zhou Niannian turned her head but saw that the door of the main room was ajar, obviously she got up.

"Uncle Meng? Auntie?" She called twice but no one answered, but she heard the commotion outside getting louder.

Zhou Niannian walked out of the yard and saw many people running towards the southwest.

"He's dead, he's dead." She heard someone say with sharp ears.

(End of this chapter)

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