Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 576 It's Really Not Me

Chapter 576 It's Really Not Me

Zhou Niannian's expression froze, and he quickly ran over to grab a person: "May I ask what's the matter?"

"It is said that someone died in the house of Meng Lao San's family, but I don't know the details, so let's go and have a look."

The house of Meng Lao San's family?

Zhou Niannian turned around and closed the door of Meng Sanqiu's house, and ran to the southwest with the crowd, the more he walked there, the more puzzled he was.

She didn't realize until she walked to the old house of Meng Laosan's family, which was the yard where she and Qi Jiayan used to live.

It turned out that the mansion of Meng Lao San's family referred to here.

At this time, many people had gathered outside the courtyard, discussing one after another.

"I heard that people are already dead, and they didn't close their eyes when they died."

"The one who died was Zhang Dong from Ershengtou Village. I heard that he just got out of prison not long ago."

"The village head has already reported the case, and the people from the investigation office will come after a while."

"How did he die? Zhang Peilan didn't kill him, did he?"

"I don't know, I think she's completely scared and stupid."

Zhou Niannian frowned when she heard Zhang Peilan's name, why is Zhang Peilan still here?
She pushed through the crowd and walked in, and there were many people standing in the yard. The first thing she saw was a person lying on his back at the door of the main room, stiff, staring at the sky with wide eyes, with a painful expression on his face.

Not far away, a dark-faced woman was sitting on the ground with disheveled hair, holding a three-year-old little girl in her arms.

The woman's face was full of shock, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at the corpse lying on the ground, she only held the child tightly in her arms, as if the child in her arms was her only support.

The child was very thin, probably because she was strangled too tightly by the mother's strength, or seeing so many people in the yard made her a little scared, the child was crying hard with his mouth pursed.

The woman didn't care about coaxing the child, she just hugged the child blankly and muttered to herself.

When Zhou Niannian got closer, she heard her say: "It's not me, it's not me."

"Niannian, you're here too." Meng Sanqiu looked up and found Zhou Niannian, and waved to her.

Zhou Niannian walked over and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Meng, what's going on?"

Meng Sanqiu's face was a bit ugly, after all, someone was killed in the village, and he, the village head, must feel bad.

"I heard screams in the yard this morning. Someone came to see and found that Zhang Dong had died at the door of the room. When I came, I found that he was already dead."

He said and pointed to Zhang Peilan, "When I came here, she looked like this."

Zhou Niannian frowned, feeling that Zhang Dong's name sounded familiar, but couldn't remember who it was for a moment, and was about to ask in a low voice, when he heard a wailing sound from the gate of the courtyard.

"My son, Dongzi." A woman in her fifties rushed in from outside the door, crying and rushed in, and threw herself next to the corpse lying on the ground, clutching her arms tightly and shaking, "Dongzi Ah, get up, don't scare me and your dad."

Naturally, no matter how much she shook, the people lying on the ground did not respond, and the woman almost passed out from crying.

Following the woman came in a man with gray hair. After seeing his son's body, he swayed, and great grief appeared on his face.

But he was still emotionally stable. He closed his eyes and suppressed the grief in his heart, and his vicious eyes fell directly on Zhang Peilan who was sitting on the ground.

"It was you, right? You killed my son, didn't you?" He asked Zhang Peilan hoarsely.

Zhang Peilan trembled, and subconsciously hugged the child tightly in her arms, "No, it's not me, it's not me."

"It's you, you must have a grudge against Dongzi, that's why you killed my son." The more the man spoke, the more excited he became, he walked over angrily, raised his foot and kicked him.

Zhang Peilan was kicked by her and fell to the ground. The child in her arms was frightened and cried even harder, "Mom, mom!"

Zhang Peilan fell to the ground, protecting the child in her arms, still shaking her head, "It's really not me."

"If you still refuse to admit it, I'll kill you." The man raised his foot and wanted to kick again, but Meng Sanqiu reached out and grabbed him, "Zhang Lixian, I have already reported the case. Calm down and wait until the investigation office arrives."

As soon as Meng Sanqiu reached out his hand, two villagers from Mengjiang Village stepped forward to help hold Zhang Lixian and began to persuade him.

Zhang Lixian struggled angrily and wanted to kick Zhang Peilan, "It was my son who died, how can you tell me to calm down."

Zhang Lixian, who had been crying on Zhang Dong's body, suddenly got up and pounced on Zhang Peilan, "You vixen, bastard, you must have killed my son, and I want you to pay for my son's life."

The irrational Mrs. Zhang Lixian scratched and scratched at Zhang Peilan, Zhang Peilan was pinned down, and the cry of the child in her arms was a bit shrill, making the listeners feel sour.

Zhou Niannian stepped forward and grabbed Mrs. Zhang Lixian. Her strong hand pulled her up.

"Who are you? Why did you stop me from avenging my son? You must be with this broom star." Mrs. Zhang Lixian was pulled up suddenly, and angrily grabbed and kicked Zhou Niannian.

With the strength in Zhou Niannian's hand, she naturally couldn't hit herself, "Your son has an accident, I know you are very angry, but even if you kill her, your son will not come back, the most important thing is that your son is not necessarily someone else. Killed it."

Zhang Peilan, who had been lying on the ground, sat up, trembling when she heard this, raised her head and set her eyes on Zhou Niannian for the first time.

She blinked before realizing that the person in front of her was Zhou Niannian, she pursed the corners of her lips, her eyes were very complicated.

From the accident to the present, the courtyard was full of people, almost everyone believed that she killed Zhang Dong, and Zhou Niannian was the first to say that it was not necessarily a homicide.

She didn't expect that there would be someone willing to speak up for her at this time.

Zhang Peilan's lips moved, seeing that the child was crying hard, she hugged the child first, and coaxed the child in a low voice.

"Why didn't she kill it? My son died right in front of her door. Who else could there be?" Mrs. Zhang Lixian gritted her teeth and stared at Zhang Peilan.

"You are a broom star, and my son was killed by you. You seduced my son back then, and it was not enough to put my son in prison. Now you have killed my son."

"I will definitely ask you to pay for my son's life."

She cried out angrily, wanting to jump up and beat Zhang Peilan, but Zhou Niannian held her so tightly that she couldn't move an inch.

Zhou Niannian saw that Dongmei's sister-in-law was also in the crowd, and asked her to come over and help Mrs. Zhang Lixian. She wanted to go and see Zhang Dong's body.

From the outside, Zhang Dong was wearing a thin padded jacket and dark blue overalls, his hair was a little messy, and his clothes were also a little messy, so no specific cause of death could be seen.

The sharp-eyed Zhou Niannian saw that there seemed to be a small pool of blood under his head, she frowned, and took another step forward, wanting to squat down to have a look.

"What are you doing? Don't touch my son!" Mrs. Zhang Lixian suddenly struggled desperately.

The people from the investigation office came in at this time.

Zhou Niannian could only stand up and stood aside.

(End of this chapter)

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