Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 577 Will You Help Her?

Chapter 577 Will You Help Her?
The people from the investigation station inquired about the situation and asked someone to take Zhang Dong's body away, and then prepared to bring Zhang Peilan, the person who found Zhang Dong's body in the morning, Meng Sanqiu and others back to the investigation station to cooperate with the investigation.

When Zhang Peilan was taken away, the child in her arms seemed to sense something, and suddenly burst into tears, hugging Zhang Peilan tightly and not letting go.

Zhang Peilan hugged the child tightly and burst into tears, her voice full of despair: "It wasn't me, I really didn't kill it, please believe me, please."

She raised her eyes in despair and scanned the people in the yard, but saw that everyone avoided her eyes, and no one would believe her words.

Except for Zhou Niannian, she didn't avoid her eyes.

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Zhang Peilan suddenly rushed over with the child in her arms, grabbed Zhou Niannian's hand firmly with one hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Please, help me, it's really not me, I didn't kill it, I didn't."

As she spoke, she shook her head desperately, "Nian Nian, please believe me and save me."

Zhou Niannian saw that her expression was very flustered, but her eyes were amazingly bright. There was fear and despair in her eyes, but she was not guilty.

She grabbed Zhang Peilan's hand subconsciously, and said in a low voice, "Follow the police to cooperate with the investigation. If you are really not the murderer, you can ask a lawyer to defend you."

A gleam of light appeared in Zhang Peilan's eyes, as if someone who was about to die of thirst saw a clear spring.

"Comrade policeman, she was the one who killed her, and she was the murderer." Zhang Lixian and his wife pulled the people from the investigation station and cried, "Hurry up and arrest her, let her kill and pay for her life."

The comrades at the investigation office took all the people involved in the case away. Before Zhang Peilan left, Zhou Niannian's wrist, which she was holding, was forcibly broken.

The people were taken away, and the villagers in the yard dispersed in groups discussing.

Zhou Niannian supported Mrs. Meng Sanqiu to walk back, and Dongmei's sister-in-law followed.

"Hey, why is there a murder case when it's so good?" Dongmei's sister-in-law muttered in a low voice, "I heard that Zhang Dong was only released from prison last month, and this happened in less than a month. .”

She remembered how miserable Zhang Lixian and his wife were crying just now, and there was a touch of sympathy on her face, "Zhang Lixian gave birth to two daughters before, and he gave birth to such a precious son. Alas, the white-haired man gave the black French man, and the old Zhang's couple later It's been a tough day."

Meng Sanqiu's mother-in-law nodded, and older people are more likely to soften their hearts, "Although that Zhang Dong is always teasing cats and dogs, he is still a baby in the eyes of his parents. It is Zhang Lixian and his wife who are sad when they die like this. Listen It is said that Zhang Dong also has an old grandmother, alas."

Zhou Niannian asked in puzzlement: "Didn't Zhang Peilan be taken to the Zhang family by Zhang Lixian and his wife back then? Why did she return to Mengjiang Village?"

Back then, Zhang Dong collaborated with He Dazhu and others to make counterfeit and shoddy products, imitating their ham sausage from the Rainbow Factory. Zhang Peilan and Zhang Dong cooperated and stole the packaging bags from the Rainbow Factory for Zhang Dong to use.

Zhang Dong and the others almost died because they used sick pork.

After the incident, both Zhang Peilan and Zhang Dong were arrested and locked up in the investigation center. Zhang Dong was sentenced to three years and Zhang Peilan was sentenced to one year. But later Zhang Peilan was found pregnant in prison and was arrested. Zhang Jiabao came out and applied for execution outside prison.

Before she left Zezhou County, Zhang Peilan was taken to the Zhang family by Zhang Lixian and his wife.

Dongmei's sister-in-law sighed, "Speaking of which, it's a crime. After Zhang Peilan was taken to the Zhang family, Zhang Lixian's mother-in-law treated her badly, but for the sake of the child in her belly, she could barely take care of her. "

As she walked, she talked about what happened to Zhang Peilan.

When Zhang Peilan was pregnant, Mrs. Zhang Lixian often accused Sang and Huai at home, scolding Zhang Peilan for colluding with her son and so on. Zhang Peilan's character was not tolerable, and because she had a child in her stomach, she would spend two or three days with Mrs. Zhang Lixian fight.

Zhang Dong's grandma was looking forward to holding a great-grandson and protecting Zhang Peilan. Zhang Peilan was backed by Zhang Dong's grandma, but she was even with Zhang Lixian's mother-in-law.

Zhang Peilan gave birth to a daughter when it was time to give birth.

As soon as she heard that she was giving birth to a girl, Mrs. Zhang Lixian jumped up on the spot and scolded Zhang Peilan for being a broom star, which was useless because she couldn't give birth to a boy with handles.

After scolding, she turned around and left. Grandma Zhang Dong was also very disappointed. She glanced at the child and followed.

The Zhang family just left Zhang Peilan and the newborn child in the delivery room.

If it weren't for the fear of the villagers' tongues, Mrs. Zhang Lixian wanted to drive Zhang Peilan and her daughter out of the Zhang family.

Zhang Lixian was afraid that the villagers would poke their backs, so he did not agree to drive Zhang Peilan and the child out.

But after confinement, Mrs. Zhang Lixian beat and scolded Zhang Peilan every day at home, and left all the housework to her. Until the child was one year old, Zhang Peilan couldn't bear it anymore and started a fight with Mrs. Zhang Lixian.

Afterwards, Zhang Peilan ran back to Mengjiang Village with the child in her arms, knelt down in front of Meng Sanqiu, and begged the village to take her in with her snot and tears.

She is an educated youth who came to Mengjiang Village to be sent down, and her household registration is in the Mengjiang Brigade. Meng Sanqiu saw her pitifully and let her live there.

At that time, most of the educated youth had returned to the city, and the original dormitory for the educated youth had been vacated for the staff dormitory of the Rainbow Factory, so Zhang Peilan rented the old house of Meng Laosan's family.

Afterwards Meng Sanqiu saw that she was pitiful, and that she was doing much more than before, so he asked her to return to Rainbow Factory as an ordinary worker.

"She has been doing her job for the past two years. She takes her child to work every day. Although the child is young, she is very sensible. The people in the factory see her as pitiful, and they help her a little bit."

"She closed the door tightly after work and rarely came out. Seeing that she and her child were getting better, this incident happened again."

When Dongmei's sister-in-law said this, she paused, and asked Zhou Niannian in a low voice, "You don't think she really killed Zhang Dong?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "I don't know, we haven't seen it with our own eyes, so it's hard to say."

Sister-in-law Dongmei remembered that she was now a lawyer, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, if she is really wronged, will you help her?"

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, but didn't answer directly, "Let's see if there is a chance, sister-in-law Dongmei, aren't you going to work today?"

Only then did Dongmei's sister-in-law remember that she was busy chatting and forgot about going to work.

"Oh, I have to go to work quickly." She waved her hand and trotted away.

Zhou Niannian sent Mrs. Meng Sanqiu home, and hurried back to Zezhou County.

There was a delay due to Zhang Peilan's incident. Even though she was in a hurry, when she arrived at the office, she was still half an hour late.

Gao Zhiyong stood at the door with a dark face waiting for her, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, this is only the first day of work, and there is still a lot to do. I hope you can come here on time tomorrow."

Zhou Niannian didn't make much excuses, but nodded, "I'm sorry, Comrade Gao, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Gao Zhiyong hummed, and shook the paper in his hand, "Let's go post the recruitment notice first."

(End of this chapter)

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