Chapter 578
In order to establish a legal consultancy firm, in addition to the prescribed rules of work, the most important thing is to recruit lawyers and build a team of lawyers.

After so many years of turmoil, Huaguo's internal lawyer team withered. Although there were sporadic lawyers in the past few years, they did not have a fixed organization.

The purpose of this reform is to reorganize the domestic judicial system and build a sound team of lawyers.

"After posting this, when we come back, we still have to make the requirements for recruiting lawyers, the examination and admission regulations, let's go." Seeing that Zhou Niannian's attitude was still correct, Gao Zhiyong's attitude became much gentler.

Zhou Niannian looked at the three pieces of paper Gao Zhiyong was holding, and raised his eyebrows, "Comrade Gao, I don't think we can just post recruitment notices, because the influence will not be wide enough, and the efficiency will be low."

Gao Zhiyong frowned, "Do you think this recruitment notice should not be posted?"

Zhou Niannian shook his head, "No, we still have to post it, I just think we can make this matter a little more high-profile, such as publishing an announcement in the county daily, and then asking the TV station to help broadcast it, so that we can do it soon Word of the legal counsel's firm spread."

Gao Zhiyong held the paper in his hand, with no expression of joy or anger, "Comrade Xiao Zhou is still thoughtful, but you need to apply to your superiors for help in newspapers and TV stations, so let's put up job advertisements first, and I'll look for them when I come back." Director Zheng applied."

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised at his straightforward agreement, but after thinking about it, he guessed Gao Zhiyong's thoughts to some extent.

Gao Zhiyong is the director of the firm selected by the above, and it is only good for him to establish a legal counsel firm as soon as possible, and there is no harm.

On this point, Zhou Niannian's starting point is the same as his. She also hopes that Zezhou legal counsel can be established as soon as possible and get on track as soon as possible, so that she can return to Kyoto earlier.

As for Gao Zhiyong's other petty thoughts, Zhou Niannian didn't bother to pay attention.

The two went to post the notice separately, and when they came back, Zhou Niannian began to prepare the requirements for recruiting lawyers and the requirements for assessment.

Gao Zhiyong watched Zhou Niannian scrambling to write, and coughed dryly, "Then what. I'll go to Director Zheng to apply for publication in newspapers and TV broadcasts. Comrade Xiao Zhou will be troubled about the exam papers."

Zhou Niannian nodded. The Legal Counsel Office in Kyoto has already made these things relatively complete, and she can use them directly after a little modification.

After Gao Zhiyong left, she was a little distracted.

Zhang Peilan's expression of fear and despair always flashed in front of her, accompanied by the child's mournful cry.

She put down her pen, shook her head, and forced herself to concentrate on continuing to work.

In the afternoon, Gao Zhiyong came back happily, "Director Zheng has already greeted the newspaper office and the TV station. I'll come back and get two recruitment notices, and I'll send them to the newspaper office and TV station."

Zhou Niannian saw that he was smiling and his face was rosy, and it seemed that he had been praised by the leader.

Gao Zhiyong didn't stay in the office much, and left after taking the notice.

Zhou Nian looked a little amused. Although this Gao Zhiyong had a lot of narrow minds, he acted vigorously and resolutely.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Zhou Niannian raised his head.

The door was pushed open from the outside, and a bearded man walked in with his head in. Behind him was a boy who was about the same age as Zhou Niannian.

The young boy was tall and strong, with a square face. He was wearing a washed white jacket and gray trousers. Although they were worn out, they were well tidied up.

"Excuse me, is this a legal counsel office?" the bearded man asked loudly as soon as he entered.

Zhou Niannian stood up, "Yes, who are you?"

"It's you?" The bearded man and the young boy were stunned when they saw Zhou Niannian, and then shouted in unison.

These two people know themselves?

Zhou Niannian looked at the two of them again in surprise, they looked familiar, but couldn't remember their names for a moment.

"Who are you two?" She asked hesitantly.

The bearded man slapped his thigh, "You don't remember us? Me, it was the time my elder brother was poisoned by fake ham sausage three years ago, and you helped us."

He scratched his head as he said, "Little comrades don't remember us. We haven't seen each other for three years, and we have never met before, and we are regarded as strangers?"

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, the use of this idiom is really a headache.

A flash of light flashed in her mind, "Are you the uncle and nephew of the Xiang family?"

The young boy's eyes lit up, he nodded and took a step forward, "Yes, my name is Xiang Jingshan, and this is my third uncle Xiang Wei. It was you who helped us three years ago, so we found the person who killed my father."

The bearded man was Xiang Wei, "Miss, do you think of us? I thought you really wanted to meet us, did you know each other?"

Meet each other.
The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched. If he only had a little impression of Xiang's uncle and nephew at first, it is now very clear.

After all, when Xiang's family blocked the entrance of Rainbow Factory, Uncle Xiang's ability to use idioms made her feel very strange.

"I didn't expect you to remember us. We came here to sign up for lawyers." Xiang Jingshan interrupted Xiang Wei. He was really afraid that if his third uncle continued to use idioms like this, Zhou Niannian would be unable to bear to invite them out.

Zhou Niannian did not expect that less than a day after posting the recruitment notice, someone would come to her door.

"Are you both signed up?"

Nodding to Jingshan, "My third uncle used to study law, but he started to go to the countryside before he graduated."

"I was admitted to a junior college, and I also majored in law. I graduated this summer."

Seeing that the introduction to Jingshan was almost done, Xiang Wei couldn't help but took a step forward and echoed: "Yes, yes, the two of us are professionals who have become monks halfway through."

"Third Uncle." Xiang Jingshan couldn't bear to interrupt him, and uttered a few words between his teeth, "That's not how you become a monk halfway."

"Isn't it?" Xiang Wei looked at him suspiciously.

Xiang Jingshan closed his eyes, turned around and looked at Zhou Niannian, "We are here to sign up, what do we need to prepare?"

Zhou Niannian took out two registration forms, "You fill out the registration forms first, and then wait for the notification to come and take the exam."

"After the test results come out, I will inform you whether you have been admitted."

Xiang Jingshan took the registration form, pulled Xiang Sanshu to sit beside him to fill out the form, looked at Xiang Sanshu and wanted to drag Zhou Niannian to continue talking, he decisively pulled him to leave.

Watching the uncle and nephew go out, Zhou Niannian also heard Xiang Jingshan's helpless voice, "Third Uncle, I beg you, can we use less idioms when we speak in the future?"

"Why use it less? Is it because you don't understand? Doesn't it mean that others don't understand? It's really unfounded." Xiang Wei didn't understand.

After a while, Xiang Jingshan's voice broke down, "Shut up, worrying about the sky cannot be used here."

(End of this chapter)

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