Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 579 Coincidence

Chapter 579 Coincidence
Zhou Niannian couldn't help being amused when he heard the conversation between Uncle Xiang and his nephew Xiang Jingshan.

If Third Uncle Xiang's problem of using idioms indiscriminately is used in court, his opponents will probably be pissed off by him.

In the afternoon, only Xiang's uncle and nephew came to sign up. It was almost time to get off work, so Zhou Niannian packed up his things and got ready to get off work.

Gao Zhiyong just came back from the outside, first poured himself a glass of water, gulped and drank it, sat down and took a breath, and then snorted: "The things in a small county like Zezhou are too chaotic, there is no rules. "

"What's the matter? Are the newspaper and TV stations not going well?" Zhou Niannian stopped to pack his things when he saw him talking.

Gao Zhiyong sighed, "The newspaper office is okay, it's settled. I haven't seen the person in charge of the TV station. I asked several people to find out. They said that a murder case was handed over to the county today. The person in charge Lead the team to interview."

He muttered dissatisfiedly, "Even if there is an important case, they shouldn't all run out, right? Isn't there nothing else to report except the murder case?"

"Doing things in a small place is the lack of charter."

Zhou Niannian was noncommittal. The county-level TV stations in various places were only established at the beginning of this year. It is reasonable to lack manpower and work experience.

And the most important thing is that TV is not something that every household has now, so the county-level TV stations, so to speak, are TV stations, the more important function is to broadcast.

But when Gao Zhiyong mentioned the murder case, Zhang Peilan's face of despair suddenly flashed in her mind, couldn't it be such a coincidence?

Within two days, Zhou Niannian heard the news about Zhang Peilan on the radio.

Because it was a homicide case, the Jinchuan Town Investigation Office handed over the case to the Zezhou County Investigation Bureau.

It was reported in the news that the Bureau of Investigation had found out that the deceased Zhang Dong was killed by Zhang Peilan hitting the head with a hard object.

Zhang Peilan was detained by Zezhou County Investigation Bureau on the charge of intentional homicide.

Zhou Niannian heard the reporter report in a serious voice that what awaits Zhang Peilan will be the judgment and severe punishment of the law.

She frowned, for some reason, Zhang Peilan's desperate look before she was taken away always flashed in her mind.

She had an inexplicable intuition that Zhang Peilan's behavior did not look like a murderer.

Zhou Niannian hesitated for a while, and decided to go to the Bureau of Investigation to meet Zhang Peilan.

She went to the Bureau of Investigation, but was denied a visitation.

The person from the Investigation Bureau said with a serious face: "The person you applied for has not yet been judged, so you cannot visit her. In addition, you are not related to her, so it is not within the scope of permission for visitation."

Zhou Niannian came out of the investigation bureau in disappointment, and was about to return to the dormitory. Before she had gone far, she heard someone calling her, "Niannian!"

"Comrade Xiao Zhou!"

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw Li Yuanjia and Meng Sanqiu coming out of the investigation bureau. Li Yuanjia was still holding a two-year-old child in his arms, biting his finger and crying softly.

She came forward in surprise, "Uncle Meng, Yuan Jia, why are you here?"

"The Bureau of Investigation informed us to cooperate with the investigation of Zhang Peilan's case. The village head and I came here today to give a statement, and the recording was completed." Li Yuanjia said.

Meng Sanqiu looked at Niannian next week, then turned to look at the investigation bureau behind him, with a thoughtful expression.

Zhou Niannian hit the child in Li Yuanjia's arms, "This is...?"

Li Yuanjia's eyes fell on the child he was holding, and the child shrank subconsciously, looking over with a timid expression.

Stretching out his hand to stroke the child's hair, Li Yuanjia whispered, "This is Zhang Peilan's daughter Xiaoxin."

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised, not understanding how Zhang Peilan's daughter was carried out by Meng Sanqiu and Li Yuanjia.

She looked at the child's dark eyes with obvious fear, but she bit her finger and tried not to cry, she couldn't help but feel soft in her heart.

He raised his hand to check the time, it was almost six o'clock.

"There is no car back to Jinchuan Town now, you can stay here at the guest house tonight before going back." Zhou Niannian supported Meng Sanqiu, "Let's have dinner together, just in time to chat."

Li Yuanjia looked at Meng Sanqiu, Meng Sanqiu pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Alright, let's stay for one night and then go back."

Zhou Niannian accompanied the two of them to a nearby guest house to book a room, then found a stir-fry restaurant and ordered a few dishes.

Zhou Niannian ordered another bowl of millet porridge for Xiaoxin, brought her some vegetables, and prepared to feed her.

Xiao Xin took the spoon and whispered in a soft voice, "Eat by yourself."

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, and realized that she meant that she could eat it herself.

Passed the spoon to Xiaoxin, but saw that she was holding the spoon and started to eat mouthful by herself. Although she ate slowly, she seldom spilled the food. It could be seen that the little girl used to eat by herself.

She is such a sweet little girl, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her hair, and said with a smile: "Tell auntie what you want to eat, and auntie will help you get food."

Xiaoxin glanced at Zhou Niannian timidly, then nodded obediently.

"Girl, do you also want to inquire about Zhang Peilan when you go to the investigation bureau?" Meng Sanqiu habitually touched the tobacco stick on his waist, but he didn't find it before remembering that he didn't bring it with him when he left home. , had to smack his lips.

Zhou Niannian didn't hide anything, and nodded, "I've been thinking about this for the past two days, so I thought of asking to see if there is anything I can help."

Seeing that Meng Sanqiu took the initiative to bring up the topic, she asked straight to the point: "How about Zhang Peilan's case? She admitted that she killed someone?"

As if hearing her mother's name, Xiaoxin stopped eating and turned to look at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian realized this movement and lowered his voice, "Did you see her today?"

Meng Sanqiu sighed and shook his head.

Li Yuanjia took over the topic, "Let me tell you about the situation."

It turned out that after Zhang Peilan was taken away by the people from the Jinchuan Town Investigation Office, the investigation office conducted an interrogation that day, but no matter how interrogated, Zhang Peilan refused to admit that she killed Zhang Dong.

Zhang Lixian and his wife have been crying and beating in the police station, begging the investigation office to sentence Zhang Peilan to death as soon as possible, and asking Zhang Peilan to pay for Zhang Dong's life.

But Zhang Peilan never admitted it, and the investigation office was helpless.

Zhang Lixian and his wife quarreled for two days. Seeing that the investigation office did not act, they gathered many relatives of the Zhang family to the investigation office to cry and quarrel. They even drew banners demanding justice for the deceased as soon as possible.

The investigation office had no choice but to apply to the Zezhou County Investigation Bureau to transfer the case to the county for disposal.

"Zhang Peilan is an employee of Rainbow Factory and a villager of our Mengjiang Village, so the investigation bureau asked me and the village chief to cooperate with the investigation."

When Li Yuanjia said this, his eyes fell on Xiaoxin, and his voice was lowered, "The child is too young to be detained with adults. The town investigation office asked the Zhang family to take the child back, but the Zhang family refused, and even said something very ugly. "

Li Yuanjia paused at this point, a little vague, Zhou Niannian knew in his heart that it must be the Zhang family who cursed Xiaoxin with ugly words.

(End of this chapter)

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