Chapter 580 Yes
The Zhang family refused to take Xiaoxin back, and Zhang Peilan also refused to let the Zhang family take away their child, so Xiaoxin could only be taken to the county with Zhang Peilan.

Today Meng Sanqiu and Li Yuanjia came to the County Public Security Bureau to cooperate with the investigation. When Zhang Peilan found out about this, she asked the police to hand Xiaoxin over to Meng Sanqiu, and asked Meng Sanqiu to help take care of Xiaoxin.

"She has been in Mengjiang Village for more than five years, and she can't get in touch with her natal family, and the Zhang family refuses to have this child." Meng Sanqiu looked at Xiao Xin lovingly, "This child often follows her mother in the factory. Li, is a painful child."

Xiaoxin smiled at Meng Sanqiu, lowered her head and continued to eat.

Zhou Niannian smiled, the reason why Zhang Peilan did not agree to let the Zhang family take Xiaoxin away, she must have understood that the Zhang family would not treat her well.

According to common sense, Zhang Peilan was locked up, and Zhang Lixian and his wife are Xiaoxin's grandparents, so Xiaoxin should be called to them.

But looking at the current posture of Zhang Lixian and his wife, it would be better for Xiaoxin to follow them than to follow Meng Sanqiu. Meng Sanqiu and his wife are old, and their grandchildren are also old. The old couple are kind-hearted, and if there is a child under their knees, they will definitely take care of them .

Zhang Peilan must have thought of this before entrusting Xiaoxin to Meng Sanqiu.

"What do the investigators say?" she continued.

"The Bureau of Investigation said that Zhang Peilan will be interrogated again, but Zhang Dong's body has been returned to the Zhang family. I heard that the Zhang family insisted that Zhang Peilan killed him and refused to let the forensic examiner do it again, so the matter is not easy." Li Yuanjia said in a low voice. Said loudly.

"Where is that Perrin?"

Li Yuanjia shook his head, "We haven't seen her either, so we don't know exactly what happened between her and Zhang Dong, so we can't help, except..."

His eyes fell on Xiaoxin, implying that apart from helping to take care of Xiaoxin, they might not be able to help Zhang Peilan.

Meng Sanqiu took two mouthfuls of food, then put down his chopsticks, "Girl, I want to ask you something."

Zhou Niannian then put down his chopsticks, "Uncle Meng, tell me."

Meng Sanqiu smacked his lips and thought for a while, "Aren't you working as a lawyer now? From your point of view, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Zhou Niannian thought about it seriously before saying, "I haven't seen Zhang Peilan, and I don't know what happened when the case happened, but from a lawyer's point of view, if Zhang Peilan is really innocent, she can hire a lawyer Defend her."

"The law pays attention to evidence, and the Bureau of Investigation also pays attention to evidence when deciding a case. If she has evidence to prove her innocence, the Bureau of Investigation can release her."

Meng Sanqiu didn't quite understand these things, but he understood the key word, which was the word "evidence".

"What if there is no proof?" he pressed.

"If there is no direct evidence, we can make an argument based on the established facts and the collected evidence." Zhou Niannian further explained, "For example, if she really did not kill someone, but there is no witness to prove it, we can collect other indirect evidence for further investigation. Argumentation, defending her innocence."

Meng Sanqiu and Li Yuanjia looked at each other in a daze, obviously they still didn't understand what Zhou Niannian meant.

"It means that if she is really innocent, you can help her, right?" Meng Sanqiu asked.

Zhou Niannian did not answer this question directly, but instead asked Meng Sanqiu, "Does Uncle Meng think Zhang Peilan is innocent?"

Meng Sanqiu watched Xiaoxin finish the last mouthful of rice in the bowl, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and sat obediently on the chair without moving.

He sighed softly, and then said: "To be honest, she has lived a peaceful life in the past two years since she returned to the village, and she is more sensible than before."

"On weekdays, apart from going to work, she takes care of the children at home. Even if some malicious people think about her past and climb up her courtyard wall in the middle of the night, they are all beaten and scolded by her."

Li Yuanjia nodded in agreement, "Yes, she also seldom talks in the factory, she only concentrates on her work, and keeps a distance from her male colleagues. If someone makes fun of her, she will curse back with a black face."

"Because she has always been very aggressive in front of men, so after returning to the village for two years, no bad rumors came out."

Zhou Niannian thought to himself, it seems that Meng Sanqiu and Li Yuanjia's impression of Zhang Peilan has changed a lot.

She wanted to get involved with this case based on her intuition when she met Zhang Peilan that day. Meng Sanqiu and Li Yuanjia judged based on their two years of observation and getting along with Zhang Peilan. They also felt that Zhang Peilan might be innocent.

"I just look at Xiaoxin as a pitiful child. Niannian, can you please find a way to help Zhang Peilan." Meng Sanqiu pleaded, "For nothing but Xiaoxin, if she is locked up , what will Xiaoxin do in the future?"

"No matter how well outsiders treat her, they can't replace mother after all."

Hearing the word mother, Xiaoxin burst into tears that she had endured for a long time. The child wanted to cry but was afraid of being scolded. She bit her lip and cried in a low voice, which was very unbearable to watch.

In any case, children are innocent.

Zhou Niannian felt shy, hugged Xiaoxin in his arms, gently patted her on the back and coaxed her, "Hey, Xiaoxin, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Perhaps feeling the warmth of her body, Xiaoxin sobbed softly in her arms.

"How do you want me to help her? Uncle Meng." She looked up at Meng Sanqiu.

Meng Sanqiu hesitated, "Can you defend her?"

Speaking of this, he was afraid that Zhou Niannian might misunderstand what he meant, so he waved his hands and explained, "I don't mean to ask you to save her. If she really killed someone, then we can't save her, but what if she was wronged?" , can you try"

Zhou Niannian understood what she meant, "Yes."

Meng Sanqiu also prepared a bunch of excuses to beg Zhou Niannian, but he was stunned when he heard these two words before realizing that Zhou Niannian agreed.

He happily exchanged glances with Li Yuanjia, then carefully looked at Zhou Niannian, "Don't make it too difficult for you, if she really does something, then we can't defend her."

Zhou Niannian smiled, "Well, I understand what you mean, but Uncle Meng, if a lawyer wants to defend a person, the client must first file an application."

"See if you can find a way to send Zhang Peilan a message and ask her to apply for a lawyer to defend her."

"I accepted her defense application, so that I can justifiably collect evidence."

Meng Sanqiu was a little embarrassed, they hadn't seen Zhang Peilan yet.

"Let's think of a way." Li Yuanjia said.

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Well, I'm also thinking of a way here. If I have news, I'll call and tell you."

After dinner, Zhou Niannian sent them back to the guest house.

Xiao Xin grabbed Zhou Niannian's sleeve tightly and did not let go, Zhou Niannian asked her softly: "Xiao Xin, do you want to talk to Auntie?"

Xiaoxin nodded, tilted her head and thought for a while, and then said in a childish voice: "Help mom, thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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