Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 582 Disagree

Chapter 582 Disagree
In the end, Gao Zhiyong put Xiang Wei on the admission list and sent it to the county for approval.

Because Zhou Niannian told him that if he couldn't abide by the rules, he would take Xiang Wei's test paper and the recruitment rules to see Director Zheng.

Gao Zhiyong remembered the day when he first came to report, Director Zheng's admiration for Zhou Niannian, in the end he still didn't remove Xiang Wei's name.

The admission list was quickly approved and posted on the second day. On the third day, the ten recruited lawyers reported to the legal counsel office.

Gao Zhiyong was in high spirits that day, ten lawyers arrived, and the appointment of the director of his consulting firm was officially issued on this day.

He specially changed into brand new clothes, gathered all ten lawyers in the yard early in the morning, and gave a lot of lectures with his hands behind his back.

The general content of the lecture is that he is the director here, and everyone should listen to his arrangement and work hard in the future. In addition, if anyone does not perform well during the three-month internship period, he will give a comment that he cannot become a regular without hesitation. Please Where do they come and go.

When talking about this, he took a special look at Xiang Wei.

Xiang Wei was baffled by him, and looked puzzled at Zhou Niannian who was standing leaning against the door of the office.

Zhou Niannian shrugged at him, turned and entered the office.

Her organizational system does not belong to the Zezhou County Legal Advisory Office, so Gao Zhiyong has no right to lecture her. Of course, she also wisely did not go out to disturb Gao Zhiyong's new official's three-fire ceremony.

She was thinking about Zhang Peilan's case.

This morning, she heard that due to the slow progress of the case and the fact that the Zhang family refused to leave at the gate of the investigation bureau, the influence was not good. She heard that the county leaders had issued an order to the investigation bureau to solve the case within a week.

Zhang Peilan has been detained, and the so-called deadline to solve the case is nothing more than asking the investigation bureau to complete the chain of evidence.

Zhou Niannian still didn't wait for Meng Sanqiu's news, so she thought about going to the investigation office to try her luck.

She looked out and saw that Gao Zhiyong was still giving a long speech with his hands behind his back, with the air of a speech, wondering if it was not good for her to just go out in front of him like this.

Just as he was thinking, there was a voice outside the courtyard door, "Excuse me, is lawyer Zhou Niannian here?"

Zhou Niannian got up and looked outside, and saw two young men in uniforms coming in from the outside, they were members of the Bureau of Investigation.

Gao Zhiyong, who was lecturing, saw the people from the Investigation Bureau coming, he stopped the conversation quickly, and greeted him with a smile, "Hi, comrades, I am Gao Zhiyong, the director of the Legal Consulting Office, what's the matter for you two to come over? Just let me know if there is anything, and I can arrange it."

The investigation bureau said politely, "Oh, let's find lawyer Zhou Niannian."

Some of the people standing behind couldn't help but chuckle.

Gao Zhiyong couldn't help but turn his head and glared at everyone, "What are you doing, you're all going to the office to study."

It's a trainee lawyer who suddenly becomes a bird and a beast.

Zhou Niannian came out from the room, "I'm Zhou Niannian, who are you?"

The people from the Bureau of Investigation showed their work certificates, "It's like this, in a case we are investigating recently, the suspect refused to plead guilty, and I asked you to be her defense lawyer."

"This is the entrustment application written by her." The person next to him handed over a piece of paper, "If you are willing to accept her entrustment, please come with us."

Zhou Niannian took it over and saw that it was the entrustment application written by Zhang Peilan, and Zhang Peilan's name was signed at the bottom.

"I promise, you two wait a moment, I'll pack up some things and I'll go with you." Zhou Niannian said loudly.

The people from the Investigation Bureau nodded and stood in the yard waiting for Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian went back to the office to get the notebook and pen, and turned to go out, but was stopped by Gao Zhiyong stretching out his arm.

"Are you crazy? Do you know who that Zhang Peilan is? It's the female murderer reported in the news two days ago, and you actually agreed to defend a female murderer?" Gao Zhiyong lowered his voice and stared at her in disbelief .

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Is Comrade Gao's words too arbitrary? You were neither at the scene of the crime nor met the person involved. How can you be so sure that she is a female murderer?"

Gao Zhiyong was choked by her rhetorical question, paused, and shook his arm irritably, his voice could not help but rise.

"The investigation bureau has arrested them, and the news report also said that there was only her and a three-year-old child at the scene of the crime. She didn't kill it. Could it be that three-year-old child?"

The more he said, he couldn't help but raise his voice, "Our legal counsel firm has just been established, and the first case is very important. If you defend a female murderer, isn't that a blow to the brand of our legal counsel firm?"

"How do you let the leaders and the common people think of our legal counsel?"

His voice was so high that all the interns in the office heard it, and couldn't help but turn their heads to look at him, and some even whispered to each other.

Xiang Wei couldn't help but stood up and said, "Director, I think Lawyer Zhou is right. The law is based on evidence. We don't understand the facts, so it's not good to just call her a female murderer? You're just trying to add There is no excuse for the crime."

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Zhou Niannian would have been amused by Xiang Wei.

The skill of using idioms indiscriminately is really admirable.

Gao Zhi was so courageous that the veins on his forehead stood out, and he gave Xiang Wei a hard look, "Shut up, I'm talking to Lawyer Zhou, it's not your turn to intervene."

Xiang Wei pouted, and picked up the notebook directly, "Lawyer Zhou, do you need an assistant or something? Come, come, I will carry your bag for you, take the notebook."

As he spoke, he stepped forward to take Zhou Niannian's notebook.

"You..." Gao Zhi was as brave as a pot, but Xiang Wei laughed, "Lawyer Xiao Zhou, I'll wait for you outside."

Xiang Jingshan hesitated for a while, and rushed out holding the notebook, "Third Uncle, wait for me."

Gao Zhiyong watched helplessly as both his uncle and nephew rushed out, his hands trembling with anger, "Reverse, reverse, you are going too far."

"Director Gao!" Zhou Niannian interrupted him loudly, "Forgive me for not agreeing with your opinion. The purpose of our country's rectification of the lawyer team and becoming a legal counsel firm is to better promote the equality of everyone before the law. They should equally enjoy the rights endowed by the law and at the same time assume obligations."

"So in terms of legal protection, everyone has the same rights. Even a suspect who has been detained should have the right to apply for legal protection."

"I don't think my defense of Zhang Peilan will affect the reputation of our legal counsel."

After she finished speaking with a calm expression, she turned and walked out, and went straight out of the courtyard with the uncle and nephew of the Xiang family and the people from the investigation bureau who were standing outside.

Looking at her back, Gao Zhiyong felt that his breath was stuck in his chest, he couldn't get out, he couldn't get out, so he turned his head and shouted at the intern who was looking at each other: "What are you looking at, do you have nothing to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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