Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 583 Meeting

Chapter 583 Meeting
After walking a long way from the consultant's office, Zhou Niannian turned around and asked Xiang Wei, "You guys are so impulsive, aren't you afraid that Gao Zhiyong will retaliate against you?"

"After all, Gao Zhiyong has the final say on the consultant office. I'm just here on a business trip. When the time comes, I'll be returning to Kyoto."

Xiang Wei scratched his beard and said disapprovingly, "I totally agree with what Lawyer Xiao Zhou said. Everyone should be equal before the law."

"Suspects in custody should also have the right to be defended. What if he is wronged? Others can look at them emotionally, but lawyers don't."

"Lawyers should be more rational and objective. Well, such lawyers are more mature and prudent."

Zhou Niannian originally listened to the first half of the paragraph and admired his words very much, but when he finally heard him say the word mature and prudent, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Sure enough, Xiang Wei, who doesn't use idioms, speaks very well, but once he uses idioms, he will mess up.

However, what Xiang Wei said was more reasonable. After years of turmoil in Huaguo, the judicial system was almost paralyzed. Now that the judicial team has been reorganized, people's traditional concepts cannot be changed in a short time.

The original purpose of establishing Legal Moment was also to raise people's legal concepts and awareness.

But in the eyes of most people, they still feel that the suspects who have been detained by the Bureau of Investigation can basically be determined to be criminals, and they should not defend them.

It's as if people generally think that a person is a bad person, and a lawyer should not defend a bad person. If he defends a bad person, a lawyer becomes a bad person.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and glanced at Xiang Jingshan who had been silent all this time, "Do you think so too?"

Xiang Jingshan chuckled, "I don't think so much about Uncle Third, I just think that Lawyer Xiao Zhou is a good person, so what he said must be right."

Zhou Niannian smiled, Xiang's uncle and nephew, Xiang Wei's appearance was rough but his heart was delicate, and Xiang Jingshan's appearance was thick but his heart was simple and honest.

The three of them went to the investigation bureau, registered the relevant procedures, and met Zhang Peilan smoothly.

After being detained for nearly two weeks, Zhang Peilan lost a lot of weight.

Zhou Niannian could hardly connect the dark and thin woman in front of her with the plump and pungent Zhang Peilan she met four years ago when she first came to the countryside.

Seeing Zhou Niannian, Zhang Peilan, who had been sitting on the chair with her head down, stood up excitedly, her eyes were surprisingly bright on her thin face.

Zhou Niannian smiled at her and sat down opposite her.

Zhang Peilan's pale face was a little dazed, and she pursed her chapped lips for a moment, "Why are you willing to help me?"

Probably because she cried a lot these days, her voice was so hoarse.

Zhou Niannian thought about it seriously, and said calmly: "I am a lawyer, and I am willing to help anyone who needs legal help, not because of sympathy or pity for you."

Zhang Peilan's lips trembled, and she sat down in a daze, the hesitation and panic in her eyes gradually faded away.

When Zhou Niannian jumped in the Mengjiang Brigade, she often ran on Zhou Niannian, and even later stole the packaging bags from the Rainbow Factory for Zhang Dong to use.

She had done so many things, but Zhou Niannian was still willing to help her.

When she received the news from Meng Sanqiu, she was stunned for a long time, and she couldn't figure out why Zhou Niannian was willing to help her.

Could it be because of my begging that day?

She submitted an application to the investigation bureau to ask Zhou Niannian to defend her, and she was worried for a long time, fearing that Zhou Niannian was only playing a trick on herself if she refused, and also afraid that Zhou Niannian would laugh at herself when she saw her.

Deep down in her heart, she was even ready for Zhou Niannian to taunt her or pity her, but she never expected Zhou Niannian to be so calm.

"Thank you!" She looked up at Zhou Niannian and said seriously.

Zhou Niannian hooked her lips, "I'll say thank you after you get out of here."

Zhang Peilan's eyes suddenly burst into a strong light, can she still get out from here?
"You believe I didn't kill Zhang Dong?" She leaned forward excitedly.

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "It doesn't matter whether I believe you or not, the important thing is to make the judge believe you in court."

Xiang Wei, who was sitting on the left, patted the table excitedly, "What Lawyer Xiao Zhou said is so good, it's just rhetoric!"

Zhou Niannian rubbed her forehead with a headache.

"Third Uncle!" Xiang Jingshan gave Xiang Wei a broken look, feeling an urge to hear him use idioms in his life.

Zhou Niannian looked at Zhang Peilan seriously, "Since I have agreed to be your defense lawyer, I will do my best. I hope you can trust me and tell me the whole truth."

Zhang Peilan's eyes flashed, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Zhou Niannian looked at her calmly.

Zhang Peilan shook her lower lip, her eyes turned between Xiang Wei and Xiang Jingshan, she lowered her head, her voice was low but she insisted, "Can you ask them to go out first, I'm just talking to you about this."

Zhou Niannian looked at Xiang Wei and Xiang Jingshan, and nodded slightly.

"Well, it seems that we are going to return in vain." Xiang Wei shrugged and pulled Xiang Jingshan out.

The moment the door closed, Zhou Niannian heard Xiang Jingshan's heavy voice, "Third Uncle, please, don't use idioms, okay?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and shook her head, then turned to look at Zhang Peilan, "Now can you tell me what happened that night?"

Zhang Peilan nodded, probably thinking of what happened that day, her face turned pale, and she whispered after a while: "After Zhang Dong was released from prison, he came to harass Xiaoxin and me every two or three days."

"I hate him for putting all the crimes on me in spite of everything and not letting him in."

"That night, Zhang Dong climbed the wall into the yard and pried open the door of my house." Having said this, Zhang Peilan's body trembled, feeling a little agitated.

"Don't get excited, speak slowly." Zhou Niannian comforted her.

Zhang Peilan covered her face and calmed down for a while before continuing.

When Zhang Dong sneaked into the room, she was sleeping soundly with her daughter Xiaoxin in his arms. Zhang Dong suddenly threw himself on Zhang Peilan and tore off the clothes on her body.

Zhang Peilan woke up, struggling desperately, scratching and scratching at Zhang Dong, Zhang Dong slapped him angrily, and said viciously: "My daughter gave birth to me, why pretend to be a chaste and strong woman?"

"If I hadn't been a vegetarian in there for three years, would I have fallen in love with a woman like you?"

"You obey me obediently, and I promise to make you popular and spicy in the future, otherwise, I will come to tease you every day."

Shocked and frightened, Zhang Peilan struggled desperately.

At this time, Xiaoxin was woken up.

She watched a man press on her mother, who cried and yelled, and Xiaoxin burst into tears in fright.

Xiaoxin's sudden cry startled Zhang Dong and made him lose interest. Zhang Dong was so angry that he slapped Xiaoxin backhand, "Damn girl, why are you crying? Your father is not dead. "

(End of this chapter)

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