Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 589 Lawyer Xiao Zhou Is Still So Powerful

Chapter 589 Lawyer Xiao Zhou Is Still So Powerful
As soon as Zhou Niannian finished speaking, there were gasps in the courtyard.

The people brought by Zhang Lixian looked at each other and whispered to each other.

"Did she send Dongzi to prison?"

"Isn't it foolish? This woman looks to be in her early twenties. How old was she three years ago?"

"Hey, don't tell me, this woman looks familiar to me, she seems to be from Rainbow Factory." Someone in the crowd recognized Zhou Niannian.

When they heard that it was from Rainbow Factory, everyone believed it.

After all, it was no secret among their relatives and friends that Zhang Dong went to jail for what reason three years ago.

Zhou Niannian took the wooden stick and twirled it in his hand, "Your son died, and a white-haired person gave a black-haired person. It is indeed sympathetic, but sympathy and the bottom line of the law are two different things. I sympathize with you, but it does not mean that I can tolerate it. You hurt me."

She said and pointed the wooden stick at Zhang Lixian.

Zhang Lixian looked at her angrily, "You accomplice, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Niannian's brows turned cold, "The truth is, Director Gao told you all just now, and I'll say it again, I only do what a lawyer should do, and I have a clear conscience."

"If you can't understand and insist on forcing it, I, Zhou Niannian, am not a vegetarian."

As soon as the words fell, the wooden stick in her hand instantly broke into four small sticks of the same length, and fell to the bottom of Zhang Lixian's feet with a crackling sound.

Zhang Lixian jumped away in fright, and hid back.

Xiang Jingshan, who had just finished taking the photo, turned his head to see this familiar scene, and suddenly felt that his act of rushing in front of Zhou Niannian just now was a bit stupid.

After three years, how could he have forgotten that Lawyer Xiao Zhou was such a tough person, no, no, she is also a very tough person now.

Gao Zhiyong was also taken aback by Zhou Niannian's sudden movement.

He stared closely at the four neatly broken wooden sticks on the ground, and his eyes slowly shifted to Zhou Niannian's hand that was casually hanging beside him. quarter.

How did she do it?Lian Jiazi can't do it, can he?

Gao Zhiyong shook his shoulders momentarily, and the trainee lawyers behind him stared at Zhou Niannian after being stunned.

Lawyer Xiao Zhou is really too powerful.

After Zhang Lixian experienced the initial fear, he straightened his neck and shouted: "You are a little kung fu? Can you still kill us?"

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "I won't do anything against the law, but if you do it first, I don't mind self-defense."

She glanced at the people behind Zhang Lixian, then turned her head and said, "Report the case first, and then say that someone has come to our consultant's office to make trouble."

"Okay, Lawyer Xiao Zhou."

"I'll do it." There were several unanimous promises from behind at the same time, neat and loud.

Zhou Niannian turned around and took a look puzzled, but saw that everyone was staring at him.

Taking the wrong medicine?She blinked in confusion, then turned to look at Zhang Lixian again.

Zhang Lixian brought some relatives of the Zhang family and Uncle Zhang Dong's family behind Zhang Lixian. At that time, Zhang Lixian said that the person who took Zhang Dong's case was a young female lawyer. Everyone thought that women could hardly bear it. They might not dare to scare them a little bit. Take the case.

Unexpectedly, the reality was far from their imagination. Not only did the young female lawyer not turn pale from being frightened by them, she knelt down and begged for mercy, on the contrary, she suppressed them as soon as she made a move.

When they heard that Zhou Niannian asked people to report the crime, the common people were still afraid of places like the Investigation Bureau, and all of them changed their expressions.

If she was arrested by the Bureau of Investigation because of a disturbance, it would be a bit embarrassing to say it. Just now the female lawyer said that she would be compensated. It is not easy to make money these days.

"Lixian, let's discuss this matter in the long term." Someone came forward to persuade Zhang Lixian.

The relatives of the Zhang family stepped forward and pulled Zhang Lixian, "Lixian, this woman is not easy, let's go back and discuss it."

Zhang Lixian struggled to write it down, but he couldn't bear the strength of the people who came to pull him, and he dragged Zhang Lixian out in less than a moment.

The yard was instantly quiet.

The people in the consulting office looked at each other, never expecting that a farce would end like this after Zhou Niannian said a few words and made a movement.

Uh, how should I put it, they feel that Zhou Niannian, who is standing in the front right now, even though there are a few vegetable leaves hanging on his body, is still indescribably mighty, er, no, chic.

"Lawyer Zhou, shall we still report the case?" Seeing that everyone had left, the trainee lawyer asked nonuo, but instead of Gao Zhiyong, he subconsciously asked Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Report, contact the Bureau of Investigation. Zhang Lixian will not let it go so easily. Everyone should be careful before the trial begins."

She was talking about everyone, but her eyes fell on Xiang Wei and Xiang Jingshan.

Xiang's uncle and nephew nodded understandingly.

Gao Zhiyong muttered in a low voice, "I said this case can't be accepted, it's causing trouble."

Zhou Niannian patted the mud spots on his clothes, smiled and said to Gao Zhiyong, "Director Gao, thank you."

Gao Zhiyong was not in favor of taking this case in the first place. When Zhang Lixian pointed a stick at him just now, Zhou Niannian thought Gao Zhiyong would avoid it. Unexpectedly, not only did he not hide, but he even fought hard.

Zhou Niannian's impression of Gao Zhiyong changed a lot for a while.

Gao Zhiyong snorted, and made an excuse with an uncomfortable expression: "I'm not thinking about you, I'm thinking about the reputation of our consulting firm."

"I know, but I still want to thank you." Zhou Niannian said sincerely, looking at him with a smile, "So for the reputation of our consulting firm, are you willing to talk to me?"

Gao Zhiyong tore his clothes, glanced at the wooden stick at Zhou Niannian's feet, and walked towards his office with his hands behind his back, "Come in."

The corners of Zhou Niannian's lips curled up, and he waved his hands to everyone with a smile, "Go back and read the materials, don't just stand here."

The door of Gao Zhiyong's office was closed.

The interns in the yard looked at me and I looked at you. Suddenly, someone murmured, "Do you think it was Lawyer Zhou who convinced Director Gao, or Director Gao who convinced Lawyer Zhou?"

After a brief silence, everyone looked at each other and said in unison, "It must be Lawyer Zhou who convinced Director Gao."

Xiang Wei chuckled.

Immediately afterwards, director Gao's roar sounded in the office, "Are you all free and have nothing to do? Copy the rules of work in the office for everyone."

Everyone scattered like birds and beasts, and the yard became quiet.

Zhou Niannian looked at the livid Gao Zhiyong with a funny face, "In fact, you agree with my approach in your heart. What you object to is not that I take this case, but that you think the timing is wrong, right?"

Gao Zhiyong pursed his lips and looked at Zhou Niannian, "Sure enough, all the people from Kyoto are smart people. You look young, but your mind is very delicate."

"Since you can understand everything, why do you insist on taking this case now?"

(End of this chapter)

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