Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 590 Forward

Chapter 590 Forward

Zhou Niannian could somewhat guess Gao Zhiyong's thoughts.

She was sent by the Kyoto Advisory Office to guide the establishment of the Zezhou County Advisory Office. Zhou Niannian's main responsibility is to share the existing successful experience so that the Zezhou County Advisory Office can be established and run smoothly.

But Gao Zhiyong was different from her. Gao Zhiyong was sent by the provincial capital to be in charge of the consulting office. He needed to make the Zezhou County Advisory Office run smoothly as soon as possible so that the superiors could see his ability and achievements.

To put it bluntly, it was like an exam, and he needed to hand in a satisfactory answer as soon as possible.

So even if Gao Zhiyong knew that Zhou Niannian had done nothing wrong, he did not approve of Zhou Niannian taking Zhang Peilan's case at this time.

"Nowadays, people's awareness of rights protection is not strong enough, and their understanding of the work of lawyers is also very one-sided. We have just established. At this time, we should take some cases that can help ordinary people protect their rights and interests. This will help build our reputation." Gao Zhiyong tried Convince Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian did not agree with his point of view, "Zhang Peilan is also a member of ordinary people, so why not help her in order to establish a good reputation?"

Gao Zhiyong frowned, "Are you so sure that she is innocent? Have you ever thought about it, if she is still found to be a murderer in the end, what will we become?"

Speaking of this, Gao Zhiyong was a little agitated and couldn't help but patted the table, "Our consulting office will be considered as an accomplice helping to cover the murderer, do you know that?"

Zhou Niannian sighed, and asked calmly, "Do you think that based on the legal system of the public, even if I won this defense, they wouldn't think so?"

Gao Zhiyong was suddenly speechless.

What Zhou Niannian said makes sense. Judging from the current public's legal concept, even if Zhou Niannian wins in the end and the court acquits Zhang Peilan, the public will probably think that they are helping Zhang Peilan get rid of the crime and protecting her.

"Therefore, some things are not impossible, but must be done." Zhou Niannian looked at Gao Zhiyong calmly, "As legal practitioners, we should know the importance of doing."

"This is the significance of establishing a legal consultancy firm. Through our persistence, we can also promote the construction of the country's legal system and enhance the people's legal concept."

"Of course, as pioneers at the beginning, we are destined to face and endure more non-congregational affairs," Zhou Niannian shrugged, with a hint of self-mockery in his expression, "So Director Gao might as well ask himself if he is ready to be a Preparations for the walkers."

"I believe that the superiors sent you here, and naturally I also believe that you can be such a forward."

Preparations for the walkers?Gao Zhiyong's lips trembled, and he fell silent.

Zhou Niannian was not in a hurry to ask him to answer this question, but sat down opposite him.

Gao Zhiyong was silent for a long time before he sighed heavily, and said in a low voice, "You are right, there must always be someone who goes forward."

Zhou Niannian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Gao Zhiyong would not understand this truth, so she insisted on refusing to accept the case.

In that case, apart from looking for evidence outside, she would also have to spend time arguing with Gao Zhiyong, which was really exhausting.

Unexpectedly, Gao Zhiyong would agree with her point of view. It seems that he is not as pedantic as he appears on the surface, and Zhou Niannian's impression of him has changed again.

"Thank you, Director Gao, then I will formally borrow the Xiang family uncle and nephew from you." Zhou Niannian said with a smile.

Gao Zhiyong snorted angrily, "You have already borrowed it, how can I not let you use it?"

Zhou Niannian didn't care about his tone of voice, knowing that he was a good-looking person, she stood up and bowed slightly, "Then I'll get to work first."

Gao Zhiyong nodded, looked at Zhou Niannian's slender back, and murmured: "Such a small person has a lot of energy."

When Zhou Niannian returned to the office, all the interns sitting inside raised their heads at once, and all of them looked at Zhou Niannian with piercing eyes.

Zhou Niannian looked back at them in bewilderment, not understanding where they got excited.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Have you read all the documents?" She raised her eyebrows, and waved to Wei and Xiang Jingshan, "Go, go to the conference room to discuss the case."

Xiang Wei and Xiang Jingshan's eyes lit up, and they stood up in unison.

Because Xiang Jingshan got up too quickly, he even brought the chair he was sitting on backwards, which caused a burst of laughter.

The conference room is Gao Zhiyong's office, and he finally divided half of his office into a conference room.

Seeing Zhou Niannian come in with his nephew and uncle, Gao Zhiyong snorted, and went to the office next door with his hands behind his back.

Xiang Wei pulled up a chair and sat down, stroked his beard, and then gave Zhou Niannian a thumbs up, "Lawyer Xiao Zhou is really good, he won it smoothly."

Zhou Niannian was amused by his words, "Stop talking, let's sit down and talk about the case."

Xiang Jingshan quickly sat down and opened the notebook he had written down a whole page, "Lawyer Zhou, all the things you asked me to record and prepare are here."

Zhou Niannian took it over and looked at it. Xiang Jingshan recorded it in detail, and recorded their findings, possible inferences and evidence very clearly. It can be seen that his basic homework is very solid.

She tapped the table lightly with her hand, "Only these things are not enough, the most important point we haven't verified yet."

"The most important point?" Xiang Jingshan scratched his head and glanced at Xiang Wei, and the uncle and nephew shouted at the same time, "Zhang Dong's autopsy report."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "That's right, the autopsy report kept by the Investigation Bureau was done by a doctor in Jinchuan Town, and the conclusion is that Zhang Dong died of excessive bleeding after being hit on the head."

Speaking of this, she pointed to the size of the blood spot recorded in Jingshan, "What do you think is the estimated amount of bleeding for a blood spot as large as 300*500? Will this amount of bleeding cause death?"

Xiang Jingshan and Xiang Wei looked at each other, and Xiang Jingshan said, "I don't know much about this. I'll go to the hospital and ask a professional doctor later."

Xiang Wei thought of another point, "So you suspect that this may not be the real cause of Zhang Dong's death?"

Zhou Niannian nodded.

Xiang Wei scratched his beard, feeling a little distressed, "This is troublesome. If we propose to re-do an autopsy on Zhang Dong, the Zhang family will definitely not agree."

The current judicial procedures are not so perfect. After the Jinchuan Town Investigation Office completed the autopsy report, it returned Zhang Dong's body to his family.

I heard that the Zhang family had already buried Zhang Dong. Even if they hadn't, according to the Zhang family's attitude towards Zhou Niannian in the morning, they would definitely not agree to give Zhang Dong a new autopsy report.

"So this is a bit tricky. We have to produce enough evidence to question the cause of Zhang Dong's death before the Bureau of Investigation will apply for a new autopsy."

Zhou Niannian pondered for a while while holding Xiang Jingshan's report, and said, "Jingshan goes to the hospital and makes a report on Zhang Dong's cause of death analysis and suspicious points to you, Third Uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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