Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 594 Doubtful

Chapter 594 Doubtful
Zhou Niannian was puzzled by the intermittent sound coming from the grave, but now he realized that it was because Ah Liang had consumed too much spiritual energy.

She stroked Ah Liang's colorful feathers, and couldn't help but sighed, "Why is it so stupid? We will find a way to solve this matter, why waste our spiritual power?"

Yuanyuan looked distressed at A Liang who had fallen asleep, "A Liang said that this method is the fastest method, and it will save you from a lot of disturbance in the future."

That's true, Zhou Niannian sighed, "Why are you here today?"

Yuanyuan probed over to comb Ah Liang's feathers with her small mouth, and then said: "This is very close to the back mountain of Mengjiang Village. Ah Liang said that she sensed your breath, so we came here to take a look. I didn't expect Also helped."

"Ah Liang is like this, how long will it take to recover?" Zhou Niannian asked worriedly.

Yuanyuan thought for a while, "At least half a year."

Xiang Jingshan called Zhou Niannian over there. Seeing this, Yuanyuan put Ah Liang on her body, and she held Ah Liang's neck with her mouth, "Go and do your work first, I will take Ah Liang back first."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Okay, I'll see you when I have time."

She watched Yuanyuan fly away with some difficulty, then turned around and walked back slowly, and asked Xiang Jingshan, "What's wrong?"

Xiang Jingshan whispered: "The body has come out, there is no change, did you think he really appeared just now?"

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, and he said vaguely, "Maybe, it's hard to talk about this kind of thing."

Xiang Jingshan stared at the corpse curiously again, but he was very courageous, showing no sign of fear, and he still pulled Xiang Wei to mutter from time to time.

With the help of two forensic doctors, Zhang Dong's body was quickly packed, and the investigation bureau staff helped to fill it back with soil.

The group returned to Zezhou County, waiting for the forensic autopsy results.

The forensic doctor had to conduct an autopsy first before further examination, and it was already a week later when the examination results came out.

The forensic examination concluded that Zhang Dong died of a heartbeat loss.

The so-called heartbeat drop is a kind of heart tremor caused by strenuous exercise or other behaviors, which will cause the heartbeat to be unstable and stop beating.

The doctor said that if this situation is discovered in time and rescued in time, there is still hope for rescue, but when Zhang Dong fell ill, Zhang Peilan was hiding in the house in fear, not knowing that Zhang Dong had asked her for help.

Zhang Dong's posture before his death should be that he wanted to reach out to knock on the door and ask Zhang Peilan for help.

As for the reason why Zhang Dong's heartbeat fell off, the doctor couldn't give a definite conclusion. He only said that it might have something to do with Zhang Peilan's beating on the head and bleeding.

Holding the forensic autopsy report, Zhou Niannian fell into deep thought.

"From this point of view, Zhang Dong's death has something to do with Zhang Peilan." Xiang Jingshan murmured.

Xiang Wei nodded, "It's just related, not the direct cause of his death, so there is still room for defense."

"Lawyer Zhou, what do you think?" Seeing that Zhou Niannian hadn't spoken for a long time, Xiang Wei turned to ask her.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses, "It's a bit tricky."

The Xiang family's uncle and nephew looked over at the same time.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, "The forensic doctor can't give a clear conclusion whether Zhang Peilan's beating Zhang Dong caused the heartbeat to drop off, but only said it was possible."

Xiang Jingshan scratched his head in confusion, "Yes, it may be, or it may not be."

Xiang Wei suddenly came to his senses, his expression changed slightly, "Xiao Zhou's lawyer said suspect crime?"

"That's right." Zhou Niannian sighed, "In our country, there is no clear definition of whether to suspect crimes or never, so this point is very tricky."

Although there is no clear definition of whether there is no suspicion or no crime, but in the past few years, when the court judged the case, it would often adopt the suspicion.

The concept of true innocence was not defined until a few years later.

Xiang Jingshan's professional courses are very solid. When Zhou Niannian said it, he immediately realized it and looked at Zhou Niannian with a embarrassed face: "Then how should we defend?"

If the court adopts suspicion, then Zhang Peilan will be responsible for Zhang Dong's death. Although it is not a direct murder, it is also an indirect murderer.

In this way, Zhang Peilan could not be released.

Zhou Niannian was a little worried, "You all prepare your defense plan first, I will think about it myself."

Xiang Jingshan wanted to say something, but Xiang Wei teased him, signaling him to go out first.

Nephew Xiang's uncle went out, Zhou Niannian sat quietly for a long time, tapping her fingers on the table unconsciously, after a long time she had an idea in her mind, got up and went out.

She went to Gao Zhiyong's office and made a call.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a hearty female voice rang out, "Hello, Legal Moment Newspaper."

Zhou Niannian smiled softly, "Wu Xuan, it's me, Niannian!"

Wu Xuan's scream sounded from the other end of the phone, "Ah! Nian Nian, you are heartless, you just went on a business trip not long after you got married, leaving me alone in the capital, how boring."

Zhou Niannian moved the phone to the side and teased her: "You are still boring, with Officer Yang accompanying you, you are living a sweet two-person world, do you still think of me?"

Wu Xuan was a little embarrassed by her teasing, and the two of them laughed and quarreled before returning to the main topic, "... What can you do to call me?"

Zhou Niannian explained to Wu Xuan, ".I really have no choice but to do this first. You should know what to do, right?"

Wu Xuan snapped her fingers on the other end of the phone, "Don't worry, we are all familiar with this matter, but I think this opportunity is good, I will go to Zezhou in seven or eight days, and I will collect more materials then. "

"What are you doing in Zezhou?" Zhou Niannian was surprised.

Wu Xuan on the other end of the phone paused, and then said: "Well, Yang Jiarui and I are getting married, so we have to go back to see his parents."

"Good thing." Zhou Niannian was really happy for Wu Xuan's arrival, "When are you coming? Let me know after buying the tickets, and I'll pick you up at the station when the time comes."

"Yang Jiarui is still asking for leave from his unit. I'll tell you when he asks for leave. Don't worry, I'll do what you told me first." Wu Xuan readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know if the method is feasible or not, but since she took this case, she must try her best.

Gao Zhiyong came in from the outside, saw Zhou Niannian staring at the phone in a daze, and asked, "Have you figured out a way?"

Zhou Niannian shook his head slowly, "I thought of a method, but I don't know if it will work. Does Director Gao have any good ideas?"

Gao Zhiyong had heard about the current situation from the Xiang family's uncle and nephew outside just now, and he sat down with a serious expression on his face, "This matter is indeed a bit tricky, unless we can produce strong evidence to convince the court, but this is very difficult. Disaster."

"And one thing you have to be very clear about is that there is no precedent for never suspecting a crime before. Even if we present strong evidence to convince the court, the final result may not be satisfactory."

 I found out in a document before that there is no clear definition of whether there is no suspicion or no crime in the early stage. Most of them will choose to have no suspicion, so I will write it like this here. It may be a bit far-fetched. Please don’t spray me!

(End of this chapter)

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