Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 595 Another Move

Chapter 595 Another Trick

Zhou Niannian didn't know that what Gao Zhiyong said was true.

She sighed, "There is always a precedent for everything. If you want to break the rules, someone has to stand up first. Let's do our best."

Gao Zhiyong pondered for a moment, then tentatively asked: "How about we ask Director Zheng to see if we can find out the tone of the court?"

Zhou Niannian shook his head, "Director Zheng is in charge of judicial work, and the court is also within his scope of responsibility. Let's not make things difficult for him."

Gao Zhiyong frowned, and he also knew that his suggestion just now was inappropriate, so he just asked Zhou Niannian tentatively.

"I called my friend just now. She is the editor-in-chief of Kyoto Legal Moment. I asked her to help set off a discussion about whether there is no suspicion or no evidence, and invite some experts to demonstrate. If the court's time for the trial is not correct It's too early, I think we still have a good chance of winning."

Gao Zhiyong's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Legal Moment is the most authoritative newspaper on the law in our country. You have a good idea, if"

When he said this, he couldn't help standing up excitedly and wandering around the room, "If such an upsurge of discussion can really be set off, and finally change the definition of the law, then... then we can be regarded as contributing to the country's judicial construction. .”

The more Gao Zhiyong spoke, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help clenching his hands into fists.

It was the first time Zhou Niannian saw him so excited, he couldn't help but also laughed, "Yes, our case will become a milestone case by then, Director Gao, Zezhou Consultant will write it down in legal history A stroke of rich ink and color."

Gao Zhiyong rubbed his hands, and slowly eased his emotions, "Lawyer Xiao Zhou laughed, and I know that this matter is difficult, but as long as you can help, just ask, I will listen to you."

Zhou Niannian didn't expect Gao Zhiyong to be so cooperative, and smiled while holding his forehead, "Okay, then I'll be more polite, Director Gao."

Gao Zhiyong sat up straight and waved his hands, "You are being polite, it's all for the benefit of our consultants."

Zhou Niannian felt that the Gao Zhiyong in front of him was completely different from the Gao Zhiyong he had just met. In fact, Gao Zhiyong, as long as he identified his veins, he could cooperate well in handling things.

"By the way, I never asked you, what happened the day you brought back Zhang Dong's body? Why is the Zhang family so quiet recently? You didn't come to our consultant office to make trouble, and I heard that you didn't go to the investigation bureau to make trouble?" Gao Zhiyong asked Zhou Niannian curiously.

Zhou Niannian couldn't talk about what Ah Liang did, so she said a few vague words.

Gao Zhiyong was amazed again and again when he heard this, and said puzzledly: "Is there really a theory of apparitions in this world? But...but this is not scientific? The theory of ghosts should be absurd."

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

Ever since she met Ah Liang, she has always felt that the world is fantasy.

Ever since Ah Liang performed at Zhang Dong's grave that day, Zhang Lixian's mother-in-law was not normal when she returned home, and she kept talking about her son's appearance.

Zhang Lixian didn't know what was going on at first, but after asking the person who went there that day, he was dubious after hearing about it. Riwo stays at home and doesn't come out to make trouble anymore.

Zhou Niannian didn't expect Ah Liang to make such a brilliant move to stop the matter. I don't know if it counts as an outsider?

Speaking of Ah Liang, Zhou Niannian remembered that he hadn't spared time to visit Ah Liang since that day, so he decided to go to Mengjiang Village first before the time of Zhang Peilan's trial was fixed.

She took half a day to go to Mengjiang Village in the afternoon. When she went, most of the villagers were working in the factory. Zhou Niannian went straight up the mountain without disturbing anyone.

Seeing her, Yuanyuan happily flew around her twice, "Nian Nian, you're finally here, Ah Liang is in seclusion again, I'm so bored by myself."

Zhou Niannian held her in the palm of his hand, and stroked her white feathers with a smile, "How is Ah Liang recovering?"

Yuanyuan sighed, "This is the second time Ah Liang has exhausted her spiritual power. This time her recovery is a bit slow. It has taken so long and she has recovered less than [-]% of her spiritual energy."

"He came out of retreat this time, hoping to recover to [-]%?"

Zhou Niannian felt a little guilty, "Tell him, I will take him wherever he wants to play after he recovers."

"Okay, okay, take me." Yuanyuan fluttered her wings excitedly.

Zhou Niannian was amused by her cute appearance, and couldn't help but patted her wings, "Of course."

Ah Liang couldn't get out of the retreat for a while, so Zhou Niannian and Yuanyuan chatted for a while and then went down the mountain.

She went to Meng Sanqiu's house, but saw Meng Sanqiu's mother-in-law wiping tears at the door.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Niannian was taken aback, and hurriedly asked.

Seeing that it was Zhou Niannian, Mrs. Meng Sanqiu grabbed her and cried, "Niannian, you came just in time. You should go to Ershengtou Village. The goddamn Zhang family took Xiaoxin away, old man Take people to Ershengtou Village."

Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows, he said in the morning that Zhang Lixian and his wife had stopped at home, and they came out to play in the afternoon.

This is a trick that didn't work, so another trick?
"Auntie, don't worry, I'll go and have a look." She patted Mrs. Meng Sanqiu on the arm, and trotted all the way to Ershengtou Village.

When they ran to Ershengtou Village, the people led by Zhang Lixian were confronting the people brought by Meng Sanqiu.

"Surnamed Meng, this little girl is from our Zhang family. What does it have to do with your Meng family? Why are you robbing my family's child?" Zhang Lixian yelled at Meng Sanqiu with his arms crossed.

Meng Sanqiu was so angry that the pipe in his hand trembled, "Zhang Lixian, don't you feel bad for saying this? This child belongs to your old Zhang's family? Huh? Have you ever raised this child?"

"How much abuse she and her mother suffered in your old Zhang's house, we don't even know if we look at it?"

Xiaoxin was strangled by Zhang Lixian's mother-in-law. She struggled desperately and called out to Meng Sanqiu for her grandfather. Zhang Lixian's mother-in-law pinched her hard, and Xiaoxin cried even harder.

"Woooooo, I want grandpa."

Zhang Lixian turned his head back and roared, "I am your grandfather, you bratty girl, who is calling you Grandpa?"

After finishing speaking, he slapped Xiao Xin, and five finger prints appeared on Xiao Xin's thin face, and the corners of his mouth were broken.

Meng Sanqiu was so angry that he threw a cigarette at him, "Zhang Lixian, has your conscience been eaten by a dog? How could you be so scared to kill such a small child?"

While cursing, he rushed over to snatch Xiaoxin, but before he could take a step, someone grabbed his arm.

Meng Sanqiu turned around angrily, but met Zhou Niannian's bright eyes.

"Niannian? Why are you here?"

Zhou Niannian shook his head at him, signaling him not to be angry, then turned around and glanced at Zhang Lixian, and asked loudly, "Are you planning to raise Xiaoxin from now on?"

(End of this chapter)

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