I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 167 First Love 07

Chapter 167 First Love 07
He Qingshan turned off the lights in the maintenance department: "It's getting dark soon, let's go, I've already made a reservation."

Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia consciously walked ahead, leaving room for Yan Xi to get together with his old classmates.

He Qingshan also walked two steps faster, naturally he would not disturb.

Instead, the flowers are scattered at the end.

Yan Xi and Yin Zimo were forced to walk together like this, without saying a word.

Yan Xi has always been reticent, and since they haven't seen each other for many years, they are no longer young, so there is nothing to talk about.

Yin Zimo was nervous and didn't know what to say.

He Qingshan was worried for the two of them. Although this eldest nephew seldom talked, he was quite good at chatting. Why is he silent now?

When we reached the underground parking lot, only Yan Xi and Zhuang Xiaoxia didn't have a car, and everyone else drove to work.

"Xiaoxia takes Piao Piao's car, and Yan Xi takes Zimo's car." He Qingshan has already allocated them.

"I'm more used to riding in your car." Yan Xi glanced at He Qingshan, opened the door, and sat in the back seat.

He Qingshan was stunned, could it be that he was out of order?
Yin Zimo panicked, Yan Xi refused to take his car, did he deliberately keep a distance from him?
"What's wrong?" Ye Piaopiao saw the strange expressions on the faces of the aunt and nephew.

"It's okay, let's go. Zimo, go to Binfen Square." He Qingshan winked.

Yin Zimo heaved a sigh of relief. He waited for too long. Maybe he was too impatient. After all, he had been separated from her for many years. Time was too terrifying and ruthless. It could almost destroy everything. He couldn't expect her to still like him. She still hasn't forgotten him today. Already the tolerance of time.

Several cars drove out of the parking lot and headed for the colorful square.

He Qingshan was driving, and through the rearview mirror, he glanced at Yan Xi in the back seat from time to time.

"Drive seriously." Yan Xi noticed He Qingshan's gaze.

"Yan Xi, how do you feel when you see your old classmates?" He Qingshan decided to test his words first.

"What do you think?" Yan Xi threw the question back.

"Hehe, how do I know you. Zimo seems to be very happy, did you have a good relationship in middle school?" He Qingshan thought to himself, it's not good that you have fallen in love early?
"Don't you already know?" Yan Xi asked back.

"Hehe, how do I know." He Qingshan still laughed.

The colorful square is not far away, and it will be there in ten minutes.

He Qingshan booked a Korean restaurant, the environment is relatively quiet, today is not a weekend, there are not many customers.

After Yan Xi sat down, Yin Zimo exhausted all his courage and sat on her left.

Even an idiot can see what this move means.

Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia looked at Yin Zimo with surprised eyes.

Receiving the eyes of the two, Yin Zimo's eyes flashed, and his face was a little red.

Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia looked at each other, conveying a message, ambiguous.

Sitting directly opposite Yan Xi, Hua Cuo pushed the menu card to Yan Xi: "Yan Xi, order."

"Order, you're better at it." Yan Xi pushed the menu card back.

"What do you want to eat?" Hua Cuo asked everyone without delay.

"You order everything that tastes good." Zhuang Xiaoxia is a foodie.

"I've lost weight recently, you should watch it." Ye Piaopiao drank half a glass of water, feeling a little full.

"I'm free." Yan Xi said.

"I'm free too." Yin Zimo continued.

Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia looked at Yin Zimo in unison again.

This time Yin Zimo calmed down a lot. Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia are her colleagues and friends, so he shouldn't be embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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