I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 168 First Love 08

Chapter 168 First Love 08
"It's all free, Yan Xi and Zi Mo are not picky." He Qingshan came out to make trouble again, in fact, he didn't know whether Zi Mo was picky or not, he only knew that Yan Xi was not picky.

"Really?" Hua Cuo looked down at the menu and replied casually.

He Qingshan ignored Hua Cuo and continued to make trouble: "Yan Xi seems to live in the East District, not far from Zimo's house, did you go to school together before?"

"Well, the school bus passed my house first, and then Yan Xi's house. We are... at the same table." Yin Zimo glanced at Yan Xi quietly, she was so calm that he was confused.

"At the same table? At that time, Yan Xi will definitely be drowned in saliva." Zhuang Xiaoxia said casually while holding an appetizer.

"Why?" Yin Zimo asked puzzled.

"Because you have the potential of being a school girl, you must have received a lot of love letters. Yan Xi is so gentle and quiet, he must have been bullied by girls a lot." Zhuang Xiaoxia said inarticulately while eating her appetizer.

Yan Xi's lips twitched.

Yin Zimo looked at the people around him instantly. At that time, he did receive many love letters, but he didn't read any of them and threw them all away. He was so careless that he didn't know if Yan Xi was being bullied, but at that time Yan Xi Not as quiet as now, but a bit arrogant, without any special friends and classmates. At that time, he was secretly happy because of this, thinking that she only liked being with him.

"Yan Xi, were you bullied at that time?" Zhuang Xiaoxia really asked curiously.

"You're thinking too much." Yan Xi's face was darkened.

"Zhuang Xiaoxia, eat yours! Only a weakling like you will be bullied!" Ye Piaopiao kicked Zhuang Xiaoxia secretly, and the cousin spoke without thinking.

"Hehe, although Yan Xi looks easy to bully, but how can Yan Xi be bullied if he is so smart." Zhuang Xiaoxia laughed dryly.

"Yan Xi is so smart, but Zi Mo is not bad. When he was studying, he always ranked first in the exams." He Qingshan praised his nephew again, and he was telling the truth.

"No, most of the time it is Yan Xi who comes first in the exams. Yan Xi gets full marks in mathematics and physics almost every time." Yin Zi said hastily, her academic performance has always been excellent, and he worked very hard to catch up with her.

"Same table, learn from each other." He Qingshan laughed.

"Why didn't you get into the same university?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked. Yan Xi got into Jingyang University, a famous university in China, but unfortunately he was expelled.

Yin Zimo's expression was gloomy. He left Yan Xi back then and went abroad to study after graduating from middle school.

Seeing Yin Zimo's abnormal expression, Zhuang Xiaoxia knew that she had said something wrong and had something to hide.

"My parents didn't want me to be too far away from home, so I chose a school in the city." Yan Xi explained.

"Zimo often went to Jingyang University's medical school to study when he was young. After graduating from middle school, the whole family wanted him to study abroad, so he went abroad to study." He Qingshan said that this nephew was already very good when he was young.

"I almost forgot that you are a doctor, Dr. Yin, I will come to you when I am sick." Zhuang Xiaoxia was a little embarrassed, and could understand that medicine is different from other majors.

"I don't want you to come to the hospital to look for me." Yin Zimo smiled.

"That's it, that's it." Zhuang Xiaoxia looked embarrassed. What she said just now was wrong and wrong. After all, no one wants to be sick.

Hua Cuo has been silent all the time. During the chatting of several people, he has finished ordering and asked the waiter to place the order.

(End of this chapter)

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