I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 205 Inspection Project 05

Chapter 205 Inspection Project 05
Yan Xi took two steps away and answered the phone.

"Yan Xi, are you off work?" Hua Cuo made a phone call when he had nothing to do.

"Not yet, I'm in the outskirts of the southern district, what's up?" Yan Xi revealed the location intentionally or unintentionally.

"Why are you on the outskirts of the Southern District?" Hua Cuo asked in bewilderment.

"The construction site of the Longshan Waterfront Project was inspected together with the staff of Tianyi Design, and Mr. Yun was also there." Yan Xi once again revealed someone intentionally or unintentionally.

"Yun Su is here too? By the way, he can take you home."

"No, I'll take the company's car back."

"Is the president here?" Hua Cuo tentatively asked, as Yan Xi, as a clerk and secretary, shouldn't need to go out to inspect the construction site.

"Yes." Yan Xi lowered his voice and saw his boss approaching.

"Oh, see you tomorrow." Hua hung up by mistake and immediately dialed another number.

It was already past the off-duty time, so Gu Jinluo asked the staff to get off work.

The staff of Tianyi Design were leaving get off work, and Yun Su, as the director, said goodbye to Gu Jinluo politely.

"President Gu, take your leave."

"Director Yun, go slowly." Gu Jinluo didn't intend to leave, he wanted to stay for a while.

However, Yun Su had no intention of leaving, but looked at Yan Xi.

"Miss Yan, I'll take you home." Yun Su was not a request, but a statement, just a wrong instruction.

Yan Xi looked at Yun Su and saw that his face was expressionless, he probably didn't do it voluntarily, but ordered it by mistake.

Gu Jinluo's face changed slightly. When did she get to know Yun Su well enough to send her home?

"Don't bother Director Yun, I will take her home." Gu Jinluo's tone was light, but there was no doubt about it.

Yun Su didn't speak, but just looked at Yan Xi. He was not asking for Gu Jinluo's opinion, but for the person's opinion.

"Thank you, don't bother Mr. Yun, I'll take the company's car back." Yan Xi politely refused.

"Miss Yan, be careful on the way and say goodbye." After finishing speaking, Yun Su left.

Gu Jinluo narrowed his eyes, Yun Su walked so indifferently and decisively, but he couldn't guess Yun Su's meaning.

The employees are leaving in a hurry, and the sun is about to set.

Gu Jinluo didn't intend to leave yet, and looked at her questioningly.

"Don't you want to go?" Yan Xi looked at the time on his watch, it was at least 10 minutes' drive from the city.

"Why did Yun Su send you home?" Gu Jinluo was very puzzled, but luckily she knew how to refuse.

"You can ask Mr. Yun." Yan Xi refused to answer. This matter has nothing to do with the boss, so the boss doesn't need to worry too much.

"Yun Su is just an outsider. I ask you to prove that I trust you." Gu Jinluo already regarded her as one of his own from the bottom of his heart, and hoped to be as honest as possible with each other.

"You don't have to trust me." Yan Xi didn't care, she didn't need Gu Jinluo's trust.

"..." Gu Jinluo felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him. He sent it to her with all sincerity, but she abandoned it like walking shoes.

Seeing his gloomy face, Yan Xi explained: "Because there is no conflict of interest between you and me, there is no question of trust or disbelief."

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo's complexion still didn't improve. When she talked about benefits, she still treated him as an outsider.

"Are you going to take me home?" Yan Xi asked, just now he said to take her home, otherwise it would take a long time to get out of the village, and it would be difficult to hail a taxi on the road.

Gu Jinluo was taken aback for a moment, then said, "Of course."

Following the faint afterglow, the two left the shore of the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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