I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 206 Inspection Project 06

Chapter 206 Inspection Project 06
The driver was already waiting and saw that the female assistant was still there, so he asked, "President, are you going back to the company?"

"Go to Tianhe Xiaoyuan in the East District, no, go to Baili Restaurant on Yingbin Avenue." Gu Jinluo remembered having dinner with her there before.

The driver glanced at Yan Xi quietly, the president went to the restaurant for dinner, so what about the female assistant?He didn't dare to ask more questions, just drove.

Yan Xi heard what his boss said, why did he go to Baileys Restaurant?But Baili Restaurant is not far from her home.

After returning to the city, the sky had already darkened.

"The house you live in is not very safe." Gu Jinluo suddenly remembered that the house she lived in had many hidden dangers.

"Really?" Yan Xi didn't think so.

"Have you thought about changing the house?" Gu Jinluo asked, if it was because of financial reasons, he could advance her annual salary so that she would have no reason to resign.

"No." Yan Xi's answer was clear enough.

"..." Gu Jinluo swallowed all the words he had prepared, and he planned to increase her monthly salary, but now he won't!

The driver who was driving was startled when he heard it. His comprehension ability was limited. From what he heard, the CEO wanted to buy a villa for this female assistant!

When we arrived at Baili Restaurant, the driver saw that it was just an ordinary restaurant. With the status of the president, how could he come here to eat?

Gu Jinluo asked the driver to leave work, and called the driver at home to pick him up.

After the driver left, Gu Jinluo said, "I'll have dinner with you."

"You don't have to have dinner with me." Yan Xi was very puzzled, why did the boss have dinner with her?

Gu Jinluo's face turned dark, why couldn't she appreciate his kindness: "It's late, let's have dinner together by the way."

Since the boss is willing, Yan Xi has no reason to refuse, since she wants to have dinner anyway.

The two entered the restaurant. Due to the peak dining period, the first floor was already full, so they went to the second floor and chose the last seat.

"What do you want to eat?" Gu Jinluo handed her the menu card.

"I'm not picky, you can order." Yan Xi returned the menu card to him.

"You order." Gu Jinluo returned the menu card to her again, asking the lady to order food is not only elegant, but also can understand her taste, so he can order next time.

Yan Xi ordered a few light dishes at random, and asked the waiter to place the order.

"Do you like light food?" Gu Jinluo's eyes moved slightly. She had similar tastes to him.

"I don't care, but your stomach doesn't seem to be in good shape, you'd better eat light." Yan Xi put the menu aside.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo was inexplicably moved. Did she care about him?
Yan Xi picked up the water glass to drink water, he didn't drink water all afternoon, he was a little thirsty.

"Do you often come here for dinner?" Gu Jinluo wanted to know her better.

"It's the second time." Yan Xi put down the water glass. When he came for the first time, the boss was there.

"Can you cook?" Gu Jinluo asked again. She lives alone, so she probably rarely cooks after get off work. Maybe she doesn't know how to cook. Among all the women he knows, Yixue is probably the only one who can cook. Now Few women can cook.

"I can make it for myself." Yan Xi took out his mobile phone to play with. Others probably wouldn't be able to eat it, even she herself thought it was not very tasty.

"Then do you often cook?" Gu Jinluo was a little surprised, she could cook, which is so rare.

"Occasionally." Yan Xi connected to the store's Wi-Fi and downloaded a new game.

"Where do you usually go for a run?" Gu Jinluo asked, remembering that running was filled in the hobby column on her resume.

"At home." Yan Xi clicked into the game.

(End of this chapter)

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