I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 226 After Tooth Extraction 06

Chapter 226 After Tooth Extraction 06
"Alright then, you go take a shower and I'll clean it up." Hua Cuo cleaned up the bowl naturally.

"I'll just pack it up, it's late, you go home early." Yan Xi said immediately.

"It's okay, I won't go to work tomorrow morning." Hua Cuo got up and walked to the kitchen, skipping work openly in front of her boss's boss's boss.

Gu Jinluo's heart was suddenly extremely depressed, not because of Hua Cuo's skipping work, but because of Hua Cuo's actions, Hua Cuo was very casual and considerate at her house, without any courtesy that a guest should have.

"Mr. Gu, are you still hungry?" Yan Xi looked at him, he only ate a bowl of custard.

Full of anger, Gu Jinluo calmed down and asked solemnly, "Does Huacuo come to your house often?"

"No." In fact, she didn't know whether Hua Cuo used to come to her house often. Uncle Zhou said that Hua Cuo was downstairs at the beginning of the year, and she didn't know Hua Cuo at that time.

"Don't you think Hua Cuo is strange?" Gu Jinluo asked, Hua Cuo is very skilled, even Mu Ge is not Hua Cuo's opponent.

"How strange?" Yan Xi quite agreed with this point.

"The origin is unknown, and the motive is not pure." Gu Jinluo reminded intentionally or unintentionally, Hua Cuo didn't need to be a computer repairman in the company at all.

"Then you can fire him directly." Yan Xi suggested.

"I mean his motives for you are impure." Gu Jinluo said in a deep voice, did she really understand?

"You're worrying too much, even if it's as you said, I don't bother you to care." Yan Xi said, Hua Cuo's origin was indeed unknown, and she didn't know Hua Cuo's intention of approaching her.

Gu Jinluo was a little angry, how could he not care, when he was about to say something, he saw the wrong flower.

"Yan Xi, do you still have garbage in your house? I threw it away when I went down." Hua Cuo stood at the kitchen door, holding a bag of garbage in his hand.

"No, thank you." Yan Xi looked back at him.

Gu Jinluo frowned, Hua Cuo's way of getting along with her was very easygoing, making him seem like an outsider.

Hua took a wrong look at Gu Jinluo, and said with a half-smile, "Mr. Gu, do you want to go down together?"

Gu Jinluo didn't respond to Hua Cuo, but looked at Yan Xi and said, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye, be careful on the road." Yan Xi got up and went to open the door for the two of them.

Hua Cuo walked to the door and smiled at her: "Good night."

Gu Jinluo looked at her, but couldn't say good night, and finally said softly, "Go to bed early."

"You too." Yan Xi did it purely out of politeness.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo's mood eased a little, and he left.

Gu Jinluo and Hua Cuo left together, the two were silent all the way until they reached the third floor.

"Mr. Gu seems to be very concerned about the secretary." Hua Cuo took off his friendly mask and spoke sharply.

"Aside from the relationship between superiors and subordinates, why can't I care about my friends? Moreover, Mr. Hua Cuo seems to care about my secretary very much."

"As Yan Xi's friend, of course I care about her." Hua Cuo said naturally.

"Just friends?" Gu Jinluo expressed doubts.

"Otherwise, what else do you think?" Hua Cuo asked back.

"Only you know this." Of course, Gu Jinluo would not easily believe Hua Cuo's words.

"Actually, I'm just her friend. If she has a boyfriend she likes and is suitable for, I will be happy for her." Hua Cuo said.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo was a little perplexed, and couldn't guess the truth of Hua's wrong words for a moment.

"But obviously, she doesn't like you, and you're not suitable for her." Hua Cuo said coldly, perhaps because of some kind of psychology, he was very upset with people like Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge.

"Some things are not up to you." Gu Jinluo's eyes darkened, she just didn't like him yet, and as for whether he was suitable, it wasn't Hua Cuo's turn to place her beak, Hua Cuo was too self-righteous.

Hua Cuo does not deny that he cannot control her life, and he will try not to affect her life.

"Do you know Yin Zimo?" Hua Cuo asked suddenly.

"Her first love?" Of course Gu Jinluo knew about it and was still deeply impressed.

"It seems that you also know that she may like Yin Zimo, and Yin Zimo seems to be very suitable for her..." Hua Cuo's voice was very soft, as if she was talking to herself.

Gu Jinluo frowned slightly. Judging from the lunch at noon the day before yesterday, she was indeed very easy-going towards Yin Zimo. If she wasn't intimate, how could she be easy-going.

Going downstairs, the trash can is about five meters in front.

Hua Cuo waved his hand and threw it, and a bag of garbage fell into the trash can without error.

Seeing this, Gu Jinluo said appreciatively, "You're good at it."

"I believe you are not bad." Hua Cuo walked to the car, opened the door and entered.

Gu Jinluo also got into the car, started the car and left.

The two cars drove out of Tianhe Xiaoyuan and parted ways.


(End of this chapter)

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