I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 227 After Tooth Extraction 07

Chapter 227 After Tooth Extraction 07
Tuesday, nine o'clock in the morning.

"Yan Xi, your landline rang yesterday morning. It was the CEO looking for you. Why didn't you go to work?" Zhen Ni was always so enthusiastic.

"Go to the dentist." Yan Xi didn't want to talk.

"What happened to the teeth?" Jenny asked with concern.

"Pull wisdom teeth." Yan Xi took the water cup and went to the tea room to pour water.

There was a trace of resentment in Zhen Ni's heart, and Yan Xi's alienation and indifference seemed to show that she was being sentimental.

Yan Xi returned to the office, turned on the computer, and waited for half an hour, but he didn't get the order from his boss, so he played games.

The mobile phone on the table vibrated, and an information notification sounded.

Yan Xi clicked on the message and saw the message from his boss: Does the tooth still hurt?
Yan Xi didn't bother to reply, the boss didn't need to care about her teeth so much.

After a while, there was another message from the boss: You don't have to work today, you can rest, but you can't skip work.

Yan Xi continued to play the game.

In less than 5 minutes, the boss sent another message: What are you doing?Why didn't you reply to my message?

Facing the text message bombardment from his boss, Yan Xi replied: What's the matter?
"I asked you what's the matter?" Gu Jinluo replied immediately. He asked her so many questions, but she didn't answer a single word!
"I'm fine." Yan Xi replied instantly, and then continued playing the game.


Gu Jinluo in the office had nothing to say. He was very depressed about her perfunctory reply.

Until 11:30 noon.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Gu Jinluo's tone was a little colder than usual.

Lan Muge strode in. Obviously, today he changed his dressing style. He wore a simple white T-shirt, casual trousers, and a pair of sneakers. He looked handsome and energetic.

"What's the matter?" Gu Jinluo frowned.

"Yes, but it's none of your business." Lan Muge sat on the sofa naturally, and it almost became his leisure place.

"Then what are you doing in my office?" Gu Jinluo didn't show his expression, Mu Ge probably came to find Yanxi.

"To pass the time, you are working, don't worry about me." Lan Muge took out his mobile phone to play games, he has already reached the No.19 level.

Gu Jinluo pondered for a moment, then picked up her phone and sent a message: I approve your sick leave, you can go home and rest now.

Yan Xi replied: No need.

Seeing these three words, Gu Jinluo frowned. She is usually so active in skipping work, but now she doesn't need to take her vacation. Is she deliberately against him?

Gu Jinluo continued to send messages: You are approved for paid leave and reimbursed for your medical expenses.

Yan Xi replied: I am not sick.

Gu Jinluo quickly typed: As the boss, I order you to go home and rest immediately!
Yan Xi replied: Are you bored?
Gu Jinluo's face darkened: Why didn't you go home?

Yan Xi replied impatiently: You asked me to go to work, so I had to go to work, and now you asked me to go off work, what do you really want?
Gu Jinluo was taken aback for a moment, he was indeed wronged by what she said.

"A Luo, what are you doing?" Lan Muge noticed Gu Jinluo's actions, A Luo kept pressing his phone, his face changed again and again, is he really working?
"It's nothing, what are you doing?" Gu Jinluo calmed down, and Mu Ge was also playing with her mobile phone.

"Playing games." Lan Muge said, it seems that since knowing that Aluo can play games, Aluo has become a little strange.

"Are you still playing the last game? What level have you reached?" Gu Jinluo suddenly remembered that Mu Ge was also playing that game.

"No.19 level. Are you still playing?" Lan Muge asked. He still doesn't believe that Aluo likes to play games.

"Stop playing." Gu Jinluo said casually.

"Oh." Lan Muge understood, and he said how could A Luo be obsessed with playing games.

"Passing through the No.20 level cap, replaying is boring, now playing a new game." Gu Jin Luoyun said calmly.

"Have you passed the No.20 level?" Lan Muge thought he heard it wrong.

"It's just good luck." Gu Jinluo didn't care too much, but his tone couldn't hide his show off.

"How is it possible? Are you kidding me!" Lan Muge absolutely didn't believe it.

"Is it worth joking? If you don't believe me, see for yourself." Gu Jinluo clicked on the game, clicked on the game level, and showed the interface to Lan Muge.

Lan Muge got up and rushed over, staring at the screen of the phone with wide eyes, the shining level [-]!
"This is impossible, absolutely impossible!" Lan Muge couldn't accept it. He had played games for so many years, how could a rookie like A Luo surpass him?
Gu Jinluo didn't feel guilty at all, he enjoyed this overwhelming victory very much.

"Since when did you start playing games?" Lan Muge asked, he absolutely did not admit that A Luo was smarter than him!
"Just a while ago, I was just having fun." Gu Jinluo put away his phone, looking very casual.

"You look ugly!" Lan Muge left in a bad mood.

"Where are you going?" Gu Jinluo narrowed his eyes, staring at Lan Muge's back.

"Where am I going if you're so concerned?" Lan Muge stopped and looked back at Gu Jinluo.

"I'll treat you to lunch." Gu Jinluo looked at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.

"No, I have something to do." Lan Muge left anyway.

When the door was closed, Gu Jinluo frowned. Mu Ge had been changing his mind for so long. Why didn't Mu Ge change his target?
He has already decided to choose Yan Xi, and as Mu Ge pays more and more attention to Yan Xi, it will gradually turn out that he is deceiving Mu Ge.


(End of this chapter)

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