I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 228 After Tooth Extraction 08

Chapter 228 After Tooth Extraction 08
About to get off work, Lan Muge went to the administration department, but didn't go in, because she didn't want to attract unnecessary criticism for her.

At twelve o'clock, the employees of the administrative department are generally not in a hurry to get off work.

Yan Xi was the first to step out of the administration department.

"Hi, Yan Xi." Lan Muge was dressed in light-colored casual clothes, her hair was combed casually, her smile was bright, and she looked more friendly, like a big boy next door.

"Mr. Lan." Yan Xi took another look at him.

Usually, Lan Muge's clothes are very famous, very trendy, in simple terms, they are tall and classy.

"Do you want to go down?" Lan Muge was suddenly in a happy mood, and her eyes lingered on him for a while just now.

"Well, I'll be leaving first." Yan Xi walked towards the elevator.

"I'm going down too." Lan Muge walked to her side naturally.

Without squinting, Yan Xi went to the elevator door and waited.

The elevator door opened.

Tian Na was in the elevator and had just come down from the 29th floor. She was not surprised to see Yan Xi and Lan Muge, but she was a little surprised to see them standing together.

"Young Master Lan, Secretary Yan."

"Secretary Tian." Yan Xi walked into the elevator.

"Hi, Tina! Is Ah Luo off work?" Lan Muge also walked into the elevator and walked to Yan Xi's side naturally.

"Probably not yet. The president was still in the office when I left." Tian Na was puzzled, usually Lan Shao would take the special elevator, and probably wouldn't take the employee elevator.

After hearing this, Lan Muge didn't ask any more questions.

The elevator reaches the first floor.

Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia were waiting for Yan Xi in the lobby, when they saw her coming out of the elevator, they waved to her.

Yan Xi said, "My friend is waiting for me, so I'm leaving first. Secretary Tian, ​​Mr. Lan, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Tian Na replied politely.

"Goodbye." Lan Muge raised a sunny smile, seeing that her friends were all women, so she didn't get involved.

Tian Na glanced at Lan Muge. Not only did Lan Shao dress more friendly today, but his smile was also very... friendly.

Yan Xi left and went to Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia's side.

"Handsome and beautiful." Ye Piaopiao looked at Lan Muge and Tian Na who were not far away, and knew that Tian Na was the president's secretary, but he didn't know who that man was.

Zhuang Xiaoxia immediately put on her glasses, squinted her eyes, she was really handsome and beautiful, especially that man, who was very handsome and flamboyant.

"Yan Xi, your colleagues?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked, Yan Xi was talking to them just now.

"Women are, men are not. Let's go." Yan Xi left first.

"Today I spent the wrong time and didn't go to work. Yesterday morning he said he would invite us to dinner another day." Zhuang Xiaoxia was still thinking about it.

"Yan Xi, did you and Hua go to the dentist by mistake yesterday? What happened yesterday?" Ye Piaopiao asked, does going to the dentist need to deceive the boss that he went to city B?

"It's going to the dentist and then skipping work." Yan Xi summed it up in one sentence.

"Is it true that wisdom teeth have been pulled?" Zhuang Xiaoxia opened her eyes, hearing that tooth extraction is painful.

"Pull it out."

"Does tooth extraction hurt?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked curiously, why did Yan Xi seem to be fine.

"It didn't hurt when I pulled it out, but it hurt after I pulled it out." After taking painkillers, it got better, but it still hurts a little.

"Does it still hurt now?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked with concern.

"It hurts when I talk." Yan Xi tried to keep his voice as soft as possible.

"Then stop talking." Zhuang Xiaoxia said.

"..." Yan Xi was silent.

"After tooth extraction, I can only eat porridge, Yan Xi, what kind of porridge do you want to eat?" Ye Piaopiao asked, the weather is a bit hot today, so it's good to eat porridge at noon.


(End of this chapter)

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