I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 229 After Tooth Extraction 09

Chapter 229 After Tooth Extraction 09
Lan Muge returned to the 29th floor.

Gu Jinluo's heart was in a tangle. When he saw Lan Muge coming back, he couldn't react for a while.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Lan Muge glanced at Gu Jinluo, why did Ah Luo look at him like this?
"Why did you come back again?" Gu Jinluo didn't point out that Mu Ge must have gone to find Yan Xi, but she rejected her.

Lan Muge looked helpless, she couldn't meet Yan Xi for lunch, so she had to come back.

"By the way, is this Saturday your birthday?" Lan Muge remembered this matter.

"Yeah." Gu Jinluo was indifferent, it was his 27th birthday.

"Is there a birthday party this year?" Lan Muge asked, A Luo never held a birthday party.

"No, I want to go back to country Y." He had already promised his parents.

"Yixue and I plan to celebrate your birthday. Now country Y enters daylight saving time, here is 8 hours earlier than country Y, you can celebrate with us, and then fly to country Y. I can buy a flight route and send a special plane to send you You go back to country Y." Lan Muge had already planned it out, look, how much he attaches importance to A Luo's birthday.

"Need not."

"That's me being too sentimental? Don't you want a birthday present?" Lan Muge looked unhappy, and A Luo always pretended to be cold.

"You don't have to give it." Gu Jinluo said bluntly, the gifts that Mu Ge gave him every year were not normal gifts.

"I just want to give it away." Lan Muge had an idea in his heart. A Luo has been single for so many years, so he should send A Luo a roster. a gift.

"By the way, Yixue's promotional video for your company is out. It's very beautiful. Do you want to watch it?" Lan Muge asked jokingly.

"There are professionals in our company's publicity department." Gu Jinluo's answer was serious and boring.

"Ah Luo, let me tell you, you can't pursue a female friend. If you are already friends, you can't pursue her anymore, otherwise it will be very embarrassing after breaking up. If one party has no more love for the other party, it will be even more embarrassing." Blue Mu Ge pointedly reminded that Yixue obviously had unrequited love for A Luo, but A Luo was indifferent.

"Did you pursue a woman just to break up with her?" Gu Jinluo couldn't understand Lan Muge's theory.

"Well, who knows what will happen in the future, there will always be accidents." Lan Muge shrugged, not paying attention.

"I won't allow accidents to happen." Gu Jinluo suddenly thought that if he had already pursued Yan Xi, he would not break up with her. Now he has enough ability to grasp the future.

Hearing Gu Jinluo's tone that was determined to win, Lan Muge was a little surprised: "Huh? You have a girlfriend?"

"No." Not now, doesn't mean there won't be in the future.

"Would you like to introduce one to you?" Lan Muge had strange eyes, and A Luo had always been silent. In fact, he didn't know about A Luo's private life.

"No need." Gu Jinluo refused coldly. Even if he didn't have a date, he didn't need Mu Ge's introduction, let alone already had one.

"Without a woman, how will you get married in the future?" Lan Muge had already thought of the height of marriage, and yesterday his father actually instilled in him the idea of ​​marriage.

"You don't have to worry." Gu Jinluo took the car keys, got up and left.

"Would you like me to have lunch?" Lan Muge followed suit.

"No, I have something to go home." Gu Jinluo left.

Lan Muge was very depressed, he came here for nothing, now at noon, what can A Luo do to go home?

(End of this chapter)

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